super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
hey dez i say hell yeah
Got a used 1K light setup today with air cooled hood on the cheap so I'll be using that. Just trying to figure out now how I'm going to set it up. I'm moving my vert grow to a new location and will be setting up the 1K there too and it will have a 5'X5'X9'tall area all to itself. First thought was to buy a 4x4 tray and do E&F but the tray is like $150 for the good one and the cheaper one that's claimed to be 4X4 is actually smaller than that since they are giving the overall dimensions. Second thought was to just build one from lumber and line it with a pond liner or the PVC shower pan liner material you can from Home Depot and I may still do that but will have my hands full building the grow space at the new location so I'd prefer to keep it as simple as possible. I was considering throwing some 5gal DWC buckets (like 9) under the light too since it would be the cheapest way to do hydro. I could set up the DWC buclets for about $60 total since I already have two running that will be empty by the time I could have some clones ready to go in them. Last option is soil and I have a bunch of pots already so I'd just need to buy the soil.

Obviously the last one is the cheapest overall but also will require the most attention and time in the long run. Maybe I'll do a soil run just to get it going and then build or buy a 4X4 tray after I harvest those.
My goal is to get 1lb from the 1K light on the first run and go up from there with an eventual average of about 1.5lb per harvest from the 1K. Everyone seems to think I can pull 1lb per month on the vert but I'm not so sure, especially this first run since I was in such a hurry and just threw anything I could find plantwise in there. I'll most likely only get a few zips off the Afghans and the autos don't really matter, no idea how much I'll get or when it will be done with the Raspberry and there's a slew of little plants in there that won't be yielding very much. I'm hoping for .5oz average from them but we'll see.

I was planning on starting a round of clones this weekend to go in the vert room once they're rooted, 0 veg time, so I'm thinking I'll just take as many cuttings as I can and make as many clones as I can without killing the moms.

What do you think would be the best approach to 1K setup. If I get some cuttings rooting in the next couple of days they'll be able to veg for 2-3 weeks before I stick them under the light and like I said, there'd be about 9 in DWC but more in soil or E&F. With the short veg time I could get away with 2gal pots for soil and cram a dozen or more in there. It'd be about the same number for E&F, 12-16 actually.


Well-Known Member
hey dez i got 3/4 lb & still trimming off my homemade 3x3 tub im building another tub 44x36 gonna run 13 plants in a pattern i have a factory 4x4 tub i wish you was closer so we could horsetrade stuff around


Well-Known Member
Picture 007.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 006.jpgi was gonna start a new thread for my second grow but decided to leave everything right here i started dec.1st heres pics of my grow at day #12 the plant with the bottom growth is 1 of my white widow-x-bigbud clones im evaluating for future use, the others are the wide leaf slh pheno i call#3 gonna turn my light to 12/12 in a few days i vegged last grow 3 weeks but due to their size im only gonna veg these 2 weeks:mrgreen: this is shaping up to be my easiest grow yet with the exception of some powdery mildew that has popped up on a few of my plants but it came from my clone room & ive hit them with a fungicide good to do it now before they start budding:hump:


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Picture 018.jpgPicture 009.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 010.jpgturned light back to 12/12 tonight everything is topped & fim'd except the ww-x-bb i didnt want to let things get too tall i vegged 13 days should harvest by mid feb.


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Well-Known Member
I have some SLH in flower now. All organic in Super Soil. I have 6 and there all around the 5 1/2-6 ft mark. They have been in flower for close to a month and are just now starting to show some nice crystals.There starting to get to tall so im gonna have to tie em down some. Im probally going to clone 1 of each and see wich parent has the best smoke and make that one my mother. They are looking nice.
Im using a 600 HPS and a 4ft 8 bulb T5 and a 2ft 6 bulb T5 in a 8x4x7 tent
Ive never smoked any SLH before and am wondering about the smell and taste. does it smell or taste anything like skunk???


Well-Known Member
I have some SLH in flower now. All organic in Super Soil. I have 6 and there all around the 5 1/2-6 ft mark. They have been in flower for close to a month and are just now starting to show some nice crystals.There starting to get to tall so im gonna have to tie em down some. Im probally going to clone 1 of each and see wich parent has the best smoke and make that one my mother. They are looking nice.
Im using a 600 HPS and a 4ft 8 bulb T5 and a 2ft 6 bulb T5 in a 8x4x7 tent
Ive never smoked any SLH before and am wondering about the smell and taste. does it smell or taste anything like skunk???
big bud - how long did you veg for? and yes the SLH parents are lemon skunl crossed with super silver the skunk is there.


