Straight thuggin

@Cannacat I believe in unity, I beIieve in the community, I believe in the freedom of speech. I fucking hate racism, but sometimes the so called anti-racist are the most racist f#cks on earth
Polarization is implicitly and explicitly polar. If you're off to one side or the other, you still haven't found balance, ergo equality, and the situation creates the dynamic of two opposing ideological forces which fight each other until one is slaughtered off or both can compromise.
Polarization is implicitly and explicitly polar. If you're off to one side or the other, you still haven't found balance, ergo equality, and the situation creates the dynamic of two opposing ideological forces which fight each other until one is slaughtered off or both can compromise.
I'm more referring to political correctness vs. freedom of speech.
Polarization is implicitly and explicitly polar. If you're off to one side or the other, you still haven't found balance, ergo equality, and the situation creates the dynamic of two opposing ideological forces which fight each other until one is slaughtered off or both can compromise.
All I hear from democrats is that republicans are racist.

What am I suppose to do?

Ignorant people need to wake up
All I hear from democrats is that republicans are racist.

What am I suppose to do?

Ignorant people need to wake up
Just Trump, himself, and a good deal of his supporters, not all Republicans entirely. I can't even necessarily speak for all of his supporters, just some or most of them that I can clearly see are racists, although some nationalists and isolationists are confused for racist as well. Trump, however, really is a racist, in my honest opinion.
No one owes a debt to a society they are born into, although courtesy should be exercised frequently. I think half the things we've put a tax on are bullshit. (I got taxed for seltzer water the other night! What the eff, guys? Isn't food nontaxable?). I think it is a fucking crime against humanity that people can put stock into prisons and profit off of encarceration, possibly yours and possibly not even a real, true, violent crime. I thought we founded this country upon personal freedom? Why the fuck can I get arrested for walking home from a bar simply because I decided it'd be better than getting a DUI or potentially causing an accident? How can there be so much government micromanagement of my life in a land we took over and founded in the name of freedom and in opposition to oppression?
Aren't you really Fdd's sock?

Because that's the word around here.

Btw she isn't going to put out to you brah.. Keep dreaming..

Hey have you ever thought about not growing in dirt?

What do get per lb? Like 900 on a good day?
Dude, I dunno what was up with me that one day. I was trippin'. It wasn't even all that serious. Can't be amphetamines, because I've been clean since New Year's Day. (I split a gram of coke the previous night with someone, just to fuck around. Coke's too short-lived and too expensive for the payoff to interest me in becoming a regular.)

Jealously is a bitch brah..

Do you require Viagra at your age?

You would think at your age, you would be a lil more mature..

Ever consider a shower?

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It's all fun and games.. I'll post a pic of your greasy ass in a lil bit ;)