
i take 3 suboxone a day.. the 8 mg ones. and i never feel sick. its probably just too much for you. maybe your tolerance isnt what it should be for suboxone users. not sure. i have a friend who has done them and he isnt addicted to anything, but he doesnt get sick. so i dont know for sure, but you will probably be sick for like 5 hours.
Suboxone is like the "New Methadone". Its better than Done imo in that its usually sub lingual i.e u dissolve it under your tunge and it fucks u up in a good way. Maybe ur body doesnt react well to opiates so thats y its rejecting the stuff. I gave it to a friend a while back and he had never done opiates b4. He said he was high as FUCK and that he loved it. Though he did puke once on the ride home from a smoke session from a friends place. But after he puked he said all was well. I dunno how to help u out on ur bad exp, though i would recommend not taking it again if u had a bad time on it.
ya no never gonna take it again. the reason i got so sick from it was because i dont do dope. i do percs here and there, but i have no tolerance or addiction. i probably threw up a dozen times yesterday, i couldnt keep anything down, now even 2 crackers and a slushie

i did throw up that sandwich from my last post, about 20 mins later. later that day a friend of mine picked me up and asked if i wanted to go see his and his wifes and another friend of mines preformances at a couple of bars a few times over. fuck ya! i went with them and they fed me a peanut beutter covered english muffin loaded up with mushrooms, and they gave me a few caps to eat when i pleased, they smoked me up on lots of good weed and fed me free beers. i was sure i was gonna toss my mushrooms, completly waste them, but i mannaged not to throw up miraculusly

so i had a great night tripping and playing bongo drums and drinking at bars and smokin trees with good friends.

my friends band dosnt have a name yet, is this clche? the GREATFULly DEADicated
i likyy my methadone=)
i got 10 mili pills and that surp surp lmao 80 millis a shot lmao

fuck that shit you guys are doin i dont like it that much they are for the same shit except methadone is also for pain patients
that shit is good for weening off heroin and other opiates
It almost sounds like you had an allergic reaction. I used to get bad hangovers like that when i first started using. Soboxone causes dependance just like any other opiate. I have just as many friends stuck on Soboxi as i do on 'dones. However, if this is the first time you've done opi's in awhile, there is no way you need to ween yourself off of anything. I hate to tell ya this but projectile vomiting and a general feeling of death is a sure sign of a junk hangover. More soboxi would just make you feel worse. You'll feel better tomorrow but there is a good chance you won't have much of an appetite.
i dont think im allergic to it, but i do know ill never do it again, unless years down the road i become a junkie and actually need it. it is not good stuff, i was fucked up for a good long time and then sick for over 12 hours. it astounds me that i know people who take 1.5 to cope, and dont even get fucked up let alone sick.

no more experimenting with crazy new drugs, im gonna stick to what i know; weed, acid, shrooms, good drugs. no more devils drugs
Boxes certainly can mess you up and the effects do last a long time but they lack the euphoria of real opiates. I don't think they are very recreational at all. If you want to see what getting faded is really all about buy a packet of heroin, some oc, or even some morphine and shoot it up. Much more euphoric and with a very pleasant rush that subaxone can't even compete with. Plus I'd much rather poke myself with a needle then have to taste that crappy orange flavoring lol

i dont think im allergic to it, but i do know ill never do it again, unless years down the road i become a junkie and actually need it. it is not good stuff, i was fucked up for a good long time and then sick for over 12 hours. it astounds me that i know people who take 1.5 to cope, and dont even get fucked up let alone sick.

no more experimenting with crazy new drugs, im gonna stick to what i know; weed, acid, shrooms, good drugs. no more devils drugs
Heroin has reached a level of purity in the last 15 years that using heroin for the first time by injection would get a nontolerant person as high as sniffing it. The only difference would be that you would use less, and more likely to od. Telling someone who gets sick from a Suboxi sliver to shoot h is moronic. You either don't know what you're talking about or you're trying to kill this guy.
i did a little dope the other day, id rather become addicted to the most adictive drug on earth than be forced to do suboxone ever again. dope is dope, thats all i can say on the subject