ya no never gonna take it again. the reason i got so sick from it was because i dont do dope. i do percs here and there, but i have no tolerance or addiction. i probably threw up a dozen times yesterday, i couldnt keep anything down, now even 2 crackers and a slushie
i did throw up that sandwich from my last post, about 20 mins later. later that day a friend of mine picked me up and asked if i wanted to go see his and his wifes and another friend of mines preformances at a couple of bars a few times over. fuck ya! i went with them and they fed me a peanut beutter covered english muffin loaded up with mushrooms, and they gave me a few caps to eat when i pleased, they smoked me up on lots of good weed and fed me free beers. i was sure i was gonna toss my mushrooms, completly waste them, but i mannaged not to throw up miraculusly
so i had a great night tripping and playing bongo drums and drinking at bars and smokin trees with good friends.
my friends band dosnt have a name yet, is this clche? the GREATFULly DEADicated