Supreme Court USA : No need for warents if police smell weed and you are slow to door

LMAO,,here you go again!!!!! Dont you have anything better to do? If you can, can you please explain evolution? I would like to see just how smart you are without having to use your most trusted source, wikipedia.

You and your fag friend deprave think you all are soo smart huh? Let me see you explain evolution and how it works and the like? I bet you cant!!!
i want to see just how good you really are, maybe you are all talk!!

And i want scientific proof that all that you say about evolution does exist...

I will begin making my own assumptions of you as you make of me and i believe that your beliefs are in evolution and the so called big bang!!! What stupid asshole would believe that all of a sudden, out of no where, this enourmous explosion took place and gave rise to all that we see today...

If you are sooo smart, then why havent humans evolved to become the superior being? Isnt evolution natural selection, only the strong dominant traits tend to continue and evolve into better more efficient organisms? Why hasnt the human body evolved to recover from fractures or broken bones faster or sprains and strains of the joints, ligaments and tendons and surrounding musculature?

And also, here is one for you to think about, so if evolution did exist, then why did the wooly mamoth die? it died and the only desendents from it are the small elephants we have today. Wouldnt it be, that if evolution did exist, that these organisms would have evolved into much larger creatures so that they would fend off their predators? Why did the crocidile evolve into a smaller reptile rather than some extremely large killing machine? Why havent whales evolved the capability to not surface for air and have fully functional lungs underwater?

Dude, please explain all of that? If you do, i will be a forever changed man!!!

Dude look at all the animals that we are surrounded by. How do they get enegry? They consume resources much like people consume resources. How do mammals breed? They have penieses and vaginas like people have dicks and vags. Animals don't have to have intelligence like people to be considered on par with us. All animals today have survived because of natural selection.

our lives pretty much mean nothing. your ego will tell you otherwise.

We are animals.
Oh I forgot to add the big bang became about because planets and stars are moving away from us, that's a fact. Hubble discovered it. The universe is expanding. General thought that the universe is expanding could mean that the universe started at a singularity or just appeared. Life is fucking crazy

To the op, fuck the police. Actually fuck the war on drugs, literally the biggest waste of time and money.
Spirituality is an important part of life, to deny its importance or its existence, is a mistake. The answers we seek is a combination of the spiritual and the intellectual, its not one or the other, its a combination.

Please lets get back on topic - why oh why did you invite the atheist and evolutionist in here? They are just as bad as religions. Id argue that they are religions for some.

Evolution is real its been proven for the most part but it does not disprove god.
God could be real it cant be proven or disproved.
I didnt know this would attract those people. And yeah, secretweapon, I know we are all similar, but I dont like when I at least get compared to animal or when jackasses say I came from monkey ancestors! And this other dudes reply, too stupid to read it, trying to prove microevolution in a thread. Whatever, if you are so smart then who put all this space which is the universe here and where did all these molecules and paricles come from to form rocks, then meteors then planets then bacteria then fungus then marine life then dinos then land life? And may I remind secretweapon, how did this big bang create the.complex.internal physiological workings each species has? If you know how they function?
Spirituality is an important part of life, to deny its importance or its existence, is a mistake. The answers we seek is a combination of the spiritual and the intellectual, its not one or the other, its a combination.

Please lets get back on topic - why oh why did you invite the atheist and evolutionist in here? They are just as bad as religions. Id argue that they are religions for some.

Evolution is real its been proven for the most part but it does not disprove god.
God could be real it cant be proven or disproved.

Are you guys watching my IP? I have been watching a lot of stuff on these topics.

String Theory is so cool!
I didnt know this would attract those people. And yeah, secretweapon, I know we are all similar, but I dont like when I at least get compared to animal or when jackasses say I came from monkey ancestors! And this other dudes reply, too stupid to read it, trying to prove microevolution in a thread. Whatever, if you are so smart then who put all this space which is the universe here and where did all these molecules and paricles come from to form rocks, then meteors then planets then bacteria then fungus then marine life then dinos then land life? And may I remind secretweapon, how did this big bang create the.complex.internal physiological workings each species has? If you know how they function?

