Super hot chili- Carolina Reaper-Ghost Chili-Trinidad Scorpion


Chilli Factory Reaper Paste 100ml
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what the hell do you do with this ? lol
A toothpick drop size of this is enough to make u wanna die lol ...comung from the guy selling it ha ha ha
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357 Mad Dog Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract 28gm
Price: $189.99
In stock
Glad u found that lol...I havnt even tried the basic normal mad dog 357 never loan the platinium...u gotta sign a waiver when u buy that ine.
I brought these last week from the same shop...
what the hell do you do with this ? lol

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357 Mad Dog Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract 28gm
Price: $189.99
In stock
Lots of white ghost, scorpion Trinidad, naga viper, and Carolina reaper coming up. No sign of the reg ghost yet. Just planted the infinity, 7pot brainstrain and the moruga scorpion.
I've grown both ghost and scorpion. The ghost peppers took a lot longer to establish than the scorpions, and with that said, once they've established their roots well (second true leaf set) they seemed to take off. Never had any problems with growing. The ghost peppers love heat and humidity and I gave mine full direct sun all day. My scorpions, I gave them only morning sun for about 5 hours direct with afternoon shade and I have scorpion trees now. They are ridiculous producers! I personally stay all organic and only fertilize with chicken shit during veg and then switch to a compost tea mixture with a few additional supplements. Hope that helps!
Thanks buddy, welcome. I have put one reaper into a hempy bucket . it seems to taken ok but was developing this purple colouring before in the (not hot) soil and now more pronounced in hydro. Not sure if a P deficiency or burn or normal :) but all the reapers are going a dark olive colour. this one seems to be growing quicker now though
Screenshot_2014-12-05-19-19-40.png Screenshot_2014-12-05-19-18-38.png Things are booming here !!! Best start for chillis ive pretty much ever head...put some scorpion seeds in and 7 pots but really im missing starting ghost seeds myself so far...