Well, another one bites the dust. In the best of ways that is... Redrum came through in SPADES with another Strainly order and experience in general. It was the first time I have ordered from him, but most certainly NOT the last.
His communication is awesome. He answered EVER single question, inquiry, even brain fart from time to time that I had, never with quick or hurried banter, but with thoughtful, honest and well intentioned replies. I'll let you ask him about the deal he has, but what I WILL tell you, is that if you pick up multiple varieties, it is VERY much worth while

... Like FOR REAL deal...
Shipping to my neck of the woods, from his neck of the woods, over a certain imaginary line, took 48 hours FLAT. Cuts were strong, healthy, devoid of visible bugs, pm, blemishes and are going to be a very welcome addition to the garden. I hear people scoff when I tell them I paid real cash dollars, for un-rooted cuts. But if you have your game on point, it's THE ONLY way to fly. Not to mention getting them to me un-rooted is a lot more certain given my geographical location, and tbh, probably more preferable to the seller as well. I've literally kept un-rooted cuts, in the same manner which they were shipped to me, in the fridge for damn near a month with zero diminished return on rooting percentages... In fact I have heard from some peeps who have done side by side comparisons, that putting the cuts in "stasis", as you would, actually increases the speed and vigor of the rooting process. A lot of the old Vancouver Vietnamese guys (responsible for the infamous "beasters", lol) would cut, then refrigerate all of their cuttings for this reason~ I can't personally verify whether any of that is factual, but what I do know, is that it is an excellent way to hold cuttings if time or space pressures are present.
Also, on top of my originally ordered, paid for, and quite frankly EXCELLENT selection of cuts, he threw in another variety (Gushers) just because. I'd solidly reccomended Redrum to anyone of my associates, friends, whomever without a hint of hesitation if you aren't able to access clone only or quality cuts in your area. In total I received 5 un-rooted cuts each of the Archive Rude Boi OG, Archive Duct Tape, Dog Walker, Wedding Cake AND Gushers, and couldn't be happier. He has a few other cuts I'm very interested in. Archive Overflow OG White Tahoe cookies, Chem D, to name a few~
Anyway, just remember, be smart, KIND, treat people with respect, and you'll be amazed what the universe has to offer you in return...