If your talking about an intelligent designer, personally I don't think god or gods created us.

Have you ever played alchemy? It's a game for iPhone/Android that you combine elements and create Shit sort of like a puzzle. Anyways I think that the cosmos started out with a basic set of elements. When combined they create other elements. Of course this process happens over billions of years. Evolution isn't just for life, it can be and is applied to inanimate objects over a period of time (its own space time).

What if we simply existed because it simply is the way it is. It's hard to think like that because everything has a beginning and an end.

Cosmology fucking blows my mind.
Secretweapon, so then why are we here? Why werent you a pig and me a cow? Why didnt the crocs, lions and tigers become the world leaders? If evolution did exist, wouldnt these superior species be in charge? They cant, because evolution doesnt exist. When I finish my masters program, I will make my own theory of adaptation.
Secretweapon, so then why are we here? Why werent you a pig and me a cow? Why didnt the crocs, lions and tigers become the world leaders? If evolution did exist, wouldnt these superior species be in charge? They cant, because evolution doesnt exist. When I finish my masters program, I will make my own theory of adaptation.

Why do they need to be world leaders? They(animals) are here and have survived the passage of time just like humans have. how have the animals survived in the wild over billions of years? They are masters of survival (through adaptation & evolution). They do not need a level of intelligence that humans have.

Why do we breed? Why do animals breed? What's the purpose of sex? To pass on ancestral dna to the next generation but why?

I don't know everything dude I just enjoy learning about new things, thinking from different angles because once your dead your dead.
I know dude, I dont know everything either and I too enjoy learning. What I meant by world leaders is since evolution is natural selection and since this most times means the strongest, why didnt evolution grant these organisms the ability to speak a vocal language or the ability to walk on two legs? The homo sapien was way under them in yhe food web, so I would evolution would have favored those other higher up species.

Why do they need to be world leaders? They(animals) are here and have survived the passage of time just like humans have. how have the animals survived in the wild over billions of years? They are masters of survival (through adaptation & evolution). They do not need a level of intelligence that humans have.

Why do we breed? Why do animals breed? What's the purpose of sex? To pass on ancestral dna to the next generation but why?

I don't know everything dude I just enjoy learning about new things, thinking from different angles because once your dead your dead.
Secretweapon, so then why are we here? Why werent you a pig and me a cow? Why didnt the crocs, lions and tigers become the world leaders? If evolution did exist, wouldnt these superior species be in charge? They cant, because evolution doesnt exist. When I finish my masters program, I will make my own theory of adaptation.

I know dude, I dont know everything either and I too enjoy learning. What I meant by world leaders is since evolution is natural selection and since this most times means the strongest, why didnt evolution grant these organisms the ability to speak a vocal language or the ability to walk on two legs? The homo sapien was way under them in yhe food web, so I would evolution would have favored those other higher up species.

What you seem to not understand is your failure in logic with this line of thought. Just because we developed the need for vocal patterns to talk, doesn't mean everything else needs to. We started with grunts remember. Whales and dolphins have forms of communication that are technically MORE intricate than ours. The wooly mammoth died off because the conditions were too bad for almost ANY mammal to survive that time. Early human made it with furs, caves, and fire. Smaller creatures could dig, climb, etc. Most, and i very much mean MOST creatures, just plain died. Ice age is a much bigger ratio of luck to skill than it is the rest of the time.

Walking on two legs is not a necessity to life either, so why would ALL creatures need it? A horse has no need to walk upright, it would just hinder his movement. Your are trying to use US as a blueprint for evolution and it doesn't work that way. Its your ego fucking with you. We are NOT the most important thing on the planet, we just got good dice rolls that brought our (at times) incredible intellect out first. It COULD have been chimps, or gorillas, or dolphins, they just didn't get as good of rolls on the dice as we did. Maybe they needed another 100 million years.

My point is, your logic is failed from the start. You cant say evolution isn't real because other animals didn't come out like us. If anything, such a thing would disprove evolution. Its just not how it works.