Supercropping and Canopy Control


Well-Known Member
I know right? Great name. No idea of the lineage, I've searched and searched and I've found nothing. Not sure if it was selectively bred or if it was just bagseed. I'll know if its worth a shit in a cpl months. I have a friend that throws me a cut now and again and I run them once to give them a shot. Normally they're nothing special but he did give me an AK47 cut that is a real keeper. He loves the Kevorkian, but my first go with it did not impress.

I really want to find some friends that are more into breeding like you and BC, making seeds, exchanging cuts etc. My friends are all lazy growers or just don't have space to breed or grow extra cuts. Its pretty lame! I'm hoping to make some Colloidal Silver this weekend and will give a go at making some fem seeds. Just need to whip up the setup to get it going.


Well-Known Member
I've got an impending height issue. I'm growing clones from a seed run. The seeds came from outdoor grows in Hawaii.
Back left - unknown indica dom; Back right Duc-Foot Indica both of these in the seed run grew to over 6' out of 2 liter bottle.
Front left - Big Island Thunder; Front right - Maui-Wowie, this is clone strain only, I've had this strain for almost a yr now, it had a short veg and is here to make self seeds.

They are at day 6 of 12/12 and only 10 days since transplant to 3 gal hempy buckets. None have shown any bud starts yet (except the MW) The Duc-Foot is over 33" and has grown over 12" since transplant, and I don't think the flower stretch has started yet.

GR 003riu.jpgGR 004riu copy.jpgGR 005riu copy.jpg

So will super cropping stop my growth, or will I be bending until the first signs of flower?
Can I even SC at this point?
How far down the stalk can I go? At the "B" point the stalk is fatter than a pencil probably 3/8"
Or would I be better served to just top these heads again?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hi WattSaver, thanks for finding your way to the thread. Those are very nice plants and some interesting genetics. I'd love to have some Maui-Wowie, without the Labrador, LOL. Anyhow, yes you do appear to have a height issue, and if you don't LST and/or supercrop, you're going to have some towers on your hands.

What wattage is your light?

Yes you can absolutely still super crop. To be honest I would do it now and I would do it aggressively. I will tell you how I would handle this but you definitely need to do this with caution if you choose to go for it. Given the time and energy you've put into this grow you don't want to end up breaking a plant in half, but cropping them as low on the stem as it can safely be done would be the goal. I would aim to crop those plants 90 degrees point B or lower if I felt it was possible. Bend the main branches towards the inner part of the pot. Depending how flexible the stem is, you may have to bend them at a 45 today to get them started, then push them a little harder tomorrow. Once they're cropped some stakes and some restraints would be a good idea to support the branch weight and soon to come dank budz. Spread them out and create some space between the plants. Drop the light. Elevate the small flowering plant in on the floor. Take the lower branching and use them for cuttings :) Smoke a fat joint and watch them bud! :bigjoint:

I'm not familiar with either of these stains though. I've only met a cpl strains that didn't like being cropped heavily, but at this point it honestly looks like you don't have much of a choice. If you look back a bit Budolskie cropped up some of his plants that had some height challenges, I think he's glad he did it. Also, give the thread a read and I think you'll find some info that will prove helpful during veg to help the development of the plant's overall shape to get ready for flowering.

Let us know what you decide, I'd like to follow your grow, if you journal it drop a link pls!

EDIT: I just noticed the points A & B in the picture lol. Made the changes to the post. I would go for B damn right, then I would clean her up below the belt a couple days later.


Active Member
I'am currently trying out my first LST in the veg room, so far going good.
Bottoms are coming up. once i'am satisfied, gonna bud it if it works out good, gonna do it to a few and get the perpetual goin.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shwagbag. For lights I'm running 1 hood with 2 - 400w cmh.

My lights just came on so I plan on working them this light cycle.

So let me get this straight, you'd recommend to take the 2 major stems to the center, and I would assume taking the 2 minors to the outside?
I get what you say about doing this as low as possible. But I'll work on a good bend not a break tonight. I'll work on the other 2 also.

Thanks again.

You mentioned CS here's a shot of the generator I made that worked real well for me, I found that adding a small bubblier made a cleaner batch.

projects 019.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I was doing some of this super cropping and I got a vertical split that I can see through. Not much (like an eye of a needle) but it's still broken. It's gonna heal right?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shwagbag. For lights I'm running 1 hood with 2 - 400w cmh.

My lights just came on so I plan on working them this light cycle.

So let me get this straight, you'd recommend to take the 2 major stems to the center, and I would assume taking the 2 minors to the outside?
I get what you say about doing this as low as possible. But I'll work on a good bend not a break tonight. I'll work on the other 2 also.

Thanks again.

You mentioned CS here's a shot of the generator I made that worked real well for me, I found that adding a small bubblier made a cleaner batch.

