Strict scrutiny... 2A... Gunz... Liberty... in America?

fk that just take him to Camden, NJ or Newark at night on a saturday and he'll ask you if he can borrow yours for the rest of the night.i'm not doggin on you schuylaar specifically i'm just trying to say gun issues are truly contextual.sometimes a necessity, sometimes a horrible out of place distasteful contraption.skeet shooting with friends is fun, the subway at night is not fun and you would just feel a little bit better carrying a pistol (concealed).you have an air bag in your car and hope to never use it, just feels better knowing it's there.this thread was about a law regarding individuals 'committed to a mental institution'. just think about that for a second. if there's people bickering about sane people with guns, why are you not jumping out of your chair angry at the thought of someone assessed to require 24hr surveillance...or worse a 2 year institutionalized, heavily drugged person? you people are missing the deep scary meaning of this thread. just another opportunity for you to dig at each others views?
fk that just take him to Camden, NJ or Newark at night on a saturday and he'll ask you if he can borrow yours for the rest of the night.i'm not doggin on you schuylaar specifically i'm just trying to say gun issues are truly contextual.sometimes a necessity, sometimes a horrible out of place distasteful contraption.skeet shooting with friends is fun, the subway at night is not fun and you would just feel a little bit better carrying a pistol (concealed).you have an air bag in your car and hope to never use it, just feels better knowing it's there.this thread was about a law regarding individuals 'committed to a mental institution'. just think about that for a second. if there's people bickering about sane people with guns, why are you not jumping out of your chair angry at the thought of someone assessed to require 24hr surveillance...or worse a 2 year institutionalized, heavily drugged person? you people are missing the deep scary meaning of this thread. just another opportunity for you to dig at each others views?

I agree 100%

The article needs to make a distinction.
There is a difference between some that is truly crazy and a divorcee forced to have treatment for something that is no longer deemed a problem.

The article was referring to involuntary commitments.
What I mean is in this case it may not be a problem.

His daughters called he was committed and then released. I would say odds are he never lost his guns and owned some the whole time. It wasn't an issue til he tried to buy one.

I mean may have, most likely is, been in a good state of mind.
Hell my dad acted weird after his divorce. He lived with her for 25 years.

We all have been hit with hard things, most adapt and over come.
so now not only do we have to worry about criminals with fire power but also the nut cases with palsy ticks walking out of a store with a new 44 and pink unicorns dancing in his head. yeah i'm for freedom and all but fkn come on! that shit just threw common sense right out the god damned car window
Not it didn't.
Look there is a lot of things I don't agree with.
I am pro guns.
But come on gun shows. Yea that is a good idea. 80% recievers?
I mean both are your right but put guns in the hands of criminals.

Crazy people do not need guns.
The article was about one case being over turned.
The daughters said he was suicidal. We if he never said it.
What if they lied.
So now he has to suffer?

In this case and only this one case I would believe that to be true. He was re evaluated and found to be fit of mind.

If its not broken it never was.
All it takes in some states for a mental health warrant is a statement from a third party.

Now think about this.

Not just your guns but your rights to everything even your own money.
Remember if you are deemed mentally incompetent some one can get guardianship over you and your assets

For all your rights, if someone lied on you, would want your fate to lie with one Dr.
Would you not want a recourse for getting your rights back?

Stand back and really think about what you let get used as case law.
There are scopes for air rifles, .22, shotgun/rifle. If you switch them out the different guns can bust the wrong scope.

They may have it built for a .22 but a .45 would be a different beast.
Also considering the new class of sub compacts.
A sub compact 9mm after a box of shells makes my arm ans shoulder feel like I have been shooting .44 mag.

I couldn't imagine the g load.

I'm 6 ft 220 and I'll tell you small frame large caliber personal carry guns are not for the faint of heart.
I'd like to see what would happen to the electronics in a "smart gun" if the caliber was .45


the mental image i get of harrekin based on his posts:

so you're saying that kkkynes can't get the quality of kill he so desires, nay NEEDS, with that gun?

