super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking. As of right now, the tube still gets pretty hot to the touch. While I was by the place I built for my buddy the other day I tried to touch the lenses on the 1000W fixtures he's running and they are kind of hot too but not as hot hot as my cooltube so I decided to pursue upgrading the fan. I don't remember what the ratings were on the fans I installed for him but he's got one pulling air in at one end and an identical one pulling air out at the other end so they help each other to maximize air flow through multiple hoods.


Well-Known Member
Picture 088.jpgPicture 087.jpgmy plants are almost touching mine no problem 2-4 in. from glass & you can touch glass with fingers right under bulb its warm but not unbearable a big improvement over what i had:clap:


Well-Known Member
hey herk how long did you veg your current slh plants for, the ones in the pic, they look pretty big!
im thinking of reducing my vegging time from 8 weeks to 5-6 weeks, seeing how you guys are vegging for like 4 weeks and getting big plants!


Well-Known Member
Yeah the lens on the hood with the 4oo in it wouldn't get too hot to touch. It would feel hot but you could hold your fingers to it for 5-10 seconds without it feeling too hot. I'm hoping to get this tube even cooler than that so we'll just have to see after the fan get's here.


Well-Known Member
I see that there is a big difference for sure. I'm running a bigger fan and it's still hotter in the flower room than it was with the 400. I don't think the fan setup I'm running is as efficient as the smaller one was but it's still pulling more air through the light than the smaller one was.

On a side note:
My second SLH plant is swelling nicely and it appears will yield more than the mother did. The buds are all considerably fatter than the ones on the first plant were. Not very many bud sites but I think the buds are going to be even better than what I just harvested.


Well-Known Member
Picture 092.jpgPicture 090.jpgPicture 089.jpgbigger buds is always a happy note clones seem to produce better than seed at least in my case snapped a few pics this morning indoors & outdoors the buds are outdoors my indoor stuff is getting little buds too:clap:


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i see now riu changed my title to ''mr ganja'' well the title dont make the man im still the same f _ _ _ up i always was !!!


Well-Known Member
Picture 096.jpgPicture 095.jpgPicture 094.jpgraised my light this morning & cut back my flooding to once a day i see no advantage to flooding twice a day as the slabs hold nutes a long time i used to flood only every 5-7 days with good results you gotta remember in rockwool every time you flood the ph tends to climb i flood the first time at 5.5 it then climbs to 5.8-6.0 for the second flood after that it climbs to the 6.3 -6.6 which i flood for the last time i then topp off my res. & re-adjust ph to 5.5 & start over by flooding 1 time a day i only have to usualy adjust ph once a week some nutes & minerals absorb better at different ph levels than others its my thought that by letting the ph fluctuate im covering more bases & the plants dont seem to mind i take measurements & notes every feeding so i can analize later this is my first slh grow my last grow was barneys farm pineapple chunk & the one before was a supposedly g-13 strain from a local club that i highly doubt was the real-deal & before that was mango & purplewreck which i think was my best i did a bagseed bubbleponic grow which i almost lost & a trainwreck grow in soil which came out good [never bad-mouth dirt] & really opened my eyes to the advantage of quality strains it looks like this slh is gonna be quality stuff & the feedback from other growers is a big help to me im really enjoying this grow its nice to take a little time off from life's daily problems & just tend my little garden i think a person needs a little chill-time each day i regard this as a sport more than a hobby & having a place [like here] to rub elbows with fellow growers kind of rounds things out so no matter where your grow takes you just take the time to relax & enjoy it :clap::weed::-P


Well-Known Member
im finaly getting small buds developing theyre small yet but there is a lot of them & im sure they are gonna grow ive got so much growth in my little room that there is no room for nothing i built my room 4ft-x-3ft & 8ft high when i was growing in soil in 3 gal pots with a 400w light its now a 3x3 e&f with a 1000w light & ive got room to add only 1ft more ,but thats exactly what i plan to do after this harvest i just got a new job sPicture 100.jpgo i wont have to rely on my harvests to pay bills so much my work is construction related & the last 3 years have been tough but work is pickingPicture 098.jpg up & things are looking not as bad as they were well enough said as im sure weve all had or still got problems ,heres pics from this morning:clap::weed::leaf:Picture 099.jpg


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the new job. Are you not delivering concrete anymore then? I remember you saying in a post that you were off to deliver concrete so I figured that's what you did for a living, driving a mixer maybe?


Well-Known Member
My plants are coming along as well. 1 of the Raspberry Cough and one of the Afgan Kush have showed sex (both girls) but none of the others have yet. Only bummer is the female RC is the one with the most stretch :(


Well-Known Member
yeah dez still driving a mixer & our company bought out a plant in another town i got to keep my 5 year ago hire date vacation & all that its non union but that could change but my present job was deadlocked so its a matter of survival im just gonna freeze my union status for awhile &see what happens so your r/c is stretching??? thats why i quit mixing strains in my grows i like it all to have pretty much have all the same charactaristics & the down side is that you also have all same product & no variety maybe someday ill have 2 rooms & 2 grows so i can grow a couple strains i want dinafem blue hash & ive wanted it for a long time & some other dinafem strains as well i think they are a good value for the money maybe not the very best but overall good performers


Well-Known Member
hey dez ill also be wrenching a little on the trucks too as well as loaders & plant maintenance something union plants dont allow ive had 4 years at making 1/2 of what i was used to making so life is looking up my whitewidow/big bud is coming right along too i took a gamble on untried product but i have a hunch that after some development this is gonna pay off


Well-Known Member
Picture 104.jpgPicture 101.jpgPicture 102.jpgits raining!! well at least here in cen-cal & its a lazy afternoon my plants are doing good i had 2 runts & the others literaly choked choked the weak ones out so im down to 7 out of 9 plants but the others have taken up the slack im trying to save one of the runts but i doubt its gonna make it the one i call #3 is doing very good & is getting cloned soon its the future of slh for me the one in the chair is the runt im trying to revive ill finish it outdoors if i can the one by the fence is # 3 & the other pic is my room:clap:


Well-Known Member
i had to bend [supercrop] a bunch of limbs over today theyre still stretching a lot & getting more buds daily ill try to post pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Picture 105.jpgPicture 107.jpgPicture 106.jpgi took a few pics today & the buds are still filling in im gonna change my reservoir tomorrow i started using lemon juice instead of ph-down to drop my ph :weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 114.jpgPicture 112.jpgPicture 111.jpgi just snapped pics of developing buds im gonna change my res, today & up the nutes to aggressive bloom schedule im off work today so its a good time to bo it i cloned my 4th run of clones sunday & have isolated a good pheno just in case i do a second round of slh:idea: this strain requires a lot of development & like ive said before its not a strain you pop open a lack of seeds & start a grow with i highly sugest you at least sprout 5 & select the best & clone from there:weed: