Supercropping and Canopy Control

I have seen 114* here, but anything over 95* just seems ridiculous to me!
I imagine weed grows slower when temps get that hot??
Im not sure cause what I am learning is that they seem not to be too bothered by the hot weather. I think heat outside growing and heat inside growing may be tow different things. But honestly I dont know, just going by what I have seen with my outdoor so far. Its already hit over a 100F for 2 days and they seem to like it.

I agree anything over 95 is insane and I hate the heat. I like it cold especially when I go to bed at night.

Im not sure cause what I am learning is that they seem not to be too bothered by the hot weather. I think heat outside growing and heat inside growing may be tow different things. But honestly I dont know, just going by what I have seen with my outdoor so far. Its already hit over a 100F for 2 days and they seem to like it.

I agree anything over 95 is insane and I hate the heat. I like it cold especially when I go to bed at night.


When it cools off at night I get the high-velocity fan in the doorway and turn it on high to pull in the cool night air, or I wont be able to sleep. Sleep for me is a tricky thing for me...I need cool temps, indica weed, tv, and time...sometimes luck is also needed lol. I used to drink myself to sleep with valium etc...but I quit all pills except for motrin and dont drink but maybe a single can of beer now. I feel a lot better though and can usually fall asleep by 12-1 if I lie down at 10
so you can still super crop within two weeks of flower got some stretching going on right now!

When I started this journal I didn't super crop at all in flower, now I do it routinely with no ill effects. The first two weeks is primo cropping to open them shits up and let them take shape.

Went from 90 daytime highs to about 60 today! lol wtf?
Mimosa - African Touch Sensitive Plant, after transplant, gave her to my gf and she killed it within 5 days LOL.


I'm in love with my rapid rooters! best cloning success I've ever had to date. Got roots in 5 days on those, as opposed to 14+ before I had it dialed in and found what worked best for me. Notice the aero cloner on the shelf in the background that I could never find success with, haha.


Grabbed a shot of a Deep Purple Haze I've been cropping before she goes into her flowering container. I'm considering gifting to a friend for an outdoor plant b/c DPH grows tall and proud! A great yielder but and I should have settled into her flowering pot a cpl weeks ago. I need to make space for some new meat I think.


Thanks for keeping the thread going guys! Just ripped j with some old friends that stopped by. Going to get the rest of my shit done and rock a cpl MW3 matches!
I never go past 2 weeks of flowering unless its a emergency. LST is ok but I dont want my plant recovering past week 3 from being pinch to shit. After week 2 IMO is BUD TIME! No transplant either, do want to lose time with roots having to re-establish themselves during flowering..Just food for thought

@bass, I do the same thing bro, I got 2 box fans(1-window and 1-porch door. Instantly cools my whole house when the sun is down. I also run my lights from 7pm to 7am. That way its cooler in the tent during the hot days of summer.

Outdoor project is coming along nicely and should be somewhat done tomorrow.

The shit I do for my plants....but in the end they really take care of me so I guess its worth it.

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I never go past 2 weeks of flowering unless its a emergency. LST is ok but I dont want my plant recovering past week 3 from being pinch to shit. After week 2 IMO is BUD TIME! No transplant either, do want to lose time with roots having to re-establish themselves during flowering..Just food for thought

@bass, I do the same thing bro, I got 2 box fans(1-window and 1-porch door. Instantly cools my whole house when the sun is down. I also run my lights from 7pm to 7am. That way its cooler in the tent during the hot days of summer.

Outdoor project is coming along nicely and should be somewhat done tomorrow.

The shit I do for my plants....but in the end they really take care of me so I guess its worth it.

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Plants looks Great FM!
Do you have both box fans blow in, or 1 in 1 out?
No bro I have one blowing in and the other acting like an exhaust blowing out. Brings a very nice cool breeze through the house.
Finally finished my ducting in 600 tent # 2. Looks like she's going to be dialed in after all with the help of my ac unit. Should be producing nicely year round, its going to be tricky keeping up with harvests with summers being so busy. Good day all!
Its an 8000 BTU ac.

I'll be damned if my fan didn't fall last night and screw up my new fav flowering plant, Top 44, split her right in two. I've got her taped and tied, hoping for a recovery!
Its an 8000 BTU ac.

I'll be damned if my fan didn't fall last night and screw up my new fav flowering plant, Top 44, split her right in two. I've got her taped and tied, hoping for a recovery!

I am the king of catastrophe, man I feel your pain...I hope the mend Holds!!
Me too! Sucks its a Flowering plant. I am sure it will recover these plants are so damn resilent. Hey Shwag do you play MW3 on PS or Xbox???
Me too! Sucks its a Flowering plant. I am sure it will recover these plants are so damn resilent. Hey Shwag do you play MW3 on PS or Xbox???

My grape Ape broke the trunk at the soil level in the winds last week. I put a 3/4" pvc pipe in the soil and strapped her to far she is recovering, but she lost several arms in the fall.
Sup gang!? I'm so effin busy my garden is getting neglected. Working 12-14 hour days the past two weeks so I could have a 3 day weekend last week lol. I need some more help if I want to keep this up!

Yo FM I play on xbox, lots in the winter not so much in the summer :(
At least you have an excuse for neglecting your girls, me I was just letting myself get depressed...Either way I am back, and you need to stop working so hard and enjoy
At least you have an excuse for neglecting your girls, me I was just letting myself get depressed...Either way I am back, and you need to stop working so hard and enjoy

Haha, are you a doctor by chance? I'd love to stop working so hard but we don't really have a choice in the matter do we? I made some progress last night though, transplanted a bunch of plants to keep the perpetual going, tossed a Northern Lights and a Super Lemon Haze into flower. Fixed up the ducting and secured it with screws and duct tape, took cuttings of the new flowering plants and cleaned the piss out of the room. Should be able to neglect it again for another cpl weeks lol.

I love gardening but its hard to motivate myself after working 14 hours, I just want to bOn my couch at that point. I really need to get rid of a cpl strains! I flower 8 plants at a time and I have like 13 or 14 strains lol. NO I'm not adding another tent! lol Back to work, hope your day is going well, and welcome back from your seasonal slump Bassman!
Haha, are you a doctor by chance? I'd love to stop working so hard but we don't really have a choice in the matter do we? I made some progress last night though, transplanted a bunch of plants to keep the perpetual going, tossed a Northern Lights and a Super Lemon Haze into flower. Fixed up the ducting and secured it with screws and duct tape, took cuttings of the new flowering plants and cleaned the piss out of the room. Should be able to neglect it again for another cpl weeks lol.

I love gardening but its hard to motivate myself after working 14 hours, I just want to bOn my couch at that point. I really need to get rid of a cpl strains! I flower 8 plants at a time and I have like 13 or 14 strains lol. NO I'm not adding another tent! lol Back to work, hope your day is going well, and welcome back from your seasonal slump Bassman!

I have way too many strains as well...Not a DR, but I feel I know as much if not more than most of them as I spend my time doing research and they just learn about prescription drugs etc...I ask the DR's ?'s and they are shocked about my knowledge and get a lil pissed sometimes as well. I know u gotta work, just razzing ya. I try not to get depressed, but it happens to all of us I guess.