Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

I surely must be retarded as I cannot fathom how to send a PM on this particular BB system. I see where I can post to your wall, but I honestly don't see any indication that a PM system even exists.

Hell, I can't even find my own inbox. I've never seen a BB system like this.


Well-Known Member
I surely must be retarded as I cannot fathom how to send a PM on this particular BB system. I see where I can post to your wall, but I honestly don't see any indication that a PM system even exists.

Hell, I can't even find my own inbox. I've never seen a BB system like this.
Private messages are a gained privilege around here. But from the looks of things, you're headed in the wrong direction my friend ;)
Anytime brother!

Stick around these boards and eventually you'll have RC'S falling from the sky... like candy coated cough drops ;)
To be quite frank, I already have most of what I need in reliable areas, but there are some which could use improvement. I'd be glad to compare and contrast notes with anyone interested. I will take note of what you've said and the notion is appreciated.
Guys - wtf is the deal telling people not to ask for sources? Posting it in public places where everyone and their mother might stumble across is leaps-and-bounds different than pm'ing some RIU community member that's known to be legit.

I, for one, have had success with googling websites in the past. And by success I mean ~50% success/scam rate (although if you're smart you protect your investment in ways so you can recover your money.

The "RC Biz" or w/e you wanna call it is so flooded with scammers at this point it is actually very hard to find the real deal anymore. Both my primary sites have now officially closed down with no reopen date due to all the rushed UK legislation against these types of products.

If any folks reading this know where the real deal is at then hit me up pm please.

Good luck to everyone else in their hunt.


Well-Known Member
Guys - wtf is the deal telling people not to ask for sources? Posting it in public places where everyone and their mother might stumble across is leaps-and-bounds different than pm'ing some RIU community member that's known to be legit.

I, for one, have had success with googling websites in the past. And by success I mean ~50% success/scam rate (although if you're smart you protect your investment in ways so you can recover your money.

The "RC Biz" or w/e you wanna call it is so flooded with scammers at this point it is actually very hard to find the real deal anymore. Both my primary sites have now officially closed down with no reopen date due to all the rushed UK legislation against these types of products.

If any folks reading this know where the real deal is at then hit me up pm please.

Good luck to everyone else in their hunt.
Damn, I'm still getting used to this new interface!

Ugh, I simply don't like it... I guess I'll adapt ;)

Anywho, the rc world is a very close knit community... it's not rollitup or the members obligation to give out sources to every tom, dick, and harry! It's a complete filtering process... some are weeded out and some are chosen.

May the best psychonaut win ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Guys - wtf is the deal telling people not to ask for sources?
If you have not done the necessary work to find them, you are not educated enough nor responsible enough to use them.

And by success I mean ~50% success/scam rate (although if you're smart you protect your investment in ways so you can recover your money.
If you were smart you wouldn't take a chance of ever losing your money, I call 50% a failure; ~100% is success.

The "RC Biz" or w/e you wanna call it is so flooded with scammers at this point it is actually very hard to find the real deal anymore.
That is some absolute horse shit. I know of 42 legit rc/mom vendors and probably somewhere around 75 substances offered. How is it hard to find the "real deal" if I'm sitting on half of one-hundred LEGIT vendors?

God damn lazy people and their misinformation.. they think I couldn't find it so it mustn't exist.
Well, I know I don't post here often (or at all? forgot I had registered here), but I've been looking for legit vendors for days now, and can't find any that are still open, don't require some sort of license/certificate, or just outright look shady. Maybe someone could at least PM some search terms to use specifically to narrow things down for me so I don't come up with a lot of bunk sites or closed sites. I know since I'm new no-one's going to want to PM me their sources, but maybe a nudge in the right direction would be nice. I'd really appreciate it.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I've been looking for legit vendors for days now
I know since I'm new no-one's going to want to PM me their sources, but maybe a nudge in the right direction would be nice.
PM's (for me atleast) are not working on the new layout. You need ~10 posts to be able to be PM'ed. Days? I think you'll find most the people on here with deep RC connections have been searching for 2-10 years.
Well that's why we need the help of others who already have the knowledge so that we don't have to spend years trying to find something that may be made unobtainable before we can find it. Just looking for a little friendly help. I'll try to get my post count up without spamming the boards (legit contributions/questions) if I feel like people are going to be willing to help out. Like I said, I've been pretty heavily researching this to the best of my ability at this time, but there's so much crap/misinformation out there, it just gets to be near impossible to filter it out. The people here seem to know what's up, so I'd like to get some tips/info/whatever you're willing to share here if I can so I don't get scammed or sent on a wild goose chase.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
but there's so much crap/misinformation out there, it just gets to be near impossible to filter it out. The people here seem to know what's up, so I'd like to get some tips/info/whatever you're willing to share here if I can so I don't get scammed or sent on a wild goose chase.
True, true :-)

When they fix the layout and your post count is high enough to send PM's, throw me one.


Active Member
can somebody please pm a legit online vendor for 2c-e. i tried it for my first time yesterday and my roomate and I really enjoyed it. any help would be greatly appreciated