subs supersoil

everyone I'd making the half recipe version its funny, gotta ig and you'll see twice the amendments, I made the light version and it sucked but the full recipe is decent, I still prefer happy frog just BC its easier to mimic the supersoil with simple products that essentially the same except they're added later on
I am going to make a large amount of Subs SuperSoil. 1250gallons to be exact. I made one batch with these ingredients and filled 3 3/4x32gallon trashcans (124gal but we will round up to 125gal). 50lb worm casting5lb steamed bone meal5lb bat guano5lb blood meal 3lb rock phosphate3/4 cup epsom salt1 cup sweet lime (dolomite)1/2 cup azomite2tbs powedered humic acid8 bags roots organic2 bags perlite (12quart size bags)2 bags cocoThis gave me 125gallons of soil. I want to create enough soil for to last me a perpetual harvest. Schedule:Example. I want to cut 16 clones and harvest 16 plants every 2 weeks. I need help figuring this out, i think i have it figured out but advice on scheduling would be nice. im allowed up to 72plants but would like to base my PHarvest off 64 that way i have a safety zone to play with mothers etc...back to the mass amount of super soil, i did the math and this is what ive come up with:530lbs worm castings50lbs bone meal50lbs bat guano50lbs blood meal30lbs rock phosphate 5 3/4 cups epsom salt10 cups dolomite lime 3,5 cups azomite20 tbs powdered humic acid240 bags roots organic ( i will order by the pallet)26 bag coco14 bag perliteThis should make roughly 1250 gallons of supersoil. this ought to last me a year....i hope. what do you think fellow friends
so hows your perpetual fortnight harvests coming along? i had been and now going to.keep doing that same thing. i was doing 12/12 from seed now mothers and clones. do you have fortnight harvests or do you have to wait sometimes?
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I went the whole super soil route and it's a waste of money and time let alone back breaking work.

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Why throw away all that perfectly good soil? Reuse reduce recyclebongsmilie

So i basically have been doing that, just using Blue Mountian Organics all the time. So my question would be, should i continue to just use them, or should i just make my own teas (I Am working on this, it just may be while... or should i do it now?), Or should i Amend the Soil and add lime, more rocks, some manure, bone meal, and then make my own Soil Web in the soil and let it sit for a couple months, and just forget Fertilizers? Or would i Still have to use teas even after amending the soil?
I've noticed people often talk trash about people who buy bagged TGA Super Soil.
Is this the same for people using Sub's recipe? Or just people buying bagged super soil.
I've noticed people often talk trash about people who buy bagged TGA Super Soil.
Is this the same for people using Sub's recipe? Or just people buying bagged super soil.

Also I once read something about reusing super soil, and that people are saying if you had a good run with your super soil and had no issues with bugs or have already treated the soil for bugs then you should reuse the same soil, and people are reporting that the soil works better with every grow giving better and better results each time, suggesting to use the same soil for something like 6 grows, might have been even more. But what I want to know is, are people re amending the soil or do you just pull one plant and put another plant in?
A little column a and a little column b.. Some use the soil immediatly, some use it after its sat and the root ball has started to break down. Some people use well maintained raised beds that have a continual soil food web that is maintianed. Ive preached for years about aerated teas, its applications like this that they really come in handy. Taking care of the soil food web creates amazing plants, if you used an all organic grow, stopped feeding toeards the end, your soil shouldnt be hot. I re use all my soil in my yard for gardening, however i dont see why you cant grow another crop on it. Just make sure all is clean, and let it sit for a couple week, watered, just to be safe.
subs soil recipe is decent but you should tweak it youre self like instead of high phosphorus guano and seabird guano try crab meal or soft rock phosphate or oyster shells. ive done sooo much research on different organic amendments that you can exchange anything on that recipie and make it better...
also has anyone thought of the idea of making a super soiless batch? I want to try it but I have my doubts. any suggestions or someone trying it?
subs soil recipe is decent but you should tweak it youre self like instead of high phosphorus guano and seabird guano try crab meal or soft rock phosphate or oyster shells. ive done sooo much research on different organic amendments that you can exchange anything on that recipie and make it better...
also has anyone thought of the idea of making a super soiless batch? I want to try it but I have my doubts. any suggestions or someone trying it?

I ran a batch of my own amended soil, but swapped out the peat moss for coco coir. The plants were nice and healthy, no issues, other than I thought the yield suffered a bit. The coco coir retains water a lot more than peat does, so I think I over watered a bit before I clued in..... so I'm wondering if that was my fault, or if the lower CEC from coir was responsible for the lower yield??
well if you add in compost or humic acids the cec shouldn't be a problem, and its hard to over water coco coir, at least in my opinion I was watering every two to three days. plus feed every second watering
but im getting tired of brewing teas lmfao, rather just make a super soilless soil, plus I love coco coir, to me soil gives it a much earthier tastes wher from the coco coir I didn't get as much of that earthy taste and was kinda sweeter.
I also use thirsty lights toi tell me when to water exactly
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well if you add in compost or humic acids the cec shouldn't be a problem, and its hard to over water coco coir, at least in my opinion I was watering every two to three days. plus feed every second watering
but im getting tired of brewing teas lmfao, rather just make a super soilless soil, plus I love coco coir, to me soil gives it a much earthier tastes wher from the coco coir I didn't get as much of that earthy taste and was kinda sweeter.

Well of course I added compost. 1/3 of my base is EWC. If you look in to it the CEC of coco coir it is not as high as peat moss. Believe me, we beat this topic to death on here.

I dont think my mind was playing tricks on me as far as water retention goes. These are strains that I've been growing for quite a while, and a plant that I would typically water every second day in a peat moss base would go 3 to 4 days without need ing water in the coir.

Either way, yield suffered. Not blaming the coir per se, just an observation I made.
hmmmm, true but unlease we can connect with the plants like the avatar people, we wont know completely, but have you eveer used a thirsty light before?
I think I've used it, or a similar product. The carbon additive I used I think was in a red packet though. Or maybe that was some mycorrhiza in the red pack. I can't remember which pack was which product or the brand name but I had like 2 sample packs of each and used the both of them. The carbon one kind of looked real similar to brake dust with chunks.
I saw a monster gardens video that said it was a good product to use especially for organic growers who plan to reuse their soil. They said it helps keep the soil going or something can't remember exactly what it was they said.