Subcool's Super Soil

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Read the entire post and check out the links to the soil recipes on YouTube (linked in the thread)

You will see brands and everything.

Good luck and get to mixing ASAP if you are gonna use it.
You want it to cook for at least a mth, I am trying to get at least 6 weeks before I use mine.

Honestly the best thing I did was read this thread from start to finish and take notes
I did it twice before I mixed and found all of my ?s in there.
Those buds look tasty. I just need rock phosphate and humic acid and I'm gonna start making a batch myself. Hoping it will work well with roots organic 707 as my base. All outdoor in Hawaii

I dont remeber how long ago he posted it, but in one of sub's more recent SS recipe updates he no longer uses the rock phosphate. So yea all you need in Humic Acid (ebay) and your good to go. I use 707 but only for my clones and youngsters, its very light in nutes and amendments, so it could have a small effect on your SS mix. I doubt it will be a big diff. but I'm a newb my damn self so your guess is as good as mine. Down here the 707's more expensive than the reg Roots Org. soil so maybe you could save some cash on that too IDK.

OH and Dralion, most definitly read the whole post, you can even read mostly just Sub's replies cuz the man is so damn good at what he does, he doesn't just answer the questions, he post the original question and his response. Tons of info just waiting for consumption. From my expierience some time name brands are items to avoid, some times the smaller the "brand" the better the product.
Not to many of these company's have websites, most of it's sold on ebay.

Could you please clarify three quick questions...

QUESTION #1) I noticed on March 8th you posted a slightly different recipe. It listed 1 cup of Dolomite versus 1/2 cup before. What notable changes could you say the extra 1/2 cup of Sweet Lime / Dolomite made?

8- Large bags of High quality Organic potting soil with a coco and Mycorrhizae
1- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings
5# Steamed Bone meal
5# Bloom bat Guano
5# Blood meal
¾ cup Epson salts
1 cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)
½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements)
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid


QUESTION #2) After we leave the trash cans baking in the sun for 30+ days should we continue to leave them in the sun, or pull them in doors after 30-60 days of sun baking?


QUESTION #3) In your opinion... what is the IDEAL pH to water plants using 2/3 Super Soil ?? I've been watering with 7.0 pH... but I think I read you prefer 6.5 pH water? please clarify

Thank you brother! You are doing God's work in helping the sick.
hey guys, I just started to get my soil ready the only problemisis that i cant find Harvest Moon i found it in Oregon.I live near Oalkland Ca. do they sell it any closer than way up north?
hey guys, I just started to get my soil ready the only problemisis that i cant find Harvest Moon i found it in Oregon.I live near Oalkland Ca. do they sell it any closer than way up north?
Sub said a while ago that he stopped using Harvest Moon altogether and now uses just Roots and Biobizz Light. He said the Harvest Moon turned out to be not as good of quality, and if memory serves correct, he said he didn't like how the soil was prepared and the coco fibers were washed or something. In other words, it's probably inconsistent and not very sterile. I suppose you could just get it and find out for yourself, but I doubt you want to make a road trip of that nature just for soil. . .
Sub, I saw that you use dechlorinated water and have advised RO water, I am currently using distilled with good results but my distiller only makes so much and I dont want to keep going to the store to get extra. what exactly do you do to your water to dechlorinate it? Do you use just tap water and let it sit out, for how long?
I see everyone is posing questions for Sub.. So let me ask if anyone know the answer to the 3 questions I posed on page 74?

1) What does the call for 1 cup of Dolomite (sweet lime) do for the soil -vs- the 1/2 cup in the original recipe

2) After 30-60 days in the sun, should we leave our soil out there indefinitely or bring it in doors after it's "baked 30-60 days".

3) What is the ideal pH for the water we use when watering plants 2/3 super soil ?

