Super Silver Haze Fem Outdoor

The Kayaman

Well-Known Member
Some vegetable compost mixed with perlite in a really small pot. Germinated a super silver haze seed like a week ago and planted it after 3 days when it had germinated. Set out to take a picture everyday of it, everyday that it's still alive ( hopefully till the end when they're flowers) . This is day 5 and I've missed day 2 and today, so it may be every second day. ( should be everyday though)

I feel like it's growing really slow but who knows, maybe that's just how it goes. It's still really small right now but it will be really cool to see if in 2 weeks, if it's still alive, what it looks like, and if it will be a real plant instead of a seedling.

Here's day 1

Forgot day 2

Here's day 3

Day 4
The 2 serrated leaves being more prominent than the round ones have me some hope that maybe if I give her some time she will one day flower.

I forgot day 5, not really an eventful day anyway haha

Here is day 6
That last one there looks nice, one of the round leaves looks yellow and bad but I don't think It should matter. The serrated leaves (though small) look healthy and happy :)


Well-Known Member
I dont know how well it will do in whatever that medium is. It IS a critical part of the process. But if it does survive and begin to thrive, Super Silver Haze was at least for me growing indoors, the tallest running bitch I've ever run. Even with cropping it for awhile, thats a plant that really reaches for the skies.