Supercropping and Canopy Control

Damn this thread is crackin! Haven't had much action here in quite a while, glad to see so many peeps bendin' their girls wherever they wanna. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Just returned from out of town for a cpl days on the road and everything is tight in my room. The 8000 BTU AC unit in my room and its working awesome to keep the room at 72-73 which is keeping my tents at 84 and holding :D Looks like I'm going to run both 4 x 4 tents through the summer after all :joint:

Nice pics peeps, keep'em coming!

@ bassman, yes I'm running Co2, not exactly at the moment b/c my backup tank is toast and the valve isn't working right! Wasn't very happy about that...

I wanted to ask also when I had super crop'd some of the lower branches and tied em down to try and keep an even canopy it caused the nodes below the main grow tip to start and grow a tip as well so now some of those branches I supr crpd and tied down have like 6-8 grow shoots on em, is that too many tips for just 1 branch, cause its like that on several branches. Will it have any negative effect once it starts to flower?

If I understand what you're saying that's exactly what you're aiming for. Crop it outward, open the inside of the canopy and promote side branching. Topping can help too if you need to slow the height down and promote the inner canopy to shoot towards the light source.

well day 81 of flower gona chop her on sat i think, what yous think? im starting a thread in the journal parts if yous wana subscribe feel free im just gona have few bongs then start it so gis 20 mins il have the link up

Sweet feel free to post a link here too budolskie.
News says 91* I have 2 thermometers outside one in the shade and one in my shed. Shed says 101* and shade is 95*. Not sure why the news is always wrong.
Why can they handle more heat outdoors that indoors?
News says 91* I have 2 thermometers outside one in the shade and one in my shed. Shed says 101* and shade is 95*. Not sure why the news is always wrong.
Why can they handle more heat outdoors that indoors?

More lumens and higher Co2 levels vs most grow rooms would be my guess. Higher levels of heat can be offset by more lumens and higher Co2 levels to a point. Too high of heat will still decrease potency though, I'm definitely seeing a difference in my room since heat started to become an issue. Which is also why I prefer indoor as opposed to outdoor. Outdoor bud can be great, but never as good as a finely tuned indoor grow op IMO. Bud grown outdoor in a cooler climate with genetics that compliment the length of the grow season can translate into some awesome bud... Probably why northern CA is a hot spot for illegal outdoor guerrilla growers.

Here in Michigan the season is short, but the temps are ideal for cannabis since it pretty mild around the 45th parallel. Some people know what they're doing but most people end up with garbage bags full of bud that many of us would only use for hash lol.
It cracked 100F in my area today, what a effin nightmare! I am going to have to buy an A/C if I am going to flower in this summer heat.

I actually stopped topping my plants now because what I do is snap the shit out of the main stalk and bend it completely over and tie it down. Then I start letting the lower stuff come up while I pinch away at the main to get all tops even. But that is how I do it. My E & J plant was never Top'd...... I am going to take some pics of her right now in the sun outside.

I still plan to run an a/c if I continue to grow indoors. I just need yo yield more to counteract the bills I gey from growing. I spend way too much on elec!!
Tell me about it, I want to try to avoid huge electric bills, especially when I am running a 1000 watt and a 400 watt light. Plus A/C it really adds up. Makes me want to really look into LEDs. I know Shwag got LEDs.

Here is what I was talking about how I dont not top my plant. This is my Early Jack:


Cant wait to flower this biotch!!!!

My veg box is getting about out of control lol. Everything in there is cropped but its getting too damn full and my flower boxes just can't keep up. Happy holiday weekend to everyone! Its hotter than a ballsak here, I'm just enjoying some AC for a while at home before I head out to meet some friends camping.
Hot is a relative term lol. I like 4 seasons, so our summers are short, but seemingly hot and humid. A hot day where I'm at is 90 degrees with high humidity.
I have seen 114* here, but anything over 95* just seems ridiculous to me!
I imagine weed grows slower when temps get that hot??