Dr.Amber Trichome
Well-Known Member
HAHA I just noticed a hwy 420! That would be cool to live in that area. That is actually pretty central to where both ends of my route would be. lol, looks like its ment to be.

get your gameface ready ! remember " if your in the past your depressed , if your in the future your anxious . best to stay right here in this moment. ".
the Upstate NY interview with the Operations Manager is set for tomorrow.
OMG!! im so fucking excited!!!
This could be my ticket out of here. got to be on top of my game for this one.
I hope I nail it this time dude. Fuckin Adirondack mountains, HeLLz YES> .
herez the territory I would be working/living. fuckin SICK! I would get to pick where ever I want to live in this area.
I have been organizing all my gear and have simplified down to what I need to run my 4 by 4 and phototron.
Still have 3 waterfarm buckets and my new LEC light, 6 airpots as well.Im ready to ditch the PNW as soon as I can.
its not as bad as Tucson, but im ready for something totally different plus I will be closer to my father and he is getting old and I worry about him a lot.
View attachment 3491084
Good luck!.
the Upstate NY interview with the Operations Manager is set for tomorrow.
OMG!! im so fucking excited!!!
This could be my ticket out of here. got to be on top of my game for this one.
I hope I nail it this time dude. Fuckin Adirondack mountains, HeLLz YES> .
herez the territory I would be working/living. fuckin SICK! I would get to pick where ever I want to live in this area.
I have been organizing all my gear and have simplified down to what I need to run my 4 by 4 and phototron.
Still have 3 waterfarm buckets and my new LEC light, 6 airpots as well.Im ready to ditch the PNW as soon as I can.
its not as bad as Tucson, but im ready for something totally different plus I will be closer to my father and he is getting old and I worry about him a lot.
View attachment 3491084
Good luck Ambs..
the Upstate NY interview with the Operations Manager is set for tomorrow.
OMG!! im so fucking excited!!!
This could be my ticket out of here. got to be on top of my game for this one.
I hope I nail it this time dude. Fuckin Adirondack mountains, HeLLz YES> .
herez the territory I would be working/living. fuckin SICK! I would get to pick where ever I want to live in this area.
I have been organizing all my gear and have simplified down to what I need to run my 4 by 4 and phototron.
Still have 3 waterfarm buckets and my new LEC light, 6 airpots as well.Im ready to ditch the PNW as soon as I can.
its not as bad as Tucson, but im ready for something totally different plus I will be closer to my father and he is getting old and I worry about him a lot.
View attachment 3491084
Put her on the ducking stool!hardy har har har. I prefer spending time in mosh pits at metal shows, stage diving and getting felt up by strangers body surfing the crowd.
one of my favorite pasttimes is answering the door when the Mormans come to try to convert me. I open the door then slam it in there face. then I preceed to my bed where i roll around in bed laughing my brains out till i practacially pee me panties.
LMAO, its like the most awesome feeling EVER!
Back then it was definitely something to get caught up in. It was what I imagined the 60's to be like....but then I guess every generation thinks this is the new shizz we created! Lots of bear fleshed sweaty girls in tight outfits was definitely a bonus! The warmth of hugging another e'd up homosapian was quite seomthing. Anyhoo, enough of hijacking Ambs thread with sweaty rave talk. hahaI read recently that 50% of britains nightclubs have closed down in the last 10 years.I would say thats because the drugs got shit.
I gave up frying my brain when i had a spate of crap e.
I also read that diabetes has increased 50% in ten years in the uk.Could be that all those ravers got fat and fucked up.
I really thought that the rave scene was our salvation.it was like a social revolution-totaly awesome.I just loved being in a
place full of half naked girls shaking thier booty,oh yeh.
Weird. I was at a beach rave in Schreveningen and there was a guy in full chicken leotard outfit and flashing lights all over him lol....what was with chickens at raves? He (or it) was a break dancing chicken....Hi DST.I went to a Acid house party in India.It was kicking.Some indian guy with a rubber chicken on his head
said to me."this is the new paradise".It was too wierd.seeing as I was LSD called chickens.blotters with a chick on.
Those were the days.Pass me a sweaty Betty.
Some people are not good with building things. Just like not everybody builds their own car.Okay, I get that some people don't have access to sunlight, but what's the difference between this getup and making a plywood box and lining it in foil?
DIY photo tron?
I have a home made system based on the waterfarm.cheap as chips.will try it soon.My budget doesnt stretch in paying 50 quid for aSome people are not good with building things. Just like not everybody builds their own car.
I've seen Heath Robinsons grows and he sure does max things out...It was only when I saw his grows that I realised what his name means (after googling it of course.) I tend to stick to soil and organics.If you can drill holes in plastic your made.check out heath robinsons grows.that guy is a true plumber.