Well-Known Member
Picture 023.jpgi finaly finished trimming & harvest is a wee tad better than i figured when it was all said & done i ended up with 14 oz. of useable bud & popcorn for edibles the last 1/4 lb. wasnt the dense prime stuff but was real sugar frosted haze-type bud which i think has the best high of the 3-phenos harvested rolls & burns best too this really rings my christmas bell:mrgreen: pictured is the final quarter lb.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Picture 033.jpgPicture 032.jpgPicture 025.jpgPicture 030.jpgtook pics this morning of my second slh grow & im starting to see the benefits of my pheno selection the growth &vigor is evident theyre filling in nice there is 1 that might get overan by the others overall im pleased with the results of my labor but cant stress the point that you just cant plant seeds & get the best this strain has to offer you have to clone & select then clone some more sure its a lot of work but at least for me its been rewarding & i think the best is yet to come


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1336027View attachment 1336021View attachment 1336018View attachment 1336019took pics this morning of my second slh grow & im starting to see the benefits of my pheno selection the growth &vigor is evident theyre filling in nice there is 1 that might get overan by the others overall im pleased with the results of my labor but cant stress the point that you just cant plant seeds & get the best this strain has to offer you have to clone & select then clone some more sure its a lot of work but at least for me its been rewarding & i think the best is yet to come
herkie.... I'm getting jealous of your girls!! Beautiful.... and that 3rd pic is awesome.... nice and bushy... you did a great job.


Well-Known Member
thanks kiki i got most of my advice from gg-13 except i apply the method to hydro & selected a pheno that is wide leaf but changes in budding i sold everything except personal stash in about 3 weeks & here in cen-cal this time of year the competition is feirce & purple is king of the roost & yet i had no problem moving this stuff it all went to repeat customers & have orders for next harvest in advance


Well-Known Member
thanks kiki i got most of my advice from gg-13 except i apply the method to hydro & selected a pheno that is wide leaf but changes in budding i sold everything except personal stash in about 3 weeks & here in cen-cal this time of year the competition is feirce & purple is king of the roost & yet i had no problem moving this stuff it all went to repeat customers & have orders for next harvest in advance
uh yeah - why is it here in 420 land that Purple is king shi**?? I think that's BS and these people need an education on YELLOW!! Anyway, speaking of GG13... where the hell is he?? Haven't seen him in over 10 days... not like I'm his mommy or anything... he's just so knowledgeable... and I have a plant problem so I REALLY wish he was here! Anyway, TTYL,'re looking good.


Well-Known Member
Picture 046.jpgPicture 042.jpgits another rainy day & ive got to change out my reservoir today everything is going right on schedule i dont know if shortening the veg time was a wise decision or not only time will tell im gonna give them another week of the aggressive growth dose as theyre starting to really take off the first couple weeks of 12/12 & i want nitrogen available at this point the superlemonhaze is outgrowing the whitewidow-x-bigbud which maybe i shouldnt of topped thats the reason i dont like doing mixed grows but havent wanted to write the ww-x-bb of as its showing some real potential i have my old 600w. set up & maybe ill build another room for it that way i could have 2 strains without mixing my plants but that decision is a ways off . here is this mornings pics


Well-Known Member
Picture 054.jpgPicture 047.jpgPicture 053.jpgtook a few pics of my whitewidow-x-bigbud plants this morning [i have 2 of them] theyre a little behind the slh but i have the mother over at olcountrys place & hes finishing it out with his slh ill be helping olcountry get his grow posted soon 4000w. e&f with pics coming soon meanwhile heres pics from this morning there is grape-ape & querkle in the works too:roll:


Well-Known Member
Picture 059.jpgPicture 058.jpgPicture 057.jpgPicture 055.jpgive had a little more time to spend with my grow these past couple of daye im mainly concentraiting on my canopy fim;ing the taller ones & letting the shorter ones play catch up gonna prune all the bottom stuff off today the top growth is really what its all about! the white widow-x-bigbud has a distinctive smell even in veg.[musty-skunkie] & today im going over to olcountry's to see if we can post some pics of his grow featuring the mom of my ww-x-bb thats flowering here is this mornings pics everything is reminisant of last grow with the exception of shortening the veg time to 2wks. & the 2 ww-x-bb plants