stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

No my friend what you just said is ignorance..have you ever been to a "hood" or anything like that..there mostly at most 5-10 minutes away from a main city..from where theres people who dont shoot people up, who dont sell that crap, and where there are no gangs..rkm is right, it is a cop out..if you REALLY wanted to get out of the hood and not be a bad person..apply to a school thats 10 minutes away in a good neiborhoood..or if your past school go get a job in that one is forced to stay in the "hood" its a choice..people say they have no choice..bullshit. there just to damn lazy to get off there ass and drive or even walk 10 minutes to find a decent school or a decent job..they wanna take the easy way out and sell drugs and join gangs

Thats my point. Look where Will Smith grew up, how did he turn out? Should I give more examples of people that did not have it so good either growing up? How did he get where he is today? He made a choice.

Oh, and since no one has said this yet, I will. For the individual who keeps saying support my baby, babies are expensive. Its pretty simple, if you cant afford a baby, then dont make them. Keep your pants zipped, surely you know how babies are made. And yes I do know what its like, I was 20 when I had my first child.
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Thats my point. Look where Will Smith grew up, how did he turn out? Should I give more examples of people that did not have it so good either growing up? How did he get where he is today? He made a choice.

Oh, and since no one has said this yet, I will. For the individual who keeps saying support my baby, babies are expensive. Its pretty simple, if you cant afford a baby, then dont make them. Keep your pants zipped, surely you know how babies are made. And yes I do know what its like, I was 20 when I had my first child.

17 years old when you have a kid and noone will help you come say something then. Making a choice yea but when you make it and sacrifice to follow your dreams and fail what then get back up yes but for the time being you do what you gotta do.

Not everyone can be a rapper or a business man.
17 years old when you have a kid and noone will help you come say something then. Making a choice yea but when you make it and sacrifice to follow your dreams and fail what then get back up yes but for the time being you do what you gotta do.

Not everyone can be a rapper or a business man.

Keep your dick in your pants or quit complaining, nobody but you unzipped your pants.
No my friend what you just said is ignorance..have you ever been to a "hood" or anything like that..there mostly at most 5-10 minutes away from a main city..from where theres people who dont shoot people up, who dont sell that crap, and where there are no gangs..rkm is right, it is a cop out..if you REALLY wanted to get out of the hood and not be a bad person..apply to a school thats 10 minutes away in a good neiborhoood..or if your past school go get a job in that one is forced to stay in the "hood" its a choice..people say they have no choice..bullshit. there just to damn lazy to get off there ass and drive or even walk 10 minutes to find a decent school or a decent job..they wanna take the easy way out and sell drugs and join gangs

This again further proves my point. You neva been to a hood, or raised in a hood, or more impoverished areas. I am far from ignorant, my father would never allow that. I lived in the hood and I lived outside the hood. And unless you been there and done that, don't tell me shit about what go on in the hood, and how hard it is or you think it's not. You ain't lived that life you have no clue, I have, and it aint the same as a white kid in the "burbs". Trust and believe that. Yeah, I could jump on da bus, or take a cab, or ride my bike, or so on. But coming out the hood, sometime the address will get your work or school application overlooked alone, not to mention the color of your skin, or so many other variables, you folks outside the hood could never see, understand, or experience. Enough said. I got out the hood, and got an education, but so many of my homies didn't. And they tried, I was fortunate cuz I'm light skinned and no how to speak, and carry myself. But I just think if you never been there or lived it you aint never gonna get it, no matter how well we break it down for you.
No my friend what you just said is ignorance..have you ever been to a "hood" or anything like that..there mostly at most 5-10 minutes away from a main city..from where theres people who dont shoot people up, who dont sell that crap, and where there are no gangs..rkm is right, it is a cop out..if you REALLY wanted to get out of the hood and not be a bad person..apply to a school thats 10 minutes away in a good neiborhoood..or if your past school go get a job in that one is forced to stay in the "hood" its a choice..people say they have no choice..bullshit. there just to damn lazy to get off there ass and drive or even walk 10 minutes to find a decent school or a decent job..they wanna take the easy way out and sell drugs and join gangs

Selling drugs, and joining gangs is not easy.
Thats my point. Look where Will Smith grew up, how did he turn out? Should I give more examples of people that did not have it so good either growing up? How did he get where he is today? He made a choice.

Oh, and since no one has said this yet, I will. For the individual who keeps saying support my baby, babies are expensive. Its pretty simple, if you cant afford a baby, then dont make them. Keep your pants zipped, surely you know how babies are made. And yes I do know what its like, I was 20 when I had my first child.

