Supreme Court rolls back spending for Corporations

The liberal A team has pretty much deserted the forum. Tough week.
You can see which mindset holds ppl's futures back.

Some of you here lack the basic understanding of how the economy works.... of course you're always going to be frustrated.

Educate urself....
i think it is going to boil down to the result of the action. free-speech.......i believe YOU should have freedom of speech. i believe that i too should have freedom of speech. i do not think that a corporation should have freedom of speech as the corporation is not an "american citizen". yes i know the supreme court says it is.....but i happen to believe that their decision is wrong. if you have 100 people and a 100 foot giant living on an island......who do you think will be in charge? do you think the islands form of government will resemble a democracy or a dictatorship? is this silly example much different than what is happening in reality in the US?
It boiled down to the govt. trying to suppress free speech.... It's pretty simple.

Equating a dollar to "free" speech is one of the biggest tragedies of American history. When corporations can shout with millions of voices on every channel, while the poor can't afford a home over their heads, much less an ad to plead their case, speech is anything but FREE. Just as our founding fathers believed in equal representation, they believed in equality of voice. A dollar is neither a voice nor equal.

Money should be divorced from politics altogether, since it is common knowledge that the election goes to the highest bidder. All speech labeled as political free speech should be on public television networks with equal coverage for each voice, like C-Span coverage of a microphone on the capitol steps. Anyone can step up and have their 15 minutes of fame. That would be free speech, and only that would guarantee that the rich weren't allowed to drown out the voices of the poor. We'll have to wait for the next empire to come around, because civilization would fall before money relinquished control of power.
Some of us think Roe v Wade should be overturned, others think the court was wrong on this. Whaaaaa!!!! The way things should be makes for a boring and juvenile discussion.
actually throwing around weak insults and not even having the ability to express ones stance on a subject is what makes for a boring conversation. Roe vs Wade was about abortion and the rights of women (basically). abortion is a touchy subject and deserves further speculation as both sides of the arguement have valid points. however it is a SOCIAL question..........involving REAL people. C.U. vs F.E.C. has nothing to do with civil liberties of REAL people.
Where's the righties outrage about these conservative activist judges?[/QUOTE]

Your looking for outrage among liberty devotees when the Supreme Court upholds the First Amendment?

What's really funny are all of the Progressive talking heads who are in a snit because the judges knocked down one of the Progressive icons ... McCain/Feingold.

So, this is really a terrible week for the Progressives ... 1. The Kennedy regiem is over. 2. Healthcare bill is dead. 3. Cap & Trade is dead. 4. McCain/Feingold overturned by the USSC.

Great week for freedom, guys. :)
Where's the righties outrage about these conservative activist judges?[/QUOTE]

Your looking for outrage among liberty devotees when the Supreme Court upholds the First Amendment?

What's really funny are all of the Progressive talking heads who are in a snit because the judges knocked down one of the Progressive icons ... McCain/Feingold.

So, this is really a terrible week for the Progressives ... 1. The Kennedy regiem is over. 2. Healthcare bill is dead. 3. Cap & Trade is dead. 4. McCain/Feingold overturned by the USSC.

Great week for freedom, guys. :)

Don't forget that Obama looks like an idiot.
Speech for me, but not for thee.

That's not the way it works..... It's all free speech, you don't get to pick and choose. Not if you want to stay a free society.

This is Constitution 101 .... basic stuff. Stand in the corner if you don't get it....
Speech for me, but not for thee.

That's not the way it works..... It's all free speech, you don't get to pick and choose. Not if you want to stay a free society.

This is Constitution 101 .... basic stuff. Stand in the corner if you don't get it....

thats a very valid point. unfortunately the whole concept youre supporting, as far as the supreme courts definition of the word "person", is nonsense so youre missing my point entirely.

"Speech for me, but not for thee."

so if its me saying this, who the hell is "thee"?
thats a very valid point. unfortunately the whole concept youre supporting, as far as the supreme courts definition of the word "person", is nonsense so youre missing my point entirely.

"Speech for me, but not for thee."

so if its me saying this, who the hell is "thee"?

Isn't any group that has an opinion, whether profit based or not, entitled to equal access to the media, as long as membership to that group is voluntary ?

Now that I think about it, what is the definition of "voluntary" ..
Speech for me, but not for thee.

That's not the way it works..... It's all free speech, you don't get to pick and choose. Not if you want to stay a free society.

This is Constitution 101 .... basic stuff. Stand in the corner if you don't get it....

In essence the Supreme courts have rendered We The People speechless. This has now paved the way for a complete corporate takeover of our government, not just by US companies but transnational corporations. Those of you who worship the corporation and agree with this, have now signed the death warrant of many of the things you take for granted. Now that corporations can spend limitlessly on a particular candidate just how long will that candidate be able to hold out before they are completely corrupted and under the control of the corporation?

Obama just signed the equal pay for women legislation. Give that a little time and corporations will turn that one over. The corporations will make a stab at workmans compensation. You can count on that. They will now make a stab at 40 hour work weeks and overtime pay. How about maternity leave? Corporate dollars will take a knife to that one as well. Corporate liability claims. You think they wont go after those laws, then you would be kidding yourselves. Class action suits for lets say dumping pollution into rivers and poisoning your shorelines and fisheries. If you think corporations won't go after that, then you live on a different planet.

This decision by the Supreme Court is their "coup de gras". These things I mention above are just the tip of the iceberg. This is going to allow corporations to influence in ways most people have never even thought of. This will allow the monetarists to run even more wild. You think recent restrictions on banks and investment companies will stand even after all we have been through?

The most obvious question to me is that in the preamble to the Constitution it says "We The People". I find nowhere in the Constitution does it say "We The Corporations". It also says to establish a "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people" I don't see where it says a "Government of the Corporation, by the corporation, and for the Corporation".

No matter how you slice it the Supreme court acted in an activist way but I don't really like the term "activist". What they really have done is LEGISLATE from the bench completely upsetting how our system of government was set up in the first place as one of three separate branches doing checks and balances on each other. This decision by the court within a short time will have taken that which makes the United States the greatest country on the planet and turned it into a shell of it's former glory.
I don't know this seems wrong to me.
How corperations/unions achieved personhood is beyond me.
As it sits Corperations/Unions give tens of thousands to canidates.
At least Unions have to get dues and donations.
Corperations just need to make a profit
and they can buy Government contracts and special regulations.
Thats not a hallmark of a free market.
No, it just feels wrong in my gut.

That was the thing about the Ron Paul campaign.
About 55,000 ppl donated to him and we outraised McSame in one quarter.
We were all so proud!
We felt like we were finaly going to make a diffrence, just regular jackoffs.
No corperations or unions donated to him, it was all private donations. (there was some small PAC donations)
Now reythion or exxon can just buy our representatives?

I'm all for buisness and free markets
but these corperations often write the legislation that will regulate their industry.
Sure let corperations lobby (speach) but unlimited campaign funding?
IMO its at best a tight rope walk.

Now a real, live, breathing person with a mom and dad, sure spend away.
But a corperation, just doesn't feel right to me.
Proggies against free speech. :wall:

Now I've seen everything.

I suppose they assume the First Amendment only applies to their speech.
Proggies against free speech. :wall:

Now I've seen everything.

I suppose they assume the First Amendment only applies to their speech.

There's nothing new about that. The fairness doctrine means shutting down Rush while giving money to npr. I'm really enjoying them twisting in the wind over this. Lookout libs! The corporations are comin' to getcha!!! Booooo!