View attachment 2312899
You're welcome man... Yes larger ones towards the middle, slightly offset not to shade each other as best as possible. She will recover and you could potentially cut her height nearly in half if you can get a nice aggressive bend. It really looks like a crop at B like this should result in not having to do much else other than lolli-pop if your choose to do that. Should make for a better yield of tops :D The main reason I recommend towards the middle is that they're going to continue to stretch and cropping towards the outside is going to make her branches weaker as she adds weight IMO. Those are pretty tall branches and I expect they will add a lot of weight on that top half. The more weight she added the more she would want to hit the floor, the wider her canopy will get and the more crowded the room will be. It will help to keep those primary branches in the sweet spot of the light footprint as well as opposed to the tops lurking on the outside. People tell me I over analyze everything, lol. I have a feeling that you probably do too :joint:

Nice choice of lighting I find CMH for flowering interesting, I've never used exclusively CMH but I do have 1 400 in with my 600hps. I REALLY like how cool it runs BAD! You should be able to drop those 400's down pretty tight if your reflector will allow you to keep a solid footprint. Please come back and share how it works out for you and good luck!

That setup for CS is EXACTLY what I have planned. Good idea to support the wires I'm going to use that I think. Pretty stoked about making one b/c it will be on the cheap and I'm dying to do some breeding! Have you put the CS to work yet? I'm curious to see how it worked out for you.

So I was doing some of this super cropping and I got a vertical split that I can see through. Not much (like an eye of a needle) but it's still broken. It's gonna heal right?
I can't say for sure, there are bound to be casualties from time to time. The best thing you can do is try to mend it and give it an opportunity to heal, they are incredibly resilient plants :D

I usually use some duct tape and/or coil a pipe cleaner around the stem for some extra support. I hope she pulls through for ya! I busted one off yesterday and only lost part of the branch, somehow the part I expected to not make it survived, lol.


Well-Known Member
I have a decent video of and example of super cropping thicker branches but I don't know how I feel about uploading videos of growing dank. What site do you guys use if you post vids? Just youtube?

Here's a cpl shots of El Monstre a couple weeks from finish, hoping she'll purple up a bit :D The plant is about 8" tall from the top of the soil. I cropped her like mad through a short veg and then lolli popped heavily for the 1st 2-3 weeks of flower to rid it of popcorn. I think this will be one of the best I've done with this strain and it will most def be the easiest to trim of any run so far!


From a previous harvest. El Monstre was a freebie from Sannies a year or two ago, she's been going ever since!



Well-Known Member
Well I got pretty creative last night. I cut two rings out of a tomato cage. I took the 10" ring and worked it into the middle of the plant down below the "B" point, then tied the 4 mains to it. I pulled the minors in 1st then the majors over the top of the minors. I plan on continue pulling the stalks down, then I want to install the 12" ring from the cage and work the stalks to the outside of the ring, if I can get the 2 rings within 3" on each other I will have reduced her height by over a foot. You'll notice in the end photos that after a few hrs she is reaching for the light again.
I SC'ed the big island thunder's main branch and we'll see how she recovers. I'm going to have to get real creative with the remaining one, because she was topped just 12" down from her current height.

GR-2 005riu.jpgGR-2 006riu.jpgGR-2 007riu.jpgGR-2 010riu.jpgGR-2 017riu.jpgGR-2 020riu.jpgGR-3 001riu.jpgGR-3 002riu.jpg

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.


Well-Known Member
So I was doing some of this super cropping and I got a vertical split that I can see through. Not much (like an eye of a needle) but it's still broken. It's gonna heal right?
Thats ok, and yes it will heal bro, it will look like a swollen knuckle when healed!

I use You Tube Shwag


Well-Known Member
here is my pc 7-8 weeks flower, and also the 6 clones out of the 11 a got from a friend and cooked 5 under my 600hps


Well-Known Member
here is my pc 7-8 weeks flower, and also the 6 clones out of the 11 a got from a friend and cooked 5 under my 600hps
Looking great bud! Nice to see you starting the training a little earlier this time. Good luck with the final weeks, those should be swelling up nicely soon.



Active Member
hi everyone i tied a branch down to my bcket to spread her out, the stalk split i went in my room and found half the plant hanging, if i wrap the stalk up will the plant heal itself or is the stress too much. if anyone has experienced this i sure could use some knowledge


New Member
Hey everyone, so i have heard that super cropping increases total weight of buds. but anyone with a different opinion? would growing trees yeild more? i onyl really have grown trees, messed around with supercropping some branches on my first crop but never feel thru with it.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone i tied a branch down to my bcket to spread her out, the stalk split i went in my room and found half the plant hanging, if i wrap the stalk up will the plant heal itself or is the stress too much. if anyone has experienced this i sure could use some knowledge
Wire it back together, support with a stake if necessary. It will heal itself. Several grows back the hood yo-yo gave out and I split a plant down the center at the base node. I wired it up and she thrived.


Well-Known Member
heres my new grow 6 going into flower in next couple days just repotted today, they are 11" now but tied the main stems down and also my 8 critical mass clones going in the veg room tomorow



Well-Known Member
Smoked and moved on haha 6.5 a got dry and was lovely, but should been a lot more haha no way for a stretch this time a hot a pic up soon of the 2 buds I have left


Well-Known Member
heres the flowers i have left haha. plus my clones from a friend i just repotted and training for 12/12 on friday, get my 5 critcal mass clones on veg for say start of first week of october then flower them

