Strain Hunters ???

Hmm nice input on the placebo effect. I am not saying that is my 100% stance on it. I just wonder if it might be something that psychologists could look at. Studies have shown that a placebo was enough to cure some people from depression. The powers of the mind are scary.

Quality of the parent stock is another good point. True enough, the real stellar breeders mothers might be better, but I still don't see why greenhouses parents would just flat out suck. They do have a degree of knowhow, they do have the funds and growing facilities, they are a seed co at the end of the day and just can't see why they would have poor mothers.
If you're saying GHS or Strainhunters has quality genetics, then YOU'D get buried out here. Come to Northern California with your Bullshit ass Greenhouse strains and get laughed right back to where you came from. Northeast US? I guess it's silly kids like you that keep perpetuating shit weed out there.

Maine?!?!? Lol.....You're known for lobsters and queers. Not cannabis and Gangsta shit. Sit down please.
Actually im from St.Louis Missouri Bitch
Top Shelf bud:
King Louie
Pure Kush

+Yes you do have a-lot to learn> You ignorant fuck...
Top Shelf :
THC Bomb
Critical Kush
Vanilla Kush
HSO Blue Dream
HSO Green Crack
Kosher Kush
HSO Purplewreck
DinaChem .... Those are all strains i have in my rotation constantly ? Are any of those GHS or StrainHunters Seeds ? And Half the Stuff u listed off ive Never Heard of btw
If you're saying GHS or Strainhunters has quality genetics, then YOU'D get buried out here. Come to Northern California with your Bullshit ass Greenhouse strains and get laughed right back to where you came from. Northeast US? I guess it's silly kids like you that keep perpetuating shit weed out there.

Maine?!?!? Lol.....You're known for lobsters and queers. Not cannabis and Gangsta shit. Sit down please.
And i just started runnin strains from Strain Hunters thats why i asked in this thread what peoples opinions were dumbass !
Well whether or not the placebo effect is applicable is a debate for another day. Does the mind have the power to cancel out the psychoactive properties of a drug based on expectations. Some might say yes, some might say no. I don't think it has been fully understood as of yet. Back to greenhouse. What about SLH? All I ever read is good reviews for that.
These dudes on here are dumbasses lmfao SLH is a great Strain , Id have some flowering if i didnt have to cut clones first but ive ran SLH for Years now and it is good smoke , Not as good as some of my strains but its still good
There are many "hobbyists and home growers" who can grow some straight up amazing herb. They post pictures, they write reviews, they help others on this site. And in a med state it isn't hard to get patients, there is always demand for the herb. So far from you, all we've seen is you running your mouth, insulting some damn good growers, and acting like some high school jackass. Have you noticed that most people are not having a cock waving contest on here? The shitty attitude you have isn't going to make you many friends on these boards.
Its my thread and i was curious what peoples opinions were and got rude remarks opposed to a legit response so if people wouldnt have acted like dinks on my thread i woulda been more than respectful but as the sayin goes you give respect you get it , so when someones on my thread being a taint i have any right to not give them respect when its not given ! So how is it respectful to turn it into a contest instead of having a valid response to a simple question ? I never tried strainhunters hence the reason i asked about em and ill post my youtube url for everyone so they can see im not some newb and im pretty damn good at what i do with what limited resources are available so idk if i make friends on here honestly so if u want respect dont disrepect me
Actually im from St.Louis Missouri Bitch

OH SHIT! We have an internet badass on our hands! Look out! LOL. St. Louis? Even shittier weed than Maine. No wonder you have no idea what topshelf is. The strains kindnug listed would blow anything off your list outta the water... Ya see while you play with watered down fakes (hso blue dream and anything dinafem) We have the real elite clone-onlys you've never dreamed of in Maine or Missouri. The list you just put out coupled with your choice of GHS/strainhunters just shows what an amateur you are. Never heard of half the strains? That's because you're a non-factor buddy. Keep growing your mids and be happy about it.

You asked for opinions on Strainhunters. People told you what they thought. You didn't like it and started threatening people like a super tough guy. We still haven't seen one finished nug or plant from you. That's what I'M waiting for here. :)
I'm not doubting you found some good stuff in all of those, I find good stuff too, stuff I run multiple times. But I agree with Kind, the shit he listed has been around for a while, and for good reason. In a league of it's own, if you lived in Cali you should know about some of the clone onlys and why they are sought after like they are.
OH SHIT! We have an internet badass on our hands! Look out! LOL. St. Louis? Even shittier weed than Maine. No wonder you have no idea what topshelf is. The strains kindnug listed would blow anything off your list outta the water... Ya see while you play with watered down fakes (hso blue dream and anything dinafem) We have the real elite clone-onlys you've never dreamed of in Maine or Missouri. The list you just put out coupled with your choice of GHS/strainhunters just shows what an amateur you are. Never heard of half the strains? That's because you're a non-factor buddy. Keep growing your mids and be happy about it.

You asked for opinions on Strainhunters. People told you what they thought. You didn't like it and started threatening people like a super tough guy. We still haven't seen one finished nug or plant from you. That's what I'M waiting for here. :)
Actually the strains i listed are all good plants and far from mids thank you ! Most are in the 20%+ range so how is that mids ? And yeah STL has some shitty buds but i grew my own when i was there ! Youve never seen mids if u call my weed mids lmfao i wish i still had pics of the shitty brickweed they called dro ! And why post pics for you to hate on when i only have a 3 mp camera ? If i took pics on my tablet they might suffice so since im new to RIU how bout you learn me on how to upload some pics ? And if u think Critical Kush is mids ur nuts and you have some clone onlys ? I have some landraces untouched for ages so what ? I also have MOB which if you smoked youd be impressed as Its Preferred over ANYTHING out here as well as Jerry Berry ... And u say maines known for lobsters and queers ? Try Blueberries or For That Matter Marijuana which is maines largest cash crop over even potatoes and corn and thats cold hard facts ! And as far as queers go californias the capital of queers tho !
I'm not doubting you found some good stuff in all of those, I find good stuff too, stuff I run multiple times. But I agree with Kind, the shit he listed has been around for a while, and for good reason. In a league of it's own, if you lived in Cali you should know about some of the clone onlys and why they are sought after like they are.
I wasnt doubting his genetics either man i know cali has some good herbs i smoked too many kinds to remember out there but to say other places dont have awesome varieties is ridiculous , granted i havent been to cali for 5 years but if you aint been to Maine you aint Smoked MOB , Period ! And id put that toe to toe with Almost Anything Out There Just Cause Its That Good !
The clones I listed are far better than anything you have listed.
That's why you haven't heard of them.
Funny Tutankhamon has the highest Thc Count Out There ! And ive heard of a few on your list and smoked them and liked them but i also like alot of pot , i like high yielders and kush strains and all sorts of varities ! Shit i might not like what i get from strainhunters once its finished and in that case ill kill it off