No my friend what you just said is ignorance..have you ever been to a "hood" or anything like that..there mostly at most 5-10 minutes away from a main city..from where theres people who dont shoot people up, who dont sell that crap, and where there are no gangs..rkm is right, it is a cop out..if you REALLY wanted to get out of the hood and not be a bad person..apply to a school thats 10 minutes away in a good neiborhoood..or if your past school go get a job in that one is forced to stay in the "hood" its a choice..people say they have no choice..bullshit. there just to damn lazy to get off there ass and drive or even walk 10 minutes to find a decent school or a decent job..they wanna take the easy way out and sell drugs and join gangs
Thats my point. Look where Will Smith grew up, how did he turn out? Should I give more examples of people that did not have it so good either growing up? How did he get where he is today? He made a choice.
Oh, and since no one has said this yet, I will. For the individual who keeps saying support my baby, babies are expensive. Its pretty simple, if you cant afford a baby, then dont make them. Keep your pants zipped, surely you know how babies are made. And yes I do know what its like, I was 20 when I had my first child.
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