Well-Known Member
youre right on man ... thanxI love black women, but black women can be demanding! I only know of only 1 white man who knows how to really please a black woman, and that's Col. Sanders
Now if i tell this joke to a black dude, and we both have a good laugh, does that make him sexist... and me racist for telling it?
Here's a good example of subconscious racism. Have you ever noticed how it's usually the liberal elite who are the first to call someone a racist, ban racial humor, and offer blacks and other so called minorities special privileges? That's because they subconsciously look down on them. I believe they subconsciously feel that these folks are so inferior that they (the liberal elite) must protect them.
I think that's ridiculous. Blacks and gays would be better off without your so called "help".
its more than racism to me .... by someone calling a joke racist... it just proves that rascism exist ... if it didnt no one would have minded that joke....
we shouldnt shy away from rascism or racist jokes ... we need to get past the whole ordeal and feel comfortable to talk about race without anger... nice point.