That sucks bro!!
They are still around somehow.
Do you think they have improved in 6 years?
Also did you do that outside or inside??
Same guy, same stains, talking the same shit. I honestly don't know but can only assume. I still follow him on insta just because. Lots of newbies or beginners will flock to people like him that brag and boast about this and that. I remember a cali connection seed run I did at the same time as I ran his cuts and the cali con blew everything out of the water in taste and potency. And to me that says a lot.
Yeah, I'll second what @kpg said. I picked up a few cuts from Clonify. The TK was garbage and so was the GG4. I grew out a few from Clonify and put them up against some cuts I'd gotten on the forums and from Mainly and MF. So far the only 2 I've found to be authentic were Wedding Cake and the Chem 4.
I cant review them on Strainly so I might as well throw my opinion up here.
They have good CS, shipping is fast and the cuts were somewhat "healthy" but they need to work on vetting their genetics.
I'd skip em, belue.

Edited to add that one of the issues with the GG4 could've been dudding.
I took some pics as these were growing last summer. I'll try to load them when I'm back home later on today.
So clonify's tk is garbage? I've already got it and their Animal Cookies. Bummer on the tk i guess I'll give it one round and chunk it then. I've got some S1s to run with it, hope it's not a complete waste.
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Same guy, same stains, talking the same shit. I honestly don't know but can only assume. I still follow him on insta just because. Lots of newbies or beginners will flock to people like him that brag and boast about this and that. I remember a cali connection seed run I did at the same time as I ran his cuts and the cali con blew everything out of the water in taste and potency. And to me that says a lot.

Well thank you very much for your honesty!!
What is the genetic makeup of crippy Or is it some florida landrace? Whats the smell and flavor profile ? Is there a picture of the finished product?
The genetic makeup of crippy is any good light green weed from the 90’s with no seeds in it. Also known as kind bud, also known as dro, etc, etc., basically anything not Mexican brick weed. Looking for crippy is the same as looking for the “kind bud strain”. Crippy is just a generic term for good weed.
Florida landerace? LMAO.
Smell? I don't remember. Its around but not like it was before, now everyone wants the new flavor crap,
Flavor profile? Soapy, others say leather.
Genetics? lol don't think you can get that info that easy, do some of your own research. Here I'll give you a start: TSB
Florida landerace? LMAO exactly.
So what is it? Its whatever fire indoor anyone had at the moment. Its not a specific strain.
Leather and soap dont sound like fire indoor ive smoked in my 28 years smoking.
It's of my opinion the closest one is going to get to Gainesville Green is going to be Micanopy Madness and Micanpy Moonbeam.There's someone on insta that has done a project with the Micanopy Madness,whether he has them up for sale i'm unsure as i haven't been on insta in a minute.As far as the Micanopy Moonbeam there was also someone on insta selling cuts but noticed the last time i was on there he hadn't been active for a bit.
Clearly you don't understand what Im telling you.
Yes Crippy is considered fire bud but anyone that knew anything about the miami weed scene (which clearly You don't) knew there was a few straints that dominate the commercial market under that UMBRELLA (You following along? or do you need me to hold your hand some more?). If you never smoked something that was leather/Soapy/floral then you never smoked the one everybody is after (a Haze hybrid ;) ) . Understand when people talk about "Crippy" they are talking about a specific commercial strain that was better then the rest of the homegrown crap someone grew in their garage.
So again, all you are basically saying is that it is an umbrella term like Dro was back in the day.... Exactly what Crippy is saying. Maybe you just want to hold his hand.....
Fuck the name, I'm not disputing the name Crippy. When the majority of people talk about Crippy, they are talking about a specific commercial cut, I'm talking about the cut that made south Florida famous apart from the Cuban Haze.

It's ok, I can hold your hand too.
You just like to hold everyone's hand while you ramble on with your baseless explanations... You sound like a pedophile catholic priest lol

If you are in the know, then what strain is Crippy actually. You said it has a leathery taste/smell, others have described it completely different. So boy genius enlighten us with actual facts.
Pedo? lmao you sound dumb.
Enlighten? fuck, you idiot's can't dig on you're own? are you to damn retarded to comprehend? I gave you assholes some hints.
as for the Soapy taste, I will put it as woody, floral, leather, faint pine.
Well someone sounds like an angry pedophile catholic priest.....
If you have facts, lets hear them. Why would anyone want to waste time looking in to this after your overly emotional outlay. :D :D