Supchaka's Growing Weed! Style and Wattage May Vary!


Well-Known Member
Looks like the Chaka's got the frostiness from the Dog huh.

I wonder what the variations will be once they are done? How many diff phenos you got so far?
Structurally they all look almost the same to me. There is one plant that's a little darker and one is a little taller. Their leaves all look pretty much the same as the peacocks too. It's so exciting to partake in their coming up!


Well-Known Member
Structurally they all look almost the same to me. There is one plant that's a little darker and one is a little taller. Their leaves all look pretty much the same as the peacocks too. It's so exciting to partake in their coming up!
Partake??? You will be partaking in my harvest as well! Sounds like someone is going to the Marijuana Smoking Gym to build up their tolerance!

I think our Avi are a match made in heaven!!!


Well-Known Member
I didn't get seen. It was like heartburn but it wouldn't go away. After sitting in the urgent care it went away and I said fuck this waiting. Just never had it last that long!


Well-Known Member
I didn't get seen. It was like heartburn but it wouldn't go away. After sitting in the urgent care it went away and I said fuck this waiting. Just never had it last that long!
R u using cider vinegar for the gnats? If so use that for heartburn too bro. I oz empty stomach tastes like shit, but it actually works and is wayyyy safer that pharms!


Well-Known Member
I didn't get seen. It was like heartburn but it wouldn't go away. After sitting in the urgent care it went away and I said fuck this waiting. Just never had it last that long!
Glad your ok! I lost my phone about 5 minutes after I was texting you!!! So I dont have a phone! lol Went fishing by your house again last night and went to a lake today.


Well-Known Member
Guess what being lazy is good for?! Fucking nothing! I had another god damn hermie. It was the back left Chaka. I was pulling the plants out for some trimming and it was funny cuz I didn't even realize at first what the dust was that was falling from my plant while I was pruning. I was like wtf is this stuff in the air?! Then I saw a flower Ugh! I don't know how much nut it threw around but I'm sure it was some. I was supposed to donate this run to my buddy that has a dispensary so this may be a serious wrench in the gears!

While I had the plants out I was chopping the lower branches and figured I may as well try and clone some. Not a big fan of cloning in flower but it didn't cost me anything so why not. I took 5 cuts from one and 4 from another of my favorite 2 plants.
So here's the tent down to 5 now!
And I dumped out some Christmas ornaments into another box to use the tub for a dome :)


Well-Known Member
Sucks about the herm. I know one of those dust clouds you speak of can do some damage..

I woulda sprayed everything down with water immediately after You got rid of the herm


Well-Known Member
I did spray them down with water but some of them flowers looked like they opened days ago. I knew 2 weeks ago I should have been looking at them closer but I'm lazy, what can I say! I put the herm outside cuz I figured fuck it, it's looking decent still and if it's got too much seed I'll just hash it. It also didnt herm like I've typically seen. Probably from the DOG part of the genes, but it was just a few flowers here n there. Not more than one in a site. Like I almost could have caught it and plucked them had I been looking at the plants closer, but really who looks over their shit that closely every day? Its good that this is a labor of love for me!


Well-Known Member
These gnats have really been kicking my ass. I've never struggled with them before. I'm about ready to zap them with a chemical. I've got vinegar traps, cinnamon on the dirt, a pest strip, I let the buckets go really dry this week too and hit them with a quart of water with 25% h202 and spraying them with my jalapeño spray. After my herm issue and these fuckers I'm kinda bummed. I'm thinking strongly of just scaling back to a little 2x2 and going back to LED's. That way I can still do what I love which is growing and continue breeding. Drop my temps back to nothing, electricity back to zero and still more herb than I can smoke. Ok enough whining for now!


Well-Known Member
SM90 SM90 SM90 SM90

Can I come over after work today to smoke that White Owl? I get off at 10! Shoot me a text on my old number after 8pm tonight. I got my new phone and it should be activated by then. What the fuck kind of drag show you running in that tent???


Well-Known Member
'Chaka went 4X2 w/LEDS when he had the SHIT working perfectly in a 2X2 with a 150W HPS. Sometimes progress isn't. Just sayin'.........

I learned alot from 'chaka, more than I care to admit probably. Glad I'm "still small town".........Once the cupboards full, it's just exploration..........


Well-Known Member
Plant is looking sweet right there! I'm getting ready to try my new air layering clone method here Ina minute! Excited about. Something!