Stoney Girl Gardens??? where to get the seeds???

I've done really well with Stoneys Seeds. They aren't as fast as they claim,, but are damn close.. This Crippled Rino is coming down today. After about 6 weeks of flower. The Black Dog and her Pups' . Outdoors,, she' needs another week or so,, but the rains and mold will dictate harvest time. The Pup was grown indoors. Keepem Greenpuppy1.jpg puppy.jpg bd2.jpg cr.jpg
so where can we getr these seeds? Stony Girl doesn't sell outside state dispensaries! I want some Cripit!

End of the line pop. We all been wait'in our turn - :mrgreen:...

Wife was just out there in OR. While she only went to a cpl of Disp., they said, "Who's beans?"
Cripit is one of my favorites. Yea they are hard to get seeds of.. Unless you live local. They even have Cripit on the cover of the Big Book of Buds #4
Here's acouple of what I have coming out now; Keepem Greengg4.jpg rdddd.jpg rddddd.jpg
I don't get out much myself............ First thing to go when you get old???? Your memory... I forget the second........ Naw WTF I still know my password........... I seen reference to mites..... I didn't see any on that... NOT saying the suckers can't have mites... Remeber treat ALL CLONES AS IF THEY DO HAVE MITES.... Only a fool woodn'd.......... I will be growing some of Stoney Girls again this summer.... I got a feeling I got hemp mites????? Last year... From them???? I ain't going to say is,,, or ain't... Just that it was MY FAULT... Oh well

Still Trying to crank out some good buddage here.... Alittle something in my drying nets...

45 years growing so far... And if the good lord gives me more..... I'll be there...... And if this don't make ya drool.... Your dead...... Keepem Green

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Been awhile since this thread was used but I do have 5 of Stoney Girls going again.. I lost my Cripit pheno, so I needed to re-up it. Still one of best plants I've grown in the PDX area. And a Sugar Plum, and a.. Always happens when I go to get one or two plants.. I overspend. 20 bucks a cut. But least I'll have my Cripit for another 3-4 years. And I wanted a Purple Pit. BTW Stoney Girls has afew more new strains they are working with.. The Mother Superior cut. She isn't supposed to be able to be pollinated even in the middle of a hemp field????? Of course a clone Only strain. But really might be of interest now that we are going to start having hemp fields blowing pollen around.. Outdoor crops could be in jeopardy? But just to say I'm still growing afew of their strains,, and probably will till I find a better and lets not say faster,,, but more timely crop to finish before Oct 1st..
Anyone really want to know if they are any good,,, come read my journal around Oct 1st. cripit.jpg sugar p.jpg purple pit.jpg mberry.jpg haze plum.jpg
Plodding along here... Plants have gotten kind of big already......... I'd be flowering if I was indoors.. But they just started on 100% natural sunlight.. No little extra at night to stop false flowering and that fun reveg......... But here's acouple.....

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I've grown it afew times over the years..... I get it in the last week of Sept before the local rains start. But did have a great terpene profile, came thru on that berry smell and had great bag appeal.. I've grown better weeds,, but she comes in a solid 7 on my scale. Better a good mature 7 than a early moldy 8+. But I did find acouple pic's from afew years back.
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@Frank Nitty there is a link to my journal in my signature if you want to come by my thread. Lot's of pictures and I keep it updated with my harvests mainly.....

But Like said,, I don't make rounds to often here. I'm posting here cus I hear alot of bad press... Sure the vendor might sound funny with the way they advertised,, flowering times are abit longer than they claim, but the genetics I've grown from Stoney Girls have been solid.
I've read afew lab reports on THC and THCA can hit 30+% in a perfect world........ Not that I've turned out 30? I don't test cept smoking,, and I've had some that people said was too strong for them????
But they are as good as the ones I've grown from overseas... Better, because most seeds from other vendors don't do well here....... Once rains start bud rott run rampant, and these genetics have been grown here in the PDX area for 15+ years...... Most everything they have has become well acclimated to the outdoors in the Portland area....... And these girls grow like weeds.. Seems I just uppotted them and they are ready for another already......