Stressing plants during flowering

why would you cut back on water during bloom??? Makes no sense at all to do that. Think about it...the plant is 75% water weight...when in bloom, there is more weight...that means more water.....the ONLY reason it would SEEM like the plants need or use less water during bloom is because of the temp and humidity difference outdoors. Indoors I never cut water back during flower...ever! don't believe it...starving your plant of water is not a great idea IMO.
its only good to cut back on watering in the last few days before harvest but only to help with drying/curing. it does not affect yield. happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
its better to stress the plant a way that dont hurt yeild as much. i like to cover minefor the last 2 weeks. no light. i dont do all of them just my smaller ones. the plant still grows and take up nut and water. it just forces it to push all the crystals out. i dont like the splitting the trunk thing. i only do that sometimes if its starting to mold up this will shock the plant and keep the buds smaller not be as dense and hold water.
Indoor is very different than outdoor and I have zero experience indoor (other than a plant I grew on my windowsill as a teen).

Outdoors, my goals are to try to help mimic the seasons (and yes Autumn tends to be drier than Spring) and compensate for weather extremes as best I can.
A healthy plant is a good yielding, potent plant. Stuff like nails through the stalk are just urban myths. Think of it this way. Would stressing a woman during pregnancy make the baby better, stronger etc? Nope. The mother needs good nutrition, rest and little stress. Same with plants.
That's all well and good, but providing Springlike conditions during Fall harvest time may cause a crop to not finish in time. IMO. outdoor, in-ground growers should only reluctantly and conservatively supplement water and nutes.
Ok, good to know.. I don't want any stress, so I'm not going to stress them.
I found making small injuries to the flowers makes them swell in response. Probably to protect itself. So I'm pretty abusive to the flowers including bending the stems touching the tops. Leaning them on there sides and they seems to get enormous as a response.


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