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A few seeds found from indoor grown weed are the result of a hermie. In lots of cases, a female will pop one or two pollen sacks and make a few seeds. But if there is several strains in a room, you don't know which one was the daddy. Some oldtimers swear by hermie pollen. But they used it to make seeds in other females, not the hermie herself. My The Finger X Bug Topped strain is a hermie X female strain.

Seeded pot is just as strong as non seeded pot. There just won't be as much bud on a plant when it's seeded. It puts all it's effert into making seeds.
I mean I definitely don't have a large enough of a sample size but i think ill get at least 3 of the 4 to be females. If not i know the seeds came from nice bud so il need you guys input on how to harvest them.
11-12-2012, 12:55 PM
As I understand the plant in question, this is what I have found. (You must remember that I am fairly new at this so you should check out everything I am telling you although it is what I have used and it works for me). If a female plant is left in flowering too long without being fertilized, it will eventually produce pollen sacks on its own. The pollen sacks are called "nanners" because they are bright yellow and look like a tiny bunch of bananas. They are tiny but quite noticeable because of their bright yellow color. Seeds normally contain both an X and a Y chromosome. That means that the plant they produce has an even chance of being either a male or female plant. Environmental issues also plays a part in this choice of whether the plant will become a male or female. The X chromosome comes from the pollen produced by the male plant that fertilizes the female flower and the Y chromosome comes from the female flower. However, if the female flower is unfertilized by male pollen it will eventually hermaphrodite and produce these nanners. When this happens and the pollen from the female plant fertilizes the flower from the female plant it will result in a seed that has a Y chromosome from the flower and also a Y chromosome from the pollen which has been produced by the female plant. Therefore, the seed will have a double Y chromosome and will always produce a female plant. I have used this method over and over again and it has always resulted in female plants from seeds produced in this manner. However, only time will tell if it always works in the future. You might try researching this in some botony forum or what ever source you use. Good luck!

My theory exactly. If my regs came from female only rooms then they must gave stressed some way and ended up producing seeds. Since the female plant produced seeds by herself the seeds should only have mom's chromosomes. So in theory 2 mom chromosomes would churn out little lady seeds.

Oh btw that blue dream seed I planted had popped above the ground! Idk if I should raise it here for some nice indoor or try to kick it outside with the rest of them.
Another post on my theory. My brother is growing a bagseed he got from some a++ herb and has a A++ lady growing right now. Can't remember the strain as we go thorough them fast but it came from a batch earlier this year that should not have included seeds.
All in all my theory could be more of hope than anything. The chance of the blue dream seed being female makes me wanna try to get as big a yield as I can. The chance of it being male makes me wanna grow it out and harvest seeds so next year I can have a pretty nice sized blue dream outdoor grow.
All in all my theory could be more of hope than anything. The chance of the blue dream seed being female makes me wanna try to get as big a yield as I can. The chance of it being male makes me wanna grow it out and harvest seeds so next year I can have a pretty nice sized blue dream outdoor grow.
If it is a male you will need to use the pollen on a female to get seeds, males on their own do not produce seeds. If it is a female you can spray it with colloidal silver if you want to get feminized seeds identical to the female parent.
If it is a male you will need to use the pollen on a female to get seeds, males on their own do not produce seeds. If it is a female you can spray it with colloidal silver if you want to get feminized seeds identical to the female parent.
Your absolutely right. I think I was just too blazed to think it through. But some "blue lights " sounds promising. I could just pollinate a branch on one of the ladies and have enough seeds for next summer.
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This is my first time being this far away from any plant I've ever grown let alone 9! It's been 7 days since the last manual water but I know it rained where the ladies are about 2 days ago. I am thinking of planning another trip to them but if the rain should keep them ok then ill try to hold off. Can I last another week? I have an actual reason to be around them in a week.
They should be fine be if they are that small, a little rain once a week should do fine. You can also buy water crystals which retain water and slowly release it. I've only watered once this year and mine are much bigger and have been out for 5-6 weeks
Getting nervous about my ladies. It's been over a week and a half since I've seen them and I don't wanna walk up on dead plants. Prayers for the ladies please.
Not sure how many but I had a trusted source check the ladies. I think I lost 3 or 4. Gotta get out there and water them bitches...
Going to visit the ladies and assess the damage done. Bringing some water to them also. Had about 30 bottled of half finished water laying around so I filled them and are gonna use all those then water from the pond nearby.
Oh also I'm taking the runt bagseed and the blue dream bagseed to plant. Both are roitbound and will love some room to breath.
The blue dream is the smaller one.
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Went to visit the ladies. Lost 2 due to Ferrell hogs I believe. I had mixed emotions about this visit, the northern lights are smaller than I anticipated at their age and one reg seed has exploded. Mixed looks as far as health and such goes some nl look better than some bagseed and vice versa. I'm really hoping the NL take off here soon. Anyone know if they are slow growers? Also got to spend some time with my brother who always helps with the grows and even got to look at his reg seed he sprouted. Its flowering and I told him give it a few more weeks. What do you think? Anyways. Enjoy all the pics. 20170629_215406.jpg 20170629_215357.jpg 20170629_214940.jpg 20170629_214348.jpg 20170629_214336.jpg 20170629_214244.jpg 20170629_214234.jpg 20170629_214230.jpg 20170629_214212.jpg 20170629_214159.jpg
Plants doing ok. Been getting rain on n off so less trips to visit and water. No signs of stress or deficiency but 2 Northern lights are growing slow on me. Here's some pics. Judge me ladies!!

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What kind of sun are you getting? The more sun, the faster they grow. You might trim that tall grass back a couple of feet, and cut any trees that are costing you light. Keep in mind the sun will be moving further to the south as the season goes on.

If water is a problem, sink those pots a few inches in the dirt. And if that red pot is clay, it will suck water from the plant. It should be sunk flush with the dirt, and try not to grow in clay again.