super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
i would like wish everyone here a very merry christmas & extend my thanks to everyone for showing interest in my posts...h.h.


Well-Known Member
Picture 062.jpgPicture 061.jpgPicture 060.jpghi everyone i hope you all had a merry christmas i did a little supercropping tonight my canopy is getting tighter & in a few days buds should be starting to develop


Well-Known Member
Picture 065.jpgPicture 064.jpgPicture 063.jpgive got lots of bud sites & im gonna do a round of pruning off the bottom stuff today in an effort to reduce the amount of airy/popcorn stuff & hopefully increase the size of my top buds so the plants can devote all their energy to the top canopy this time so far ive managed to keep all 9 plants going, last time 2 got choked out today is day#14 of 12/12 light cycle im getting the first signs of little buds forming & looking back on my notes from my last grow things are right on schedule the difference is i only vegged 2 weeks instead of the 3 wks. i vegged in my last grow the final yield will tell if that was a mistake or not, anyhow here is this mornings pics of my room from outside the door:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Picture 067.jpgPicture 066.jpgPicture 068.jpghere is pics of my pruning job i did yesterday the ww-x-bb is coming around & showing promise i have the mother over at olcountry's & its absoulutely beautiful .really sticky & smells really dank i was questioning the wisdom in selecting that strain especialy after the pineapple chunk failure but its all good the female seeds x-line ww-x-bb is gonna be a success story & the slh is right on schedule as well i really got aggressive with the pruning this time & its working out good i would like to think my growing skills are improving but a little luck dont hurt either:hump::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 075.jpgPicture 074.jpghey kiki i must of missed you in the shuffle[i was over checking out your thread] i added 2 ww-x-bb plants to this grow to evaluate for next grow until i can develop querkle we have slh mothers over at olcountrys along with grape-ape & ww-x-bb these seeds are from attitude & female seeds is the breeder theyre from their x-line series & i had my doubts because of the bargain basement price ,so far this stuff rocks!!!! these pics were taken this morning there is a good chance this will be my next grow just waiting on a smoke report but have a feeling its gonna be stellar!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1351200View attachment 1351194hey kiki i must of missed you in the shuffle[i was over checking out your thread] i added 2 ww-x-bb plants to this grow to evaluate for next grow until i can develop querkle we have slh mothers over at olcountrys along with grape-ape & ww-x-bb these seeds are from attitude & female seeds is the breeder theyre from their x-line series & i had my doubts because of the bargain basement price ,so far this stuff rocks!!!! these pics were taken this morning there is a good chance this will be my next grow just waiting on a smoke report but have a feeling its gonna be stellar!
very nice!! and yes - I want a purple strain next.... I hear grape ape and querkle are both great strains! Keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
Hey Herk, wanted to show you what I've got set up over at the new place so far. There's a vert under construction too but I only took pics of this since it's got plants , hehe. It's a 4x8 scrog with 2 Headband, 1 Cataract Kush, 3 Afghan Kush and 1 White Widow under a 1K HPS on a light rail. I've got some more stuff in the works for this place and a lot should be happenning in the next week or so including a hydro setup under either another 1K or a 600 or two. Not sure yet if it'll be E&F or DWC but one of the two and I'm hoping for E&F.

No cooling hooked up to the light yet and it never get's over 80 since the room is so big. I'll be hooking up the cooling eventually though since the addition of other lights will heat things up a bit.

I started 12/12 yesterday and saw noticeable growth in just 24 hours. I trimmed up the lower parts of the plants just before taking the pics.



Well-Known Member
Hey Herk, wanted to show you what I've got set up over at the new place so far. There's a vert under construction too but I only took pics of this since it's got plants , hehe. It's a 4x8 scrog with 2 Headband, 1 Cataract Kush, 3 Afghan Kush and 1 White Widow under a 1K HPS on a light rail. I've got some more stuff in the works for this place and a lot should be happenning in the next week or so including a hydro setup under either another 1K or a 600 or two. Not sure yet if it'll be E&F or DWC but one of the two and I'm hoping for E&F.

No cooling hooked up to the light yet and it never get's over 80 since the room is so big. I'll be hooking up the cooling eventually though since the addition of other lights will heat things up a bit.

I started 12/12 yesterday and saw noticeable growth in just 24 hours. I trimmed up the lower parts of the plants just before taking the pics.
now that's a screen! Nicely done! +rep.


Well-Known Member
hey dez keep me posted ive been wanting to scrog for a long time ive seen some amazing stuff done that way i have some deer whire that would do it had to go to work this morning my stuff is really gettin busy ill take pics in the morning


Well-Known Member
I had to tuck the tops under the screen again tonight on all but the larger Headband. It just hasn't started to stretch yet like the others but I'm not worried about her, she's a very healthy plant.
Started setting up another 1K grow next to the current scrog that's hydro today. I'll be sticking the little plants in RW cubes and then into the square pots with hydroton tomorrow so they can start vegging for a bit before going under the 1K in 12/12. Thinking about putting up a temp curtain so they can veg under the 1K but not sure if I will yet.

Yes that's right Herk, a SECOND 1K grow! Haha, hope I can keep the smell in check as that's my only concern with it. The additional one will only be a one time thing but I could use the extra if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Picture 016.jpgPicture 015.jpgPicture 014.jpghey dez glad to see things coming into play for you i want to try a screen i had to raise my light for the second time in 2 days & wonder if its too late to do a screen now ive supercropped this morning but that screen is really calling out to me ... what the hell i gotta try it here is this mornings pics im gonna go cut the wire for my screen


Well-Known Member
Picture 002.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 017.jpgPicture 019.jpgwell... its a done deal now dez & im all stoked on trying something new, thanks for the inspiration to get me off my ass & act on something ive long admired this scrog stuff but been afraid to try here is some pics i had a helluva time as my 4x3 room only has access from the door but its in place & my goat hasnt even noticed i cut the fence yet i better go cover the hole before he tours the neighborhood & ive got animal control on my ass his name is bam bam & hes a real hellion when he goes on one


Well-Known Member
That's really funny. You'll definitely be able to fill out that screen with those plants and if done right, should be mostly colas you harvest. I'm sure you'll have good fortune with the scrog.

Nice goat, haha.