Well-Known Member
Yo berry, what's the stretch on the HB? I had asked earlier but either the question or the answer got lost in all the k9 talk hah..
I didnt see much stretch i guess because i was using my mh bulb to flower another reason why im thinking the yield was low but the smell and the dry smoke was fire just a piece and i was loving it.I will get back to it in a wek for a good smoke report...Yo berry, what's the stretch on the HB? I had asked earlier but either the question or the answer got lost in all the k9 talk hah..
How's it friend! Just stopping by to say HIGH, and hope all's good at your end bro!
everything is gravy just sitting back right now..Letting the girls do they thing.Other than that im getting ready for the next grow..Gotta get some supplies and stuff.Im looking at the pro mix soil they give you way more than fox farms 3.8 cubic feet for 37-38 dollars instead of 1.5 for 23 dollars..Ill prob try out both and see the results..yo WBW im right behind the geenJ i hope all is good for you as well
yep yep im tryin a little screen above my HB now 2.2 weeks flower
i touched the bud of #18 and smelled my finger just like jucyfruit gum very sweet no funk
everything is gravy just sitting back right now..Letting the girls do they thing.Other than that im getting ready for the next grow..Gotta get some supplies and stuff.Im looking at the pro mix soil they give you way more than fox farms 3.8 cubic feet for 37-38 dollars instead of 1.5 for 23 dollars..Ill prob try out both and see the results..
Yes let me know how that test turns out..I will def grab both those soils and do the test with clones to see whats what.I may even try mg soil in the test aswell ffof vs pro-mix vs mg soil see whats what since they all differ in price..shit that sucks bro I just picked up a bag of FFOF at the hydro store for $15 bucks for 1.5 cf. If I were you do a side by side and see what does better. I would be interested in seeing. I bought some 707 soil that the hydro store had when they were out of FFOF and I did a side by side and I got 15 less grams off one plant! Same strain grow conditions and all! From that point on I am a big FF guy. It would be cool to test three soils in one grow. I may fuck with that as soon as I am done with my Bud Candy, Kushy kush test.
Yes let me know how that test turns out..I will def grab both those soils and do the test with clones to see whats what.I may even try mg soil in the test aswell ffof vs pro-mix vs mg soil see whats what since they all differ in price..