Thanks guys.. I too love this soil. I'm about to make a new batch so just want to know about the dolomite first.
Peace !
Sub, I saw that you use dechlorinated water and have advised RO water, I am currently using distilled with good results but my distiller only makes so much and I dont want to keep going to the store to get extra. what exactly do you do to your water to dechlorinate it? Do you use just tap water and let it sit out, for how long?

I let it set for 24 hours with an air stone bubbling away.
1) What does the call for 1 cup of Dolomite (sweet lime) do for the soil -vs- the 1/2 cup in the original recipe The base will even out around 7.0 PH but with only a 1/2 cup it was slow to raise from the 5.5 start so we upped it. We went to 2 cups and then back down to 1 which is what I am currently using.

Mine sits outside year round untill its needed but if your in a cold place it will freeze and need to be thawed.

2) After 30-60 days in the sun, should we leave our soil out there indefinitely or bring it in doors after it's "baked 30-60 days".

3) What is the ideal pH for the water we use when watering plants 2/3 super soil ? neutral water is always best


Thanks guys.. I too love this soil. I'm about to make a new batch so just want to know about the dolomite first.
Peace ![/QUOTE]
Dralion, read through the post or try to search it as it does cover outdoors.

Sub says he is not an outdoor grower so really can't say IF I recall correctly.

Also there are some posts of grower whove used the SS outdoors to help you.

Again, best bet is to read through the entire thread, it will take some time but take notes so you know
where to go back and reread.... Thats what I did and I found every ? I had has already been asked, also
you will see later in the thread Subs newest formula for the SS, there were a couple minor changes.

Welcome and Good luck!!
Hey there i have a quick question,
The other day made the soil mix at half batch to try it. i put it in the garbage can watered and left it for about 20 days, I now decided to make my second batch. I did the sma ething but didn't add vermiculite as i didn't have any. I decided to leave it in the pool because i didn't have another garbage can and the first batch would be ready in 10 days. I came back about a week later and there was a sort of white mildew growing on it.P1000198_edited-1.jpg I just mixed it up and waited the next three days out. On the 30th day i did the old switcheroo, and bagged the first bP1000194_edited-1.jpgatch, which turned out fine, and put the second batch in the garbage can. About a week passed and i came back to this. P1000201_edited-1.jpg


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Hey there i have a quick question,
The other day made the soil mix at half batch to try it. i put it in the garbage can watered and left it for about 20 days, I now decided to make my second batch. I did the sma ething but didn't add vermiculite as i didn't have any. I decided to leave it in the pool because i didn't have another garbage can and the first batch would be ready in 10 days. I came back about a week later and there was a sort of white mildew growing on it.View attachment 908109 I just mixed it up and waited the next three days out. On the 30th day i did the old switcheroo, and bagged the first bView attachment 908108atch, which turned out fine, and put the second batch in the garbage can. About a week passed and i came back to this. View attachment 908107
I might be wrong but that looks like mycelia. It could be from some myco but also could just be saprophytic fungi helping break down some of the organic material, which is good and supposed to be happening.
BTW, I don't recall vermiculite in the recipe.
They do not work well with soil....

Grow Stones, Hydroton, Soilless mix but not soil....

ETA Read my post below, I was mistaken.... I had these confused with the Easy2Grow, sorry!!!!

I do not know about Smart Pots...
I used them for veg and flower. I don't like transplanting from them. It is a pain to get the bag off. I un-roll it. Now I'm vegging in plastic and finishing in smart pots (1 gal transplanted to 5 gal)
They do not work well with soil....

Grow Stones, Hydroton, Soilless mix but not soil....

Isn't there intended use soil? Why do you say this anyways, what was your experience? I have used them in with soil and had great results, so they do work well with soil for my environment. I don't think it is a good think to simply say 'they don't work well with soil' as a blanket statement. My only complaint is they are harder to transplant out of than plastic pots. Also, I'm not saying they are better than anything, just disagreeing that they don't work well with soil in all cases because I have observed them working well with soil.
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