'Substantially high' number of grow ops in Mission

Agreed. Harper is a fascist (and an asshole). I detest intrusion into my life by government for any reason, but society has accepted certain approvals and inspections, etc to keep the majority safe. I don't want my place burning down because of bad wiring and I certainly couldn't live with myself if it damaged my nieghbours house. That would be the only reason. As far as random checks for plant counts etc, they should need a warrant to investigate. I've never heard of random HC visits to make sure people aren't stockpiling oxy's. They even require a warrant if you were suspected of making bombs, but somehow cannabis is far more dangerous. After we win the right to keep growing, I think our focus should be on fighting discrimination against mmj users.

How about a campaign against those who would happily tear down all of the people's constitutional protections... for a fucking PLANT?!
No but to even suggest it should be enforced is basically the same thing.
I dont hold grudges against people who are allowed to grow. Im glad some people are lucky enough to still have their rights but at the same time i dont think me or anyone that was diagnosed after the date should be forced into a different system.
If i was lucky enough to have become a dg i would fight for everyone to have the same rights i do.
Not want to imprison the "competition"

Exactly. I was ready with paper work for MMAR then MMPR rolled out after I spent almost a year trying to get into the MMAR, needless to say I did not make it in time. I hope MMAR wins the court battle but I also hope they do not leave us in the dark who are not covered, or else the fight is still on.
I think the people complaining about odour and anything else are just mj haters and would find something to complain about.
Same people that complain about perfumes in the workplace also complain about bo its a joke.
People need to go back to minding their own business.

Yea they are like the losers in Ontario who are actually going to protest the new Ontario sex ed program. Same kind of people who have nothing better to do then hate on the Cannabis plant. I am so sick of people with their fuked up opinions trying to impose them on the rest of us.
Mission has a significant number of large, urban 'homesteads' , municipal/city lots 1 + acres, many heavily treed, sharing boundaries with ALR (agricultural land reserve) properties. People grow there because it is easy to do so, thanks to city planners .