Yes this is true. In Belgium one can have small amounts of weed or hash for personal use. Even if one were caught with a small amount, the cops have to give it back to you. However, socially speaking, smoking weed is frowned upon, though I think people are perhaps more tolerant of weed use than in the USA, where, by the way, I have smoked some seriously good weed. But I have 2 problems:
1) I am a parent and civil servant, so I cannot get busted for growing, which remains illegal.
2) The most important issue is getting good and safe hash in the future.
I have only ever got my stuff from coffeeshops in Holland, going back to the 1970s. Those days are about to end because of Holland's creeping fascism. The Dutch government is banning all non Dutch residents from buying grass and hash legal in the future. That is why I have to build up a stash before the laws change for good. I won't buy from normal dealers, well, because I never have and think it is too risky. Sad state of affairs.
The real issue for me is: How can I store hash that will maximize secrecy and potency?
On the last issue, I've already answered that: In my opinion your best best is to find or create some private/secret freezer or refrigerator space.
On the first thing, hash/cannabis makes a lot of money for Holland, Amsterdam in particular, and I don't think "the powers that be" really want that business to disappear.
My understanding is that the Dutch are pretty serious about shutting down coffeehouses near the German and Belgian borders, because of rampant cross-border smuggling. So those probably will be policed and restricted for good. The Dutch authorities deliberately raided the High Times Cannabis Cup two months ago mainly to send a global message that they're going to be ramping up drug law enforcement and that the "party will be over".
As to the rest of the country, yes, on paper the Dutch are going to limit sales of cannabis to Dutch citizens only, but as a city Amsterdam is against this law and cannabis sales will still be permitted to tourists for at least another year.
By that point its entirely possible that the Dutch Christian Conservative gov't will rotate out of power, and the laws limiting cannabis sales to citizens only will be modified or suspended. If the ban creates an unruly black market for cannabis (which is a real possibility) the Dutch may decide that the older model worked better. Even if the new laws stick, ultimately its going to be a question of enforcement.
As it stands right now, many if not most of the Dutch coffeehouses constantly operate in violation of Dutch law, but so long as they don't make trouble, the Dutch authorities have been looking the other way. Its at least plausible that this type of behavior will continue in the future. Even if cannabis sales were legally restricted to pre-registered Dutch citizens, I have a sneaking feeling that the stuff will still be relatively easy to acquire by non-citizens anyway, albeit illegally or in some sort of gray-market.
Now, a true permanent ban against hash sales to non-Dutch citizens may be a problem. . .unless, of course you happen to be close friends with some Dutch who happen to be coffeeshop members.
I'd imagine you're probably already violating Belgian law by smuggling hash in from Holland. But if you're permitted to have small amounts of hash legally in Belgium anyway, then I don't see what the problem is. Just find a Belgian dealer you can trust, and buy from him in small quantities. If you're allowed to have the stuff anyway, there should be no legal exposure there. If you're really concerned about your station and reputation, then involve a trusted middleman so that you never have direct contact with the dealer.