Everything is looking great as usual man!
Thanks man..Im trying to keep it green
Everything is looking great as usual man!
give me a brekdown on how 600 more eff then 2 x 400 of dif spectrum
what we talkin must not be #of plants or coverage of spectrum
i use 2 x 250w --i have 500w of varied spectrum but wit da best bulbs as far as i see it Eye hortilux and cmh anybody now better let me know and ill look into it cause wit only 250's i gotta have da best bulb --i see people order a cadellack and dont get da radio--what fukn good is a 600w wit a woolworth bulb--to be strait to yoself and what you growin so as not to be wastn nutin --time, $$utilities,water,nutes,seeds,and maybe yo freedom in an unfriendly------you gotta get best of all bulb,genetics,nutes,and anything else you can do to help--im always experimenting and tryin shit got moe shit den any 4 muhfukas need im crazy dat way ---but cant mix level A wit level C and expect end results to =an A--can only mix level A wit level A if looking for level A in da end ---feel me gotta use best across da board or shootin yo self in foot --and why shoot yoself when you can get so many volenteers to do it for you
one six be alot cooler if you talkin in a small tent especially but wit da space and drop dem 4's you can get many more plants if looking for numbers
Howard you funny im at 250w and i just grow for me if you runnina little retail bus shit set up ten 1K's if just aconnisour how much do you need i can affor 10 1Ks but dont need them for me be like haveng a rail to go to corner store
racer deeper into bulbs then me i just like to try shit see what me and my girls like --and i have my feelings 1. is that if you only runin 250w systems you better not stop at anything short of the best bulb you can put in it 2. what good is a 1k system wit a bubblegum machine bulb 3. why keep doing the sam thing over andover even if it works dont you want better so you have to experiment 4. when you expriment you learn if nothing else you learn what not to do the next time ---someone that shoots good wit faulty equipment is not going to hit the target--a great philosofer named dwezel once said -lol keep em green
I know when the money gets in my hand i will know.the 600 watt setup for me will run 250 while the next 400 will 189.The only difference would be the ballast as the 600 will be a digital while the next 400 would be a magnetic ballast
just get a 600 and call it a day!
Yes and it is fire..Once i light it up the smell is allover the house.Real strong shit.I def have to order this again..I will give a smoke report after it cures for another week and a halfHave you had a chance to sample the headband?
give me a brekdown on how 600 more eff then 2 x 400 of dif spectrum
what we talkin must not be #of plants or coverage of spectrum
i use 2 x 250w --i have 500w of varied spectrum but wit da best bulbs as far as i see it Eye hortilux and cmh anybody now better let me know and ill look into it cause wit only 250's i gotta have da best bulb --i see people order a cadellack and dont get da radio--what fukn good is a 600w wit a woolworth bulb--to be strait to yoself and what you growin so as not to be wastn nutin --time, $$utilities,water,nutes,seeds,and maybe yo freedom in an unfriendly------you gotta get best of all bulb,genetics,nutes,and anything else you can do to help--im always experimenting and tryin shit got moe shit den any 4 muhfukas need im crazy dat way ---but cant mix level A wit level C and expect end results to =an A--can only mix level A wit level A if looking for level A in da end ---feel me gotta use best across da board or shootin yo self in foot --and why shoot yoself when you can get so many volenteers to do it for you
one six be alot cooler if you talkin in a small tent especially but wit da space and drop dem 4's you can get many more plants if looking for numbers
Yeah i was talking efficient as in watts and lumens instead of using two 400s and only having 100,000 lumens.But im still undecided..I feel the 600 calling but idk..I might just jump on a 250 hps with a cmh bulb and call it a night..That would be 650 watts right there with a mixed spec.another thing i been playin wit da uvb for a while now i currently playin wit a 20 but all you need is a 10
put a uvb as far away as poss for 1 to 2 hours a day add trichs
some belive it adds potency --false beliefe --and more trichs does not nesss mean better bud --i have had monster bud small few trichs -- and adv bud wit trees and mushrooms growin on them for trichs that was not shit
but they do increase and enlarge trichs --from experience
yeah i was thinking the same get another 400 or a 250 and mix the specsWhen people say a 600 is more efficient they are talking about lumens per watt and penetration. You are absolutely right as far as I'm concerned with the bulb comparision. It won't matter if you have a 600 over a 400 if you're not getting the right color spectrum out of the 600 bulb. There's also the magnetic vs digital side of things to consider. My digital 600 is only pulling an additional 170 watts than my magnetic 400 was and I'm getting a lot more lumens and covering a larger area. It's apples and oranges though, you know?
600W HPS = 95,000 initial lumens
400W HPS = 55,000 initial lumens
I don't know what the 400W CMH are rated at but I'm sure you do since you're using them. From what I hear and read the CMH are supposed to be the best thing you can get right now and running mixed spectrums would make for really healthy plants and awesome yields I would think.
If i wouldve had my other closet then a 1000 wouldve been the best choice but the family is here so thats a no-no.+ its all for me im not growing for no one but myself no need to go that big yet.Im still in a non friendly state..Just stop fucking around with a 600w HPS and go with a 1000w! LOL![]()
When my taxes come back thats when the decision will be made..I hope whichever way i go i dont regret later onjust get a 600 and call it a day!
Thats another reason why i was thinking another 400 i think i would be able to run 2 in the space i have right now instead of a 600 and a 400.I really do want to mix the spectrum up i see alot of good things from thatyea u kno im gon fire up my 400 soon man, cant wait to be runnin both lights.
Think I'm just gona make my own Av.
If i wouldve had my other closet then a 1000 wouldve been the best choice but the family is here so thats a no-no.+ its all for me im not growing for no one but myself no need to go that big yet.Im still in a non friendly state..
Trust me ill be waiting for that day and as soon as it does ill have those 2x1000 watt lights hung up..I hate these non MMJ states! I don't see what the big fucking deal is and especialy the liberal states that aren't MMJ friendly is so crazy to me! I could understand Texas or some shit not approving it. Oh well it will come around my brotha and I hope soon that all of us will be growing MMJ legaly.
what happened to the one oh girl was suppost to make?
noo, see what im doin is a perpetual under my 400. and a full grow under my 600. so thats a harvest every 3 and 8 or 9 weeks.
She asked me how I liked it then never got back when I replied. Guess I was just to aggressive.