sugar and yeast co2, whats the BEST ratio?

this forum is years old. but i read this awhile back, invested in super yeast. a 40$ bag. now, i am using a 2L bottle, 2 cups sugar, 1 table spoon super yeast(wrapped in a coffee filter). i tried using a 5gal bucket with random measurements, nothing air tight, then it died off. ill let everyone know how this one goes and will update sometime the best ratio for me. i also am using RO water.
I use about 2 cups of sugar too 1 healthy table spoon of yeast and nearly last me two weeks.

Works well
Well this super yeast is arguably twice as strong as reg yeast... Wish more people have tried Super. I'm not educated enough to do the math to get the best ratio.
used to use . 5 gallons of water . active yeast . half bag of sugar . makes a lot of co2 for about 14 days . perfect for a 6/6 room ppm about 1500
Exhale365 lasts me longer. I have used 12 oz water bottles with the sugar yeast thing at 4-5 weeks and place on each pot, to give those youngens a kick in the keester.
Champagne or a whisky yeast would be best imo. I used to have a yeast bank and propagate my own yeast and make starters for brewing. You need a yeast that can handle the heavy alcohol levels. I may break out my better bottle with valve check and make a batch to try this.
just go buy an Exhale365 bag for 30 many back room chemists
Exhale365 lasts me longer. I have used 12 oz water bottles with the sugar yeast thing at 4-5 weeks and place on each pot, to give those youngens a kick in the keester.

Have you ever put a CO 2 meter on those Exhale bags? I have heard from more than a few people that they are not effective.

I run a CO 2 tank plus in another room one of these.
I use 5 pounds of honey in 1 gallon of water with a package of brewers yeast (1/4 ounce) and run a tube into a second 1gallon container that 1/2 filled with water. it bubbles for a week to 10 days and when it's done I strain the honey/water mixture thru cheese cloth and have honey mead :):):)
If your gonna go through all this you might as well do it right. Spend 15 bucks at and get a hydrometer and a pack of turbo yeast. I use this to make 185 proof um... Fuel alchohol in my still (not hard to build you built a grow room you can make a still). The mixture you guys are talking about should get to an alchohol content of about 13% with the bakers yeast etc.. So for more co2/alchohol output use the turbo yeasts. they can tolerate an alchohol content of about 20% and have nutrients that plain sugar lacks for the yeast. Usually about 6 cups of sugar and a gallon of water will do it. just keep mixing in sugar till the hydrometer is @ 1.18. Dont fill if up all the way cause it will overflow. should last for about 2 weeks. hell if your not running it through the still use grape juice instead of water, add sugar till 1.18 on hydrometer. 2 weeks later and a drinkable sweet, but not something those wine and cheese people will like, wine.
satan you there? say...6 cups of sugar to a gallon of much yeast satan?..
satan you there? say...6 cups of sugar to a gallon of much yeast satan?..
The answer to your riddle is bottle or burner. Not how many cups of sugar do I need to the yeast. I do something like this but I brewing beer. But if you want co2 save yourself some headache and purchase a bottle or get a co2 burner or if you in a garage add a propane heater....hint is propane heaters can do the exact same thing as co2 burners for cheaper. If you grow inside your home put that bad boy( I mean your gender fluid/non gender conforming but presents as vegan) plant in your bedroom do all.the weird things we don't want to know about and pretty much live in there full time..........damn what am I thinking? You realize there's a God damn pandemic of peanut butter space princess proportions happening and I just saved your life by have you hold up indoors thus providing you the security bubble you need and give your plant co2!!!!
Now part of this post has truth the other is satire and stupid. 1 because it's a God damn dead thread brought back for holy space pirates sake. And 2 I'm am high and these golden teachers are kicking in lmao. To all a good night!
The answer to your riddle is bottle or burner. Not how many cups of sugar do I need to the yeast. I do something like this but I brewing beer. But if you want co2 save yourself some headache and purchase a bottle or get a co2 burner or if you in a garage add a propane heater....hint is propane heaters can do the exact same thing as co2 burners for cheaper. If you grow inside your home put that bad boy( I mean your gender fluid/non gender conforming but presents as vegan) plant in your bedroom do all.the weird things we don't want to know about and pretty much live in there full time..........damn what am I thinking? You realize there's a God damn pandemic of peanut butter space princess proportions happening and I just saved your life by have you hold up indoors thus providing you the security bubble you need and give your plant co2!!!!
Now part of this post has truth the other is satire and stupid. 1 because it's a God damn dead thread brought back for holy space pirates sake. And 2 I'm am high and these golden teachers are kicking in lmao. To all a good night!
Glad you did it, your way was definitely a whole lot better lol.