Bravo, Bravo! The crowd stands and applauds. This is it, he thinks. I've made it and am receiving the adulation I deserve. It didn't matter that I couldn't write, they said I'd spend my life in my garage, but look at me now. This is just the platform I need to showcase my drying rack and air conditioner! These fools! Using portable units with temperature controls and seeking precision in all that they do! Don't they know they can build a cooler that will moderately reduce temperatures! Mwah mwah mwah mwah (the jury is still out on how to write a demonic laugh, but you get it)
Wait, wait, it's the daisy cloner you have a problem with. You think it's a waste of money, is that it? I still can't figure out your problem. You think you have a better method is that it? Your product is better? Your plants are better? Strike that, your plants are historically better? Maybe you are a farmer by trade and are insulted that you don't know everything about growing a plant whose final product has a more demanding consumer? What is it dave? Do you need someone to say that you don't need a daisy cloner? Did I not say that with the pdf file attached to the original post? Do you want me to re-admit something that was already said? It can be done without it and I did not say that it could not be. I cannot have a humidome if I want to leave my house for days at a time - and I do. Quite honestly, f*** your method. If you never develop algae, so be it. If you never develop powdery mildew, so be it. You have soil in high humidity, good luck Dave.
Equipment costs are capital investments and everything else is just an ongoing expenditure - I do not expect you to understand, Dave. Like I said, soil and cubes were a learning experience that I am not likely to repeat, but you are more than welcome to it. This is fun, so by all means circle of life and all that