Super silver haze, critical, headband and white widow max auto journal by melbs92

good job with the training brutha

those leaves that are dead underneath look like the had a P def in them now is the time to give them all the food they want it's hard for a plant to overdose with P and K from what I've seen..... just don't get too crazy

beautiful girls!!!
Thanks patch! The def was actually in early veg! Just kept the leaves on! Think it was nitro lock out. Went nuts with canna classic. She righted herself after a full flush with half strength seasol
Hey @DirtyNerd im aiming for minimal CBD in these plants. Would you still recommend another 2 weeks before cutting the widow? I'm thinking 1? The pistil tips are just starting to brown now and the frost is looking maybe 60-70% done?
I would say at least 2 weeks she is only just starting to swell so as hard as it might be hold off and you will be rewarded you can chop a sample off in a week if you need some smoke but i would hold off if i was you but that's just me i would say from the photos it looks about 25-30 days of flower so giving her the 2-3 weeks would be best when i first started growing i didn't wait long i think i pulled my first at week 6 and still manage a okay yield and okay smoke but the next round i let her finish and she was a whole new beast
Letting her finish completely would boost cbd though yes? Or does THC production exceed the cbd? I just hate couch lock man
Letting her finish completely would boost cbd though yes? Or does THC production exceed the cbd? I just hate couch lock man
It really depends on the strain but your right if you let some go to long you won't be doing much for the next couple of hours

But that plant still has a few weeks Take a look at this site it really has some great info on it that's helped me many times
