super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
mmmm - heard so many nice words about SLH - hope to try it sometime, but don't have the time/room to test them out right now. Sure sound deliscious and your plants look pretty dank.


Well-Known Member
i sat on my seeds for awhile & had other grows in the works finaly i started the ever -so - famous slh was kinda dissapointed at first but its starting to grow on me my only concern at this point is the yield


Well-Known Member
From what a buddy tells me, the claims made by the seedbank on yield is fairly accurate. He's gown it a few times but only a couple plants at a time for personal smoke. He supplies a couple dispansaries near me with indica strains, 2lbs a month!

He said he uses the green house seeds slh too and tells me I suck based on how my shit turned out, haha


Well-Known Member
hey dez how does he figure that you suck ??? & does he really have to put himself up by putting you down??? indica dominant strains are the easiest to grow & thats whats not selling around here kush is king but all that aside i believe in help instead of ridicule if he's doing so good why dont he spread some of the joy & help you out with some friendly advice instead of the criticism ,hell give a guy a break


Well-Known Member
He does, he's just joking around. He's actually helped me a lot ever since I built his current grow facility which he hasn't used to it's full potential yet. It's still pretty new so he's only had a couple harvests from it which were grows that were started at his old place (house).

He could pull four to five lbs every four weeks with his current gear but hasn't realized the full potential yet. In three or four weeks he'll be pulling the biggest harvest yet which is all plants that were started at the new place. I can't go into too many details but it's pretty big and cost him a bunch of money. I bought all of the equipment and he reimbursed me for it so I know just what it all cost. It about gave my wife a heart attack when she saw my books being that I haven't had much work in the past year and a half.

I get kicked cash here and there when he needs help keeping up with the op and stuff. He said he'd give me clones for free for my personal grow if I want but he's only growing strains I've already tried and want to try different stuff. He's typically got a hundred or so clones at any given time of four different strains.

It was a fun gig to gut the warehouse and redo it, making it into a nice grow op that has four rooms, 1 veg/mother room, one flower room and one cure room with a false office front. LOTS of watts of HID lighting and some t5 fixtures and it's all e&f, even the mothers. He's got chillers, A/C in each room and cO2 in the flower room.

He's a member here on RIU and will probably give me crap for saying what I've already said but whatever, he'll get over it. He and I have actually become friends through the deal and talk almost every day, see each other at least once a week.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive got someone i clone for & help , for a little product here & there & he also made a hefty investment in equip. & related stuff but all-in-all i dont think he gets near the enjoyment out of his that i do out of my little peiced together semi-homemade operation i have 3 other friends doing this to some extent or another & we talk almost daily most of us have the med. cards some of us grow in dirt & 2 of us do e&f its good fun


Well-Known Member
Picture 075.jpgPicture 074.jpgmy stuff looks pretty good this morning i now flood the rockwool twice a day 700am.& 500pm. light comes on at 630am. & off at 630 pm. my new fan set up is working really sweet im waiting for buds to come supercropping & getting them trained for a nice even canopy this is shaping up to maybe my best grow yet & hearing what your friend about it living up to advertised yield made me feel a little better but i will say this slh out of the box is not consistant but out of 9 i only have 1 that is non-productive but i have that 3rd one [the one in the pic] that is gonna be the base for slh in the future & im in the process of developing whitewidow-x-big bud for future use slh i dont think you get near its full potential in one grow this hobby definatly not for the impatient i also have another slh pheno that is not gonna yield at all so thats 4 pheno's out of 10 seeds but both the ones in bud have 1 thing in common & thats a lemon/bubblegum smell with a hint of pepper:clap:


Well-Known Member
Your plants look really good. I'm considering trying to pollenate one of the Afgan Kush plants I have with one of the male Raspberry Cough plants. Never done it before though so I'm nervous about pollenating the whole crop. Got any pointers? My concern is the fan blowing the pollen off one plant and onto the others. I know how my buddy does it but he uses a separate room that he still has set up at his house. He says the easiest way is to just stick your male and your female in the room together until you can see the female is pollenated and then chop the male. Leave the female in there by herself to finish flowering.

I don't have a separate room for this and don't really want to set up another room and run the extra lights and junk.


Well-Known Member
I've read some other people's processes and see a few different ways to sucessfully pollenate a plant, partial plant or just single bud but am not sure how to ensure everything in the flower room doesn't get pollenated.


Well-Known Member
i have heard you can collect pollen by placing a baggie over pollen sacks on male & then putting the bag over a female bud & rubbing it around to pollinate the selected bud but i have no first hand evidence to substantiate this claim im 53 years old & back in the day you got random seeds wherever you could & a lot of the thai was actualy grown in central america or mexico & fresh seeds were in constant supply you dont see much high quality mexican stuff these days but we have so much available these days its unreal i havent actualy thought of breeding my own yet i imagine a male plant & a fan could wreak havoc


Well-Known Member
i have heard you can collect pollen by placing a baggie over pollen sacks on male & then putting the bag over a female bud & rubbing it around to pollinate the selected bud. i imagine a male plant & a fan could wreak havoc
I've heard and read about this method as well and you and I are on the same page in regards to the fan. I would like to use the baggie method if possible because like I said, I'm not really wanting to build a temp setup to use only for a few weeks and then tear down.


Well-Known Member
I just got an idea right after posting that. What if I was to stick a male Raspberry Cough plant in with a female Raspberry cough and a female Afgan Kush plant? I could end up with a bunch of seeds of Raspberry Cough and a possibly nice cross of the two strains. Raspberry Kush, maybe? Kush Cough? Coughing Kush, lol?


Well-Known Member
i have heard you can collect pollen by placing a baggie over pollen sacks on male & then putting the bag over a female bud & rubbing it around to pollinate the selected bud but i have no first hand evidence to substantiate this claim im 53 years old & back in the day you got random seeds wherever you could & a lot of the thai was actualy grown in central america or mexico & fresh seeds were in constant supply you dont see much high quality mexican stuff these days but we have so much available these days its unreal i havent actualy thought of breeding my own yet i imagine a male plant & a fan could wreak havoc
yeah your right... mexico is a melting pot of all kinds of genetics... thai, columbian, centrel american, indian, afghani, ect... the problem is they were just kinda introduced to mexico and allowed to become geneticly infused to native landrace, WITHOUT PROPER SELECTIVE BREEDING!!!!


Well-Known Member
express, SLH is a must. haha it has a good mind high, but if you let it go real amber and a good cure, it can be really couch lock too. you would like it.


Well-Known Member
Oh buddy, I see what looks like will become some nice colas there. I can't wait to see them bud up for you and can tell you that the SLH that I harvested isn't even close to being fully cured yet but it got sampled today anyway and OH MAN.

It def lives up to the hype. It went straight to the dome in seconds, we shared a bowl and I was high before it came back to me so I stopped at one hit. The three of us were laughing our asses off just at each other so we decided it'd be a good idea to watch a movie. We watched a comedy porn and had a 3 way on my couch...not, really. I sure thought about it though, lol.
We actually watched Tropic Thunder and hellz yeah, excellent choice for this smoke.

I'm just waiting now for the lovely smell to come in since it doesn't smell all that lemony right now. It was more lemony before it got chopped so I think it will come in.


Well-Known Member
yes let it cure before you smoke it all. i only let about 10 grams cure most to all of the way and DAMN. it was potent without the cure but after the cure i couldnt finish half a bowl. haha