I suspect you don't want a serious answer; but from a ballistic point of view, yeah a bigger caliber increases the probability of completing the task.

If you have to use a weapon in a defensive situation, the goal is to put the target down. The more kinetic energy transferred, the higher the likely hood this will happen. For example, the 22 cal will have at least 6-7 times less energy in joules at the start vs a 10mm round.
so now not only do we have to worry about criminals with fire power but also the nut cases with palsy ticks walking out of a store with a new 44 and pink unicorns dancing in his head. yeah i'm for freedom and all but fkn come on! that shit just threw common sense right out the god damned car window

the law did not specify anyone who has "ever been committed" but thats how the gun grabbers have interpreted it.

as writ, the law prohibits those who have been adjudicated insane from owning firearms, but when a competent mental health professional declares you "not crazy" you get your rights back.


the atf doesnt accept any restoration of rights petitions. even though the law specifically states these petitions are required to be acted on by the atf, they file those petitions in the trash.

I don't know about most, but.....

and that dick was from the atf.
they are clowns.
here you go; read it and weep..they did a meta-study..meta:wink:


so, you posted an OPINION PIECE which cited a lot of "studies" and focused on the "metastudy" which is the weakest kind of study, short of making shit up out of whole cloth.

"A National Crime Victimization Survey report, controlling for many of the methodological problems in Kleck, supported Hemenway, finding 65,000 defensive gun uses per year (NCVS Report, 1997). Current NCVS estimates are in the 100,000 range." ~from your own "citation"

note that's defensive uses that are REPORTED
most go unreported, like my own personal experience, because drawing your gun, even in self defense is a crime in most of the country.
shit, just possessing your gun is illegal, much less "brandishing" it.

most firearms self defense actions go down like mine, once my gun was drawn, the perp fled.

and according to the dink that scribbled the twaddle you "cited", that use of my gun was "against the interests of society"

much better i should be robbed by a dipshit who simply PRETENDED he had a gun, than i should execute my well practiced fast draw and send him running.
in retrospect i probably should have busted a cap in his ass since that same dick later robbed 2 more people before the cops grabbed him.

you lefties are sociopathic.

how many victims do you need to justify your Feels?
So most cops shoot themselves?

that's their fucking job.

it's all they do..unlike john q. citzendouchebags, like you who chill on a stoners forum 24/7 and think they know what its like to be in that situation, you don't..that's why i told you the story of my exes shootout the one time in his's not as easy as you think when flight or fight kicks in.

nothing but a bunch of couch cowboys who talk the talk..but walk the walk? remains to be seen.
so, you posted an OPINION PIECE which cited a lot of "studies" and focused on the "metastudy" which is the weakest kind of study, short of making shit up out of whole cloth.

"A National Crime Victimization Survey report, controlling for many of the methodological problems in Kleck, supported Hemenway, finding 65,000 defensive gun uses per year (NCVS Report, 1997). Current NCVS estimates are in the 100,000 range." ~from your own "citation"

note that's defensive uses that are REPORTED
most go unreported, like my own personal experience, because drawing your gun, even in self defense is a crime in most of the country.
shit, just possessing your gun is illegal, much less "brandishing" it.

most firearms self defense actions go down like mine, once my gun was drawn, the perp fled.

and according to the dink that scribbled the twaddle you "cited", that use of my gun was "against the interests of society"

much better i should be robbed by a dipshit who simply PRETENDED he had a gun, than i should execute my well practiced fast draw and send him running.
in retrospect i probably should have busted a cap in his ass since that same dick later robbed 2 more people before the cops grabbed him.

you lefties are sociopathic.

how many victims do you need to justify your Feels?

where is @travisw when you need him?:wall:
If I mention that those cops that got shot in New York looked ghey, would that help you in completing your card?