im really fuckin high and can hardly think. Is anyone else really really fuckin high right now?
Its super lemon haze and its extreamly ripe and heavy on the couch lock.
my arm fell asleep under me when I was sleeping this morning.
When I woke up it had no feeling, complete dead wait, like someone paralyzed must feel.
I screamed and started hitting it. Nothing was working and then...
It felt like it was melting and stretching and shrinking . It stretched down to the floor and back up. I was FREAKING OUT!
I kept hitting and pounding at it.
Finally the blood returned, pins and needle and it came back to life.
I kissed it and thanked it for coming back and working again.
That's is so fuckin funny Papa Payne..... that you had the mormans over , took their bible ripped out a page and used it to roll a joint in front of them. I wish I could have been there to see that.
shit man I am so looking forward to getting a slice of NY pizza. That's all I think about lately. lol
Have a nice day and get HIGH!