Strain Hunters ???

It was quoted for a reason, an obscure reference some may get. My first point still stands

Man riu has turned into a bunch of internet bullies.

If someone doesn't agree with the click you get roasted and harassed.

If the man likes ghs, good for him.

State your opinions and debate. But you can't call him wrong or stupid because he had good results.

There is so much negativity and anger as of lately. I sure wish it would tone down a little.
Man riu has turned into a bunch of internet bullies.

If someone doesn't agree with the click you get roasted and harassed.

If the man likes ghs, good for him.

State your opinions and debate. But you can't call him wrong or stupid because he had good results.

There is so much negativity and anger as of lately. I sure wish it would tone down a little.

True, but when you come off like a complete DB getting flamed is to be expected.

I agree with your point otherwise
Not to Brag Or Anything But I grow Better Pot Than 95% of the people in my State ! ! !
me too but it's not like we got a whole lot of competition in the Northeast I don't even touch fem seeds it's a disgrace too this sacred plant we all love but unless you got co2 you aint touching my shit unless you got the chemdog cut maybe.
Amen brotha ! Its not the seed companies alot of the times its the grower and ive seen some nasty bud grown from GHS and i am very humble and i have no issue asking for advice on new strains , that being said i got some SLH from greenhouse thats good as hell but what would i know right ? Ive only seen 20 other peoples SLH that sucked ass so the strain itself must suck too right ? No its all in the grower , ive grown bagseed that was insane and anyone that slanders GHS should grow some trainwreck or GWS or SLH or El Nino from them and do it properly and then make a judgement call on em , and ive NEVER had an Issue Growing anything from any seed company so its definitely 90% growers skill that determines the outcome of the end product
I'd say more like it takes selection to find the best and half the forum warriors grow singles the other half 1 5pack not a good selection by any means. But I'm sure I can get great results from ghs but will it touch my keepers? that's what makes a strain if it's superior not if it's better then the garbage cash cropper buds.
me too but it's not like we got a whole lot of competition in the Northeast I don't even touch fem seeds it's a disgrace too this sacred plant we all love but unless you got co2 you aint touching my shit unless you got the chemdog cut maybe.
I actually got Alot of nice cuts including a cut of chemdawg thats extremely potent ! And i do run Co2 ! And theres not much competition in the northeast for people who actually know what theyre doing ! And my cut of tutankhamon blows away any cut of trainwreck , kush or chemdawg ive ever seen and i have multiple cuts from all over the globe broski !
Man riu has turned into a bunch of internet bullies.

If someone doesn't agree with the click you get roasted and harassed.

If the man likes ghs, good for him.

State your opinions and debate. But you can't call him wrong or stupid because he had good results.

There is so much negativity and anger as of lately. I sure wish it would tone down a little.
Amen ! And i do have good results with seeds from GHS cause i actually know how to grow ! Been doin it for 13 years so im not a newb by any means nor am i a seasoned vet like jorge cervantes or ed rosenthal but ive had great results with GHS ! I still grow GWS and SLH 4 years later !
I'd say more like it takes selection to find the best and half the forum warriors grow singles the other half 1 5pack not a good selection by any means. But I'm sure I can get great results from ghs but will it touch my keepers? that's what makes a strain if it's superior not if it's better then the garbage cash cropper buds.
Exactly ! It comes down to fucking selection ! Thank you im glad someone knows wtf theyre talking about ! I ran over 30 seeds for 13 months to find my special keeper cali blackberry kush and i love it.
I actually got Alot of nice cuts including a cut of chemdawg thats extremely potent ! And i do run Co2 ! And theres not much competition in the northeast for people who actually know what theyre doing ! And my cut of tutankhamon blows away any cut of trainwreck , kush or chemdawg ive ever seen and i have multiple cuts from all over the globe broski !

TUT is an awsome AK47 rep, I kept her for a while.
Exactly ! It comes down to fucking selection ! Thank you im glad someone knows wtf theyre talking about ! I ran over 30 seeds for 13 months to find my special keeper cali blackberry kush and i love it.

I may not be a professional but my theory is if you don't pop the whole pack how will you know which one is strong vs weak (unless you take really good detailed notes in between grows)

So I pop all of them and the strong are the ones that survive.
I've smoked the cup-winning SLH...
Do you think your selection was better?

I've grown quite a few different kush cut's and they were all stronger.
If you think GHS outperforms true elites, then you've never grown 1.
Well hombre my plants look fan-fuckin-tastic and im not angry i just have a low tolerance for idiots who think they know it all . Im not a know it all but ive worked in 3 different states in the medical mj industry so im far from a newbie as you call it or a novice , i consider myself pretty damn experienced considering i do test my pot with my MyDx so the results dont lie and as far as angry goes i wasnt angry i found everyones replies hilarious actually ! Ill give all of the skeptics my youtube so you can see what i do !!! I run 5000w flowering and over 50 top-shelf strains and still find time to stabilize 4 strains at a time cause i live in a huge house ! Cant get that far in life at 27 growing crappy herbs and grindin hard!!!! Your welcome too though ! :-D

You are one of those idiots...
Get over YOURSELF!
Well at least your not an ignorant momo lmfao and you dont do that bad of a job come on you need to give urself more credit man and at least u aint one of the 95% ive seen with thier mediochre medicine hahahaha so many people out here grow mediochre reefer so thats why i made the 95% comment cause all my nugs turn out DANK AS Fuck !

I bet your breath smells like poo from all the bullsh*t you speak.
Where's the pictures of dank GHS/Strainhunters bud?