you know the camera guy is eating bear claws and twinkies n shit right in front of bear while he eats a rotten mountain goat.
This would be exactly the approach i think les would take.Afterwords,If les is as clever and ruthless i think he is.He would drag bear off to a cave and go training day on bear caveman style and make bear his bish.In all bears smarts and technical training.I believe bear would underestimate the simplicity of a stoners thinking and would never see this strategy coming. When all things were said and done i believe less would effectively give assign bear a beltloop and until they got back to civilization he would make bear collect, gather and cook food for him until they got off the island.Les could sneak up on Bear and hit him on the head while Bear is drinking his piss...
not trying to get into with anybody, but i live close to the wild horse range in southern montana, and i can get em to eat carrots outta my hand.Yeah they didn't actually show him checking into the hotel on the show [obv] but I saw a YouTube video revealing it...Also there are some parts of the show that are just so fake. like this one episode he just happens to come across 'wild' horses' and these 'wild horses' had perfectly groomed tails .. they were just clearly not wild. He just walks right up to them and hops on one of their backs. pshh ok Bear Grylls .. a wild horse would kick you full force before you get that close to them, if they don't run away first. ha
he never said they were wild. he said they may have escaped.Yeah they didn't actually show him checking into the hotel on the show [obv] but I saw a YouTube video revealing it...Also there are some parts of the show that are just so fake. like this one episode he just happens to come across 'wild' horses' and these 'wild horses' had perfectly groomed tails .. they were just clearly not wild. He just walks right up to them and hops on one of their backs. pshh ok Bear Grylls .. a wild horse would kick you full force before you get that close to them, if they don't run away first. ha
I like both of them... and I like both shows. However, if asked who's show I like more, I'd have to go with Les. I prefer the methods of his show. He's alone, he's the camera man. He doesn't sleep in a hotel at night when he's supposed to be roughing it. He doesn't pretend to be in the middle of nowhere when he's really 100 yards away from a busy road. I don't hate Bear. I actually enjoy his show as well... but I'd rather see HIS show end.also, why cant you guys just respect both of them. none of you are out there doing that. and I doubt any of you are tough enough to make into the SAS. there's nothing fake about Bear. don't hate, appreciate. there's enough hate in this world already.