Student jailed for three weeks awaiting trial over Facebook posts

this is the third night out of four or five nights that you have commented upon my testicles or anus in some way.

just saying.

Let us review the lesson for today from Uncle Buck. the fear he alludes to is made most visible by homosexual, verbal, grab ass, that seems to show a tough guy, but is actually a pitiful cry..."I'm not gay, am I?"

Homophobia is not the fear of gays. It is the fear of being gay.

Please make a note of it. And the fact that this happens in the evening...just sayin'.
So the person accusing you of posting authority telephone numbers next to FDD address or some shit like that isn't true? Again this is a sincere question. Also do you have the link to that thread?

I thought it was UB posting the authorities phone number for turning in Finshaggy. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
I hope this isn't going to become the new liberal excuse for jailing people. Like when Penn State fire Joe Paterno for "well, he could have done more" bullshit lousy excuse but that's what it's coming to. Like the Sandyhook shooting. " More could have been done".

Joe Paterno was a pedophile scum . is football worth letting kids get molested? sick fucking scum . Ranks right up there with Buck the Blame Throwing Rat.
I hope this isn't going to become the new liberal excuse for jailing people. Like when Penn State fire Joe Paterno for "well, he could have done more" bullshit lousy excuse but that's what it's coming to. Like the Sandyhook shooting. " More could have been done".

Paterno put the reputation of his football program before the safety of children. Joe Pa got what he deserved...when he died.
Paterno put the reputation of his football program before the safety of children. Joe Pa got what he deserved...when he died.

i would have much prefered for him to have hung on for long enough to see his reputaion piss down the drain and a decade or 2 inside

he got off lightly
Why isn't NWA in jail...or Snoop Lion? Why isn't every song writer who writes about killing people in jail?

Still don't see the crime huh? Want to water it all, into everything equals everything else. It doesn't.

Some things are illegal to even express in public. Can't shout FIRE in a crowded room, etc.

It is not hate speech, it is public menace. We don't want our President or Govt institution Buildings threatened in a public forum. It is war and WE take it seriously.
If someone can chant death to America and his people on the front of the white house lawn and not be imprisoned why should this teenager with no fire arms or explosives still be in jail?

They should give him a warning and let him go. I mean he posted lyrics lyrics he got from his thoughts. Thought Crime anyone?

Not to mention the waste of court time and tax money even if they only keep him a few months.
If someone can chant death to America and his people on the front of the white house lawn and not be imprisoned why should this teenager with no fire arms or explosives still be in jail?

They should give him a warning and let him go. I mean he posted lyrics lyrics he got from his thoughts. Thought Crime anyone?

Not to mention the waste of court time and tax money even if they only keep him a few months.

Anyone who enjoys their rights should be outraged at this. Start with this, ban a few books, restrict thinking. Has everyone taken their Prozium?
What are you taking about? This has been illegal for a long time. This is not just a Hate Obama thing. This isn't some erosion of Rights. Get facts.

Threatening the President of the United States is a class D felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.[SUP][1][/SUP] It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States".

The prototype for Section 871 was the British Treason Act 1351, which made it a crime to "compass or imagine" the death of the King. Convictions under 18 U.S.C. § 871 have been sustained for declaring that "President Wilson ought to be killed. It is a wonder some one has not done it already. If I had an opportunity, I would do it myself.";[SUP][4][/SUP] and for declaring that "Wilson is a wooden-headed son of a bitch. I wish Wilson was in hell, and if I had the power I would put him there."[SUP][5][/SUP] In a later era, a conviction was sustained for displaying posters urging passersby to "hang [President] Roosevelt".[SUP][6][/SUP]
If someone can chant death to America and his people on the front of the white house lawn and not be imprisoned why should this teenager with no fire arms or explosives still be in jail?

They should give him a warning and let him go. I mean he posted lyrics lyrics he got from his thoughts. Thought Crime anyone?

Not to mention the waste of court time and tax money even if they only keep him a few months.

I tell you what. Nobody shouted Death to Bush. These are not thoughts they are expressions of Treason Insurrection, it is not Protected Speech. It is not some govt that protects Speech. It is the Consititution.

Almost all speech is protected. Almost. Get used to it. This a strict world and WE are very strict with ourselves. I love that.

Not lawful, despite the tap dancing in the media, etc. And Shotgun, you see the difference, right?
If someone can chant death to America and his people on the front of the white house lawn and not be imprisoned why should this teenager with no fire arms or explosives still be in jail?

They should give him a warning and let him go. I mean he posted lyrics lyrics he got from his thoughts. Thought Crime anyone?

Not to mention the waste of court time and tax money even if they only keep him a few months.

The obvious difference to me is that "lyrics" (although imo that word is being raped here; neither NWA nor Snoop are/were singers) are obvious fiction. Facebook isn't always obvious fiction. cn
Well, we agree across the Gulf of Rap.

Rap is not constructed in lyric, or rhyming rules. It has no melody. It has tempo but no cadence. (no 5th degree resolutions to root degree)

In fact it almost dis-cord. And the backing tracks are carefully contrived around that.

Rhythm. The roots of rhythm in Verse. Tribal Bohemian is very close to Rap.