Store weed in mason jars


New Member
Hey community,

how do you store your weed in a mason jar? Today my five ball mason quilted jars (4 oz) arrived and I'm insecure about the storage. You can see the jar in the attachment.
The jar has no rubber ring (Is it important?).

In the past I stored my weed in plastic bags and now I want to try something new. It's not important for me to store it a looooong time in the jar. It's only for daily use and I need to store it for about 1-3 month.

Do I have to vacuuming the jar? Or is it okay to just store the weed in the mason jar without vacuuming? In the case of not vacuuming it, is the storage in the plastic bag better for short term storage?

I love weed and I want the best for my buds, so please inform me.

And sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker and I'm not living in an english speaking country.


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If you are really concerned about long term degradation you could also look into the ball tinted jars. I have not tried these myself but the premise seems correct less light less degrading.
So you would always prefer the non-vacuumed mason glass compared to the plastic bag?


The lids on those jars have a seal. Look at the orange ring on the underside. I know they seal because I use the same jars and lids for canning. Screwing the outside ring on to the jar with the lid on will create an airtight seal. You do not need or want a vacuum. It's better to store your weed in a jar like that than a plastic bag.

Typical zip lock bags are somewhat permeable. Put a drug dog in a room that has the same pot in a bag and in a jar. So long as the jar is clean on the outside, it’ll be the survivor.
What if you eliminate the bag will the jar be found by the dog? Given the jar is clean.
I vac seal and feeeze mu weed.
If i jar it after 1 month it tastes shit. Peeps say it cures up well somes yes most i find in jars it fukin kills em sll yaste straw like.

I dry 8 days brown bag 5 days jar up 10 days burping and when i got it how i like i vac n seal n freeze. Weeds the same 1 year later.

If i freeze a jar they last 6 month oxygen degrades over time vac it out
Dog sniffers smell terpones not weed. Weeed has alot of terpines but theu wil go to sny strong turpine so use essencisl oils pine etc comon cnsnabis ones drip it allover random items and door ways they wil go for them before the weed if sealed. Experience with dogs
Hey community,

how do you store your weed in a mason jar? Today my five ball mason quilted jars (4 oz) arrived and I'm insecure about the storage. You can see the jar in the attachment.
The jar has no rubber ring (Is it important?).

In the past I stored my weed in plastic bags and now I want to try something new. It's not important for me to store it a looooong time in the jar. It's only for daily use and I need to store it for about 1-3 month.

Do I have to vacuuming the jar? Or is it okay to just store the weed in the mason jar without vacuuming? In the case of not vacuuming it, is the storage in the plastic bag better for short term storage?

I love weed and I want the best for my buds, so please inform me.

And sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker and I'm not living in an english speaking country.

For me, I cure in one quart Mason/Ball jars. If after cure I know the product will be used within six months, it stays in the jars. If not, I use my vacuum sealer to bundle one, two and four ounce bricks, and store them in the freezer.
Those symptoms indicate that you've dried improperly, and/or are not maintaining a proper level of humidity in the jars.
Jar here 62% weed is kick ass ppl kill for it bro. But if i keep it in jars and freeze half the frozrn vac bag tastes so good the jar tastes like crap
Recently trimmed my remaining summer crop and then jarred it into quart mason jars then after that stuck them all into a black 5 gallon bucket that also has a rubber ring. Double sealed and light proof. I think one bucket would hold 10 jars maybe more. Hope this idea helps.