Super newb at this can someone help diagnose?

What’s the peroxide do? And by mix do you mean just peroxide and water?
To get rid of fungus nats add a layer of perlite to the top of the soil. About a half inch thick. It will be done. It breaks the egg laying cycle.

The only time fungus Nats hurt your plant is if they colonize in the roots.

Your bigger issue is what is eating your plants leaves. I believe its spider mites and Spinosad can help control that.
Just looking to see what you guys think the issue is first plant just wanna get an idea
Looking at the pics to me it seems like over fertilization, ph acidity so it looks as if other nutrients are getting locked down, how much nutrients are you putting and look through magnifying glass and see if you see any little critters
Let me know Sam I’m here to help you
Did you see the nutrients I posted earlier they are the ones I used I mixed the 2 on the left together in a gallon of water got 2 feedings out of it 2 weeks apart I’m pretty sure I haven’t used the tiger bloom yet


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Did you see the nutrients I posted earlier they are the ones I used I mixed the 2 on the left together in a gallon of water got 2 feedings out of it 2 weeks apart I’m pretty sure I haven’t used the tiger bloom yet
You have to use your tiger bloom and stop using the rest of your nutes, it’s already started flowering my friend, my dad used this nutrient line all the time lol
your getting too much nitrogen and it’s not letting your plant absorb the p and k that it needs
No miracle grow organic soil mix with earth warm castings and it know it cant be soil friend used same bag and his plants are going crazy
That soil has a shit load of nitrogen already, and you added more, that’s the problem, miracle grow is not good soil, I don’t know what your buddy told you, even fox farms soil is a bit too hot for seedlings... Look up Aliki Gardens, there’s also a bunch of other high quality soils
Looking now nothing so far
Yup it’s not a critter problem I’m sure of it, if it was your plants leafs would have visible critters and if their not and their in soil only the plants leafs and branches would start wilting one by one
I see his plant with my own eyes I watched him use the bag he’s ahead of me on plant cycle and has no issues his stuff looks 100% healthy I think it’s a root issue along with the nitrogen because the fungus nats are bad I just don’t see the spider mites