'Substantially high' number of grow ops in Mission


Well-Known Member
Saw this on the Vancouer news at supper....

Mayor Randy Hawes hears complaints about marijuana grow operations in the community almost on a weekly basis. He doesn’t know if they are legal or illegal ones, but either way, he wants to make sure these operations are housed in a facility with appropriate wiring and electrical hook ups.
“The complaints never stop,” said Hawes, noting the residents he spoke with this week have put their home up for sale. “People are moving because they can’t stand it anymore. They’re being driven out of their home and we need to do something about it.”
Hawes hopes to put a system in place where at least homes are being inspected for electrical safety.
A Public Safety Inspection Team (PSIT) operated in Mission from 2008 to 2011 conducting safety inspections on homes throughout the community based on unusually high power usage.
Hawes said PSIT didn’t work because it was also a cost recovery program.
“Homeowners were charged $5,000 even if they suspected there was a grow op in the past,” said Hawes, noting perhaps the home had been used as one by a previous owner. “That’s not fair.”
Hawes explained Surrey’s Electrical Fire Safety Initiative has been instrumental in eliminating marijuana grow ops in that community. Surrey put the program in place in 2005 and the number of grow ops dropped by 82 per cent in four years.
“No bill is handed out in Surrey,” said Hawes. “It’s about safety.”
Hawes believes without any bylaws in place, the problem in Mission will get worse.
At Monday night’s council meeting, RCMP Cpl. Shane Holmquist explained the federal government began the medical marijuana program because of a court ruling that decided prohibition of it was unconstitutional.
The Marijuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) was created in 2001 to allow Canadians with a permit to possess marijuana and produce it for personal use.
“Health Canada thought they could manage it, but it spiralled out of control,” said Holmquist. “The program expanded exponentially, and Health Canada couldn’t keep up.”
Court cases allowed people to grow the product for themselves, then allowed producers to grow for others. There is a maximum of four licenses per property.
Under MMAR rules, there were 477 house grows in 2002, but by 2012, there were 22,000 and by 2014, there were 57,799. If house grows are allowed to continue, it is projected there will be 433,688 by 2024.
According to police, there are 670 house grows in Mission, 687 in Abbotsford, and 694 in Chilliwack. When the numbers are broken down by postal codes, the Mission area has a “substantially high” amount compared to the rest of the Lower Mainland region, said Holmquist.
MMAR was repealed last year and now Health Canada has no authority to conduct inspections on properties with licensed grows.
Hawes knows some people view home inspections as a violation, but he says he is more sympathetic to people who are living beside these unwanted neighbours.
Medicinal grow ops with a license is legal, but inspectors should be allowed to make sure any adjustments to electrical wiring in the home is safe, said Hawes.
The federal government brought in new rules last year outlawing personal home grows in favour of commercial licenses, but their move is being challenged in court. The trial begins in Vancouver on February 23.
The guys sounds like a lot of other Goon Squad cretins. He'd like to run over other folks rights and interests in favor of his own. Bet he consumes alcohol though....hypocrite asshole.
And what troubles are these grow ops causing him beside he doesn't like it ?
Most of the home grows I know of are so impossible to detect they could never be a bother to anyone. Even a neighbor next door. Just more percussion imo
First off this dick head cop says "The program expanded exponentially, and Health Canada couldn’t keep up" BS, HC never inspected one grow, on top of that wtf is exponentially? It was hard has hell to get into MMAR, and compared to what HC predicts for MMPR the 40 or 50,000 ppl is just a drop in the bucket.

Second he says "Hawes knows some people view home inspections as a violation, but he says he is more sympathetic to people who are living beside these unwanted neighbours." Get the fuck out of here. yes inspecting my home because I use a lot of power is invasion of rights, I could careless if the guy next doors want to grow cannabis. The funny thing is, I had a super high power bill in Ontario because of a broken pool pump and when I asked the power company to come take a look they told me they do not do inspections and that it is up to me to figure out the high usage. Go figure.
Hawes explained Surrey’s Electrical Fire Safety Initiative has been instrumental in eliminating marijuana grow ops in that community. Surrey put the program in place in 2005 and the number of grow ops dropped by 82 per cent in four years.

LOL he fails to mention how the amount of hydro taps went up in Surrey with the fire chief even stating that the grow ops went further underground with wire taps and generators because of the inspections.
First off this dick head cop says "The program expanded exponentially, and Health Canada couldn’t keep up" BS, HC never inspected one grow,

Second he says "Hawes knows some people view home inspections as a violation, but he says he is more sympathetic to people who are living beside these unwanted neighbours." Get the fuck out of here. yes inspecting my home because I use a lot of power is invasion of rights.

You see the contradiction, right?
LOL he fails to mention how the amount of hydro taps went up in Surrey with the fire chief even stating that the grow ops went further underground with wire taps and generators because of the inspections.
Most, if not all municipalities as well as provinces have bylaws and codes regarding electrical work in any residence. Most mmar growers would be ok with having the electrical inspected...once, insurance requires it...then leave us the fuck alone.
If you have to violate any of the rest of a person's rights to get what you want, then it's spiraled out of control to the point where legalization is the only option left... besides fascism.

I say it's time to start using this word in response to assholes who would authorize anyone to stomp on your rights- for any reason. But especially for harmless medicinal plants? Seriously?!
If you have to violate any of the rest of a person's rights to get what you want, then it's spiraled out of control to the point where legalization is the only option left... besides fascism.

I say it's time to start using this word in response to assholes who would authorize anyone to stomp on your rights- for any reason. But especially for harmless medicinal plants? Seriously?!
Agreed. Harper is a fascist (and an asshole). I detest intrusion into my life by government for any reason, but society has accepted certain approvals and inspections, etc to keep the majority safe. I don't want my place burning down because of bad wiring and I certainly couldn't live with myself if it damaged my nieghbours house. That would be the only reason. As far as random checks for plant counts etc, they should need a warrant to investigate. I've never heard of random HC visits to make sure people aren't stockpiling oxy's. They even require a warrant if you were suspected of making bombs, but somehow cannabis is far more dangerous. After we win the right to keep growing, I think our focus should be on fighting discrimination against mmj users.
They should make the lps contribute to a buck on every gram they sell to fund a coalition of inspectors. If hc actually had inspectors out checking on dg grows the way they were supposes to then the mmar might have had a better chance to work.
global news reporting is a joke. I notice they say there is a whole bunch of new grows in mission.
, yet they fail to say no new permits have been given out in the last year, or been allowed to move anywhere......So new unlicensed grows are a police concern and should be dealt with accordingly.
.....So new unlicensed grows are a police concern and should be dealt with accordingly.[/QUOTE said:
So u think because someone started by a certain date they deserve more rights than others?
Either let everyone grow or no one.
If I was illegal and setting up with no license I would expect to be arrested for spewing skunk smell into my neighborhood. I did not invent the cutoff date
No but to even suggest it should be enforced is basically the same thing.
I dont hold grudges against people who are allowed to grow. Im glad some people are lucky enough to still have their rights but at the same time i dont think me or anyone that was diagnosed after the date should be forced into a different system.
If i was lucky enough to have become a dg i would fight for everyone to have the same rights i do.
Not want to imprison the "competition"
I think the people complaining about odour and anything else are just mj haters and would find something to complain about.
Same people that complain about perfumes in the workplace also complain about bo its a joke.
People need to go back to minding their own business.