Studied Grow Room design for optimisation. Need Help


Well Hello there everyone!
As you can see this is my first post, and i'm sorry if I talk about things that have already been mentioned but as this is also my first grow, even though I have put a huge amount of effort into research I find myself needing some assistance!

I have read through the cannabis grow bible, seen and read jorge cervantes books/dvds and spent a huge amount of time on these forums trying to get my ideas clear. Yet finding myself as a bit of a perfectionist needing proper input.

So here it is.

I have Space to grow of:
1m(width) x 2m(length) x 1.8m(height) - 3.6m³ / 3.3' x 6.6' x 6' - 130cf

And wish to grow 8 plants

Money and time not being a big issue I was looking at optimisation for best bud/yield quality.

Now my research has come to these possible scenarios:

- 2x Sunmaster 400W 7500K MH (veg) + 2x 400W Son-T-Plus HPS (flo)
- 1x Sunmaster 1000W 7500K MH + 1x 1000W Hortilux Super HPS TM EN 145k lumens

(Also looking into the 2x 400W CMH alternative but seem to be harder to get hold of in the uk and is a whole different ball game)

- 2x Pro Grow Mantis Adjustable light Reflector (for the 2x 400W bulbs)
- 1x GroStar Large Reflector (for the Single 1000W)
- 1x Magnum xxxl Air cooled reflector (for the single 1000W)

(The main issue here is weather these would justify the use of a single light source, Having an Air cooled reflector means needing the Fan's air to go through it + Ducting going through the room making everything less practical, Issue with the groStar is Verticle lighting)

- 1x ETALINE200mm 920m³/h - 541cfm (exhaust) 1x 200mm RUCK 767m³/h - 451cfm (intra)
- 2x 150mm RUCK 714m3/hr - 420cfm (One for general room emptying linked to a Cardbon filter + 1 running through the lamp(s) ) + Passive intake

(Here i'm looking for the best possible way to keep the Temperatures cool while keeping the lights at best distance from the plants)

I'm Also planning on using an Evolution Ecotechnics temperature controller (Which i'm still unsure of from reading mixed reviews)

So there you have it.
- Are These extra bits and bobs worthwhile for a noticeable difference?
- Is it better to have air running through the lamps or would my grow room be able to hold the temperature with just In/Out fan system and open reflectors?
- Would you have any other propositions backed up by solid info?
- Is my cfm too high and would actually make it too cold when running at 40% speeds?

I'm Really looking for the best bank for the buck any propositions are very welcomed!

I must say this might seem a little obnoxious but All the information I gather will be given back to the community in the form of a complete grow journal, Grow room build and time given helping others.

Thank you for you're time.
Hydrofarm makes an air cooled reflector a little bigger then the Magnum xxxl. Figured I would link it just in case you wanted to consider that an option.

Hortilux makes a 1000 watt dual spectrum light. 600 watts of HPS and 400 watts of MH with 110k lumens.

C.A.P makes a fan controller that will slow it down or speed it up based on the temperature you set it at.
Hydrofarm makes an air cooled reflector a little bigger then the Magnum xxxl. Figured I would link it just in case you wanted to consider that an option:

Also hortilux makes a 1000 watt dual spectrum light. 600 watts of HPS and 400 watts of MH with 110k lumens.

Dayum Cali Buds.....that looks like a wicked bulb but am I seeing things do they go for $200+ each?
Yea they go for some retarded price. I bought one of those for cheap and a super hps for my indoor.
Test fired the dual arc in a raptor and it looks pretty good ;D Can't wait to actually use it.
Ooh nice piece of kit the C.A.P Fan controller!
My main positive point for the Ecotechnics controller was the fact that it also calculated the speed by taking account humidity.
I live in a coolish environment so I was going to run the lights during the day with fans off during the night except for a couple of cycles, thinking that while lights are off it would be needing heating rather than cooling.

The Hydrofarm 8'' air cooled reflector looks rather nifty also, it would allow a bigger Fan system to exhaust it, although probably not necessary.

I've read up on the Dual Spectrum light bulbs only to be a little disappointed from reviews - I'll note it down and look into it further.

I'm Defenetly thinking of going the single 1000W route using a separate RUCK fan with ducting from one side of the room through the light reflector and out the other side, making the light cooling system independent from the rest of the grow room, leaving the actual grow room temperatures to be controlled by a thermostat controlled RUCK + heater.
Possibly having it on a rail also.
Nice. I'm going to be putting my reflector venting coming in from a window and exhausting through the ceiling.
I'll let you know how the Dual Spectrum works once I get it going.

Is this going to be your grow room setup journal or are you going to be making a separate one later?
I'll end up making a separate one later, I'm actually looking at planting in a couple of months giving this as much planning and thought as possible. Considering i'm also building a false wall + Hidden bookshelf door, all some rather nice stuff which should eventually end up helping others

Build up a cost sheet at pretty much the same cost its
2x 600w Lights with pro mantis reflectors, with cooling system being managed by 200mm/ 8'' RUCK extractor 767m3/h - 451cfm with 125mm/ 5'' RUCK intake 330m3/h - 194cfm controlled by SPC 8A Temperature Controller.

Against the 1000w setup mentioned below. This would have everything running real smooth, possibly getting really good lighting right onto the baby's. but the double 400w/600w system allows for a much tidier environment.
Cheers, I like the idea of those LED's, timing is quite nice by the time you will be in flowering stage I should start building mine, will be following closely.
This is just my 2cents cause in the end its your room and dollar funding it. I've done close to 100,000sq of growroom design build over the past 3 years and have been in some of largest set-ups were dollars were not as important as production. That being said I would run a single 600 with a large hood(glass out if you dont want to air-cool) like a triple xl. Build a hard top scrog 3'.5"x3'.5" and run the hood 8" over the canopy. If your set on 8 plants they won't have to be very big to fill out the area-your production would be avg 520 to 610grams dry.
This is just my 2cents cause in the end its your room and dollar funding it. I've done close to 100,000sq of growroom design build over the past 3 years and have been in some of largest set-ups were dollars were not as important as production. That being said I would run a single 600 with a large hood(glass out if you dont want to air-cool) like a triple xl. Build a hard top scrog 3'.5"x3'.5" and run the hood 8" over the canopy. If your set on 8 plants they won't have to be very big to fill out the area-your production would be avg 520 to 610grams dry.

7 posts rarely will be regarded as dependable knowlege source material, no offense. Any pics? Proof? Explanation why he/she should go with your advice? thanks.
Mcgician- No offense taken, that's why I posted 2cents. Just one way of many to be as efficient as possible producing the most amount of product with the least amount of time and energy used.