

Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah but wanted to make sure it was made clear to thos reading this post as afew seem to not know and are taking the advice to add sugar serious lol no disresect ta ya I follwed but was afraid few other wouldnt


Active Member
got abit of a prob with the thai ss leaves seem to be curling up and closing im sure this is down to heat stress but i could be wrong got a fan on the go as temperature is rather high at min


Well-Known Member
The sugar feeds soil microbes, and allows them to reproduce more quickly, which they in turn convert dirt to plant soluble nutrients.

Yes, plain sugar will work. Though it doesn't take much. Maybe 1 TBSP per gallon. If you were to taste the water(before/after), you should not be able to notice any change of sweetness.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
But the sugar doesnt do what molasses does. If your using it for organic growing you may have some benfits but more draw backs then good and I woiuld just add guano in for the microbes


Well-Known Member
got abit of a prob with the thai ss leaves seem to be curling up and closing im sure this is down to heat stress but i could be wrong got a fan on the go as temperature is rather high at min
got same prob wi the thai ss. This plant does not like the heat in my experience. Got 6 various strains growin. When the mercury starts rising the same happens with mine. Other 5 are fine. Are they the free seeds the attitude were dishing out? Maybe thats why they were free!


Active Member
If they have it and they should get Grandma original unsulphured black strap molasses about $2.68 a jar it works the best..just never add to an aero setup..good grows
got same prob wi the thai ss. This plant does not like the heat in my experience. Got 6 various strains growin. When the mercury starts rising the same happens with mine. Other 5 are fine. Are they the free seeds the attitude were dishing out? Maybe thats why they were free!
Yes they were the free seeds from attitude m8


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about putting mine in the bin. Make room for summit a bit more productive. They got a long flowering period, from what i have read the yield is not that great.


Active Member
I am thinking about putting mine in the bin. Make room for summit a bit more productive. They got a long flowering period, from what i have read the yield is not that great.
Might be a nice smoke tho. And they grow very tall twice as tall as my afgan strain at this stage about 4 weeks veg now on 12/12 as from tonite:)


Well-Known Member
Could well be! Not saying you should bin yours. If you got the space, go for it! Remember and post a smoke report when its finished. Best of luck mate. Geo


Well-Known Member
I have grown with and without complex carbs provided by sugars(Mollasses, Carbo load etc.Not Sugar itself). It increases overall weight somewhat, but it can also kill your plants awful fast too. Especially if bacteria get growing, the sugar is food for them. I have seen roots go from nice crisp and white to black and rotten in 4 days from sugars effects. I only use it the last 2 weeks before flushing with water for 1 week and then clearex for 1 week. Last grow I used none and everything turned out well, yield was down 2 ounces total though.

It for sure will not get you a 10 fold increase. NOTHING can do a 10 fold. Expect a 10% increase in weight at the most.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I get about a 20% increase using products like sweet or sweet leaf and suagr daddy but with molasses a 10% increase is about on point I agree


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol yeah its a thread that comes up about once a month here for the last few years..first time someone evr said they used regular sugar though as thats not a normal thing to even try to do lol


man if you have ever smelled burned sugar it is god horrible. i am a pasty chef and i know, i have been stoned and forgot the pot on the stove.


New Member
Quick Q has anyone used sugar during the flowering stage?? Ive been told this increases yield tenfold would like to know if this is just hearsay or not


sugar is not absorbable to a plant it feeds microbes, and should be used throughout all stages, if you want a sweetener than use mag sulphate