You will never get it or see thangs from our perspective.
This again further proves my point. You neva been to a hood, or raised in a hood, or more impoverished areas. I am far from ignorant, my father would never allow that. I lived in the hood and I lived outside the hood. And unless you been there and done that, don't tell me shit about what go on in the hood, and how hard it is or you think it's not. You ain't lived that life you have no clue, I have, and it aint the same as a white kid in the "burbs". Trust and believe that. Yeah, I could jump on da bus, or take a cab, or ride my bike, or so on. But coming out the hood, sometime the address will get your work or school application overlooked alone, not to mention the color of your skin, or so many other variables, you folks outside the hood could never see, understand, or experience. Enough said. I got out the hood, and got an education, but so many of my homies didn't. And they tried, I was fortunate cuz I'm light skinned and no how to speak, and carry myself. But I just think if you never been there or lived it you aint never gonna get it, no matter how well we break it down for you.

Would you like a tissue?
Keep your dick in your pants or quit complaining, nobody but you unzipped your pants.

aint noone complaining you da one who wants to say oh you gotta have legal money and shit(its nice).

It's okay though you grew up where everyone told you you can do anything and nothing will get in your way. Well many things get in peoples way. You gotta look at it from both ways not the middle class way bra.

i could say all you middle class people think you hard cause you got legal jobs and wanna shit on someone for makin a quick buck, but i don't

What about the business men who scam hard (Enron) working people out of their money in that real estate and shit. Just cause they went to college dey better than us? No they are fuckin worse. I dont scam people out of thier life savings at least.

I dont make anyone buy anything off me they come. and if dey didnt get it from me dey go to the next.

I believe dboys help this country. If you dont have em do you know how many people would be out of a job? Many.. all those task force people and DEA what dey gonna go after if there are no dopeboys?

Crime is bad dont get me wrong but if there is none wat will police do? Shit i believe.

Listen you cant condone weed and then say to da man who sees it as a business that it's wrong that's just hypocritical bra. Growin it or not you haven't been growing it since you were in high school i.e. you supported some dboys lifestyle.
You cant say one thing and you helped the cause.

Oh and actually she did unzip em and, said she was on da pill bra. Sum good ass bra believe that.
Selling drugs, and joining gangs is not easy.

See they think everybody is in a gang and shit(read his posts he always brings up the gang shit) you can tell he just goes by what he hears or is told.

I'm far from a gang. Dey just sayin what they moms told them and see on the news. They dont know how it really is. T.V. and dem fuckin stereotypes are what give people who struggle a bad name. I know they got a least one bra who slings he just has a real job too.

Even Florida said she kinda gets what is being said.

I think both of them are ignorant just cause they got a little legal money and don't have to do dirt to survive, they wanna shit on people who do dirt.

I'd bet they couldn't survive for long if shit like what happens to people who really struggle who cant get jobs at the most lowest payin places happened to them. They'd be just out there and wouldn't know wat to do in my eyes.
judgemental are we rkm?

Not at all. Just tired of the whining about how hard it is to live in the ghetto. Do they expect it to be easy? This age of instant gratification just sucks. Then when they say they "tried". How hard? Did they quit after the first time they told no by someone? Shit just learn to play the "game", it sucks that it is that way. All I ask is quit contributing to fucking up someones life by selling that shit, and selling it to kids.
Not at all. Just tired of the whining about how hard it is to live in the ghetto. Do they expect it to be easy? This age of instant gratification just sucks. Then when they say they "tried". How hard? Did they quit after the first time they told no by someone? Shit just learn to play the "game", it sucks that it is that way. All I ask is quit contributing to fucking up someones life by selling that shit, and selling it to kids.

Who said i sold to kids. See you go by what you hear and see you just made my point. Many d-boys wont even sell to kids down here. Kids get weed from other kids bra(some do seel to kids but not many).

And you def wont see a grown ass man sell a kid a quarter piece of white KNOW THAT.

Aint nobody tryin to go to jail over a dub cause some kid got caught and snitched. Get off your basis and look from both sides bra.

You keep sayin complaining who is complaining we just said you cant understand. I never said feel sorry or find me a job. I just had to say something cause your basis of your argument is wrong.

Try to look at both sides of the coin bra.
I'm doing suthin about it you just dont like my method of doing it.
Not at all. Just tired of the whining about how hard it is to live in the ghetto. Do they expect it to be easy? This age of instant gratification just sucks. Then when they say they "tried". How hard? Did they quit after the first time they told no by someone? Shit just learn to play the "game", it sucks that it is that way. All I ask is quit contributing to fucking up someones life by selling that shit, and selling it to kids.

you are still speaking about someone whose shoes' you've never been in