Super Soil ingredients ?'s


Well-Known Member
so far i have 6 bags of roots, 2 bags of bio bizz light mix, epsom salt and happy frogs bat guano 0-5-0

the super soil says use dolomite lime, but my local store has powdered "hydrated" this ok or should i seek out dolomite?

few ingredients i found that are close to the ss requirements are blood meal 13-0-0, instead of 12-0-0, steamed bone meal that 3-15-0 instead of subs asked fish bone meal 3-16-0, and third off the bat guano, bone meal come in 4lbs bags where the recipe asked for 5lbs...would any of this cause an issue?

still in search for azomite and powdered humic acid


Well-Known Member
agreed with above, azomite and humic are reasonably affordable on line. get the azomite at and humic acid on ebay.


Active Member
hydrated lime is not dolomite lime!

hydrated lime will not work in place of dolomite lime.

go find dolomite lime(dolomitic limestone or dolomite) or your super soil will be incomplete


Well-Known Member
yea i have the casting... i see he says 25-50lbs. thats a big difference between the two

i have about 60lbs so ill aim for the 50lbs

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
those small product differences will not make much difference, you definitely do not want to use the hydrated lime, check your local stores for garden lime, it will say its dolomite usually in the ingredients, dunno where you are from but most hardware(lowes, menards, etc) garden sections have it, one brand is espoma garden lime that is regularly available, others have huge 50 lb. bags that will last forever. Humic acid and Azomite are found by most on or ebay


Active Member
Lowes sells dolomite lime where I live. I assume they would elsewhere. It's sold as a soil sweetener, but it will say on the bag if it's dolo or hydrated. Also, get pulverized if you can, pelletized is crap.


Well-Known Member
Dolimite lime also known as Sweet lime breaks down rapidly and is why its specifically used in the recipe.

25-50 pounds of worm castings according to budget I have used more with great success but its about cost effectiveness.


Active Member
I always opt to spend the extra $ on higher quality everything. I grow for me first, others second. I don't grow a crazy amount of herb, my legal limit is 12 flowers at a time, but i do not take a single short cut ever. Here we are in the summer of 11 and i'm pulling down some of the best crops ive ever pulled down. I'm not really sure why I switched to SS in the first place, my system was certainly not broken. perhaps its a lot less maintenance and I'm ready to be able to take extended vacations and trust someone else to look over my garden when i'm gone. My plants look as happy as ever tho i must say.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm excited to try this mix...I've grown some of the TGAs gear (jack the ripper which i had thc tested at over 19%, 3D which was my favorite yet threw bannana boats near harvest like crazy) and now im ready to try subs soil mix. Soon id love to try that deep purple, but that may be delayed since i believe i finally found grape ape and urkle clones.

i work at a hydro store yet we only carry hydrated lime. I found the dolomite at a few local nurseries just haven't gone to snag it yet. searching sunlight and hydrofarm i'm not seeing dolomite lime or else id order it in. thankfully a local who reps TGA has the humic acid and azomite, and gave some to a buddy whos gonna split it with me

my main reason for this mix is no longer having to mix different nutrients for plants in veg and those in flower or making multiple compost teas.

thanks sub for the reply on the castings. i'll go for the max, or maybe throw in all 60lbs. I think im gonna try and hit a few plants with 1-3 compost teas in flower and see if i notice a difference.
Most of that should work, you can get sweet lime (dolomite) at Lowes or your local nursery may have it. You can also find it online, but you really don't need that much so order a small bag if you do order it online.

Here is my 1/8th batch recipe:

Super Soil 1/8 of a batch (can be put into a 30 gallon garbage can)

1 lg bag of organic soil (I used 3cu not 1.5cu bag)
3lbs worms castings
.665 lbs of the following:
- Steamed bone meal
- Bloom Bat Guano
- Blood Meal

- .375 lbs Rock Phosphate

1/10 cup Epsom Salt (aprx 1 1/2 tbs)
1/20 cup Sweet Lime (aprx 3/4 to 1 tbs)

*1/20 cup Azomite (Trace elements not needed if Steamed Bone Meal and Bat Guana Peace of Mind Brand is used)
*1/4 tbs powder humic acid (trace element in same as above)
If you cannot find Peace of Mind it can be ordered from Amazon you can also find Trace elements there or your local hydro store.

Hope this helps. If you are experimenting a small batch is better than a large one :) Also remember you do not want to use just the super soil. You only want to use it during the flowering period, so I usually only put it on the bottom half of the pot and use organic soil mixed with perlite on top of that.

Peace out

so far i have 6 bags of roots, 2 bags of bio bizz light mix, epsom salt and happy frogs bat guano 0-5-0

the super soil says use dolomite lime, but my local store has powdered "hydrated" this ok or should i seek out dolomite?

few ingredients i found that are close to the ss requirements are blood meal 13-0-0, instead of 12-0-0, steamed bone meal that 3-15-0 instead of subs asked fish bone meal 3-16-0, and third off the bat guano, bone meal come in 4lbs bags where the recipe asked for 5lbs...would any of this cause an issue?

still in search for azomite and powdered humic acid


Active Member
the dolomite lime @ lowes around here is the granular lime. do not use this unless you like a lot of hotspots on your plants


Active Member
SubCool references his Lime as a "fast acting" Lime. I have Penningtons fast acting lime. Should work


Well-Known Member
i thought hydrated lime was the fast acting, instant lime...and dolomite broke down over time?


Active Member
Glad I spotted this thread. In his video, SubC mentions the fast action of the lime, so I thought my 50 year supply of Pennington's would work for me... I was hoping.


Active Member
Just came across this piece:

"'Prilled' lime is simply powdered lime mixed into a slurry with a binding agent. Little pellets of the mix is shot from high towers (prilling towers) and it hardens into little spheres as it falls - to make it easier to spread in broadcast spreaders. You can be sure it's dolomite by checking to see if there is a Mg (magnesium) % listed on the package. If the Mg fraction is 1/4-1/2 of the Ca fraction, it's dolomitic lime. "

I don't see a Mg component in this Penningtons. I placed a call to their tech division also to verify. Again, glad I spotted this thread.


Well-Known Member
so i looked around and couldn't find anything...then i found mayville lawn and garden lime at menards. it appeared to be a powder and all it said on it was lawn and garden limestone. the back said 24% ca and 12% mg

this should work ok, shouldn't it? all i keep finding is pelletized dolomite.

its finely pulverized dried aglime bagged in 50lbs. its clacium carbonite equivalent is at least 102%. the calcium carbonite threw me off so i didnt buy it