Swami Seeds

For the record....my one chance to defend myself from Frank's lies before he tells on me. Icmag bans me...I even helped write thier fucking magazine..with no author credit. They got mad I created a group and we wanted to take that group somewhere else. Nazi's


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Let out air, else you will suffocated :-D:-D:-D

I asked for help to clarify what matters, I asked for little information to check. why did you send the seeds a second time? did i ask for this? NO!
are you dumb? why send a second time to the same address when the first time the problem was due to the address?
you say All information was given and you have my emails , show them!!!

you always ignored me , you dont care about your customers and you are terrible as a person , i don't know who is dank, but i see who are you and guess what are you capable of

Seriously,?... we sent the second pack personally..obviously taking care of your problem for the second time. Must have been a hard time for you remembering the details being so retarded

Okay man,I'm a terrible person, I ignore my customers, and I never sent the two packs of seed to you. Im a this and that and all the stuff you want however misguided your attack may be.

The one douche bag out of 2 years of customers.

No fucking way am I digging up your retarded emails..you gonna pay me by the hour to do that..fuck you.

Not to mention the shipping and handling costs I'm out as well...a
Exactly the same amount of money you are supposed outed.

How do we know you didnt get that missing pack of seed fucker...how do we know your not a fucking Russian troll scammer. 100%

80k packs sold to satisfied customers..1 douch bag

You'd be an ideal Trump supporter. Denial and ignorance. Were you Chernobyl baby or something?

Happy now? Fuck off and go suck Dank Franks balls. I'm a bad man to you... go away.

Yeah these are insults...get the fucking picture yet.

Seriously fuck the fuck off douche bag.

Dont like how in talking to you...FUCK YOU!
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Let out air, else you will suffocated :-D:-D:-D

I asked for help to clarify what matters, I asked for little information to check. why did you send the seeds a second time? did i ask for this? NO!
are you dumb? why send a second time to the same address when the first time the problem was due to the address?
you say All information was given and you have my emails , show them!!!

you always ignored me , you dont care about your customers and you are terrible as a person , i don't know who is dank, but i see who are you and guess what are you capable of
Get your diseased cock out of your grandma's mouth..she might suffocate.
...oh and fuck you again mr Russian troll
..I'm not Russian I'm Georgian....right?
Not a bit different to most of us sitting in USA you fucking commie dirtbag.

Lemme guess, I'm waiting on google translate to teach you how to respond in English....lol

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Seriously,in case you cant interpret English..here's a visual. Are you my new pal....can we be buds?

I've never had Russian troll for a friend before....I think it would be dreamy. We could have long chatty conversations on the tele...You know,about all the seeds you buy that you never get from that horrible bad swami organic seed guy...what a bad bad man.
Can you imagine what his children endure? My god man..how can that Gas guy be so bad?
He's such a bad man,all those bad words he says...surely a sinner and going to hell.

We could cry together?... no ?

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Hey bud,how's it going. Are you coming over for the bbq later?
We are going to shoot a bunch of rounds with our AK-47s..I've got a few cases.

Maybe we'll go hiking, or lift some weights.

We could talk about girls...They have boobs ya know,like you granny.

Do you like hot dogs? ...Ball Park franks or Hebrew National? We could get some chips too...

I can build a fire and we can stand by it and drink vodka till I actually start talking Russian.

Maybe I'll show you my coin collection...we could play Hot Wheels....that sounds fun.
russia:spew:they are enemies of my country!

and don’t put your nudists here, are you gay?
I love you man..the misinterpretation is gladiator level. This is a photo of a man with his shirt off.

Leave it up to you to think I'm nude...lol..you wish I was gay. Your hanging on to me like a clingy girlfriend.

Who's gay?

Making fun of gays now too eh...dont forget the dark skinned humans in your hate...anyone else?


...google translate..peck peck peck on the Russian troll keyboard
Hey man,I'll start the BBQ and slice the potatoes to BBQ...you like your Russian potato steaks thick?

Oh,and by the way..I'm not even reading your posts anymore. Wasted words and time.

I'm just being your pal now..pals,friends, mates,chums,buddies...

I love you man!
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Please come back, I miss you. I'm sorry. I thought we were friends. I won't say bad things anymore,I was a wrong bad man....bad man. Hell bound,lake of fire and brimstone for all eternity. No amount of praying will save me.

I won't race my hot wheels without you anymore. I was wrong to take my cars and go home.

I just wanted to jump them from the ramp I made....

Your bud,
@gocha1900 Whoa here, so your overseas which means your fucked, your seeds were probably confiscated by the postal service or ripped off by the mailman. It's common, I won't do business overseas anymore, been ripped off to many times, once for $450 and just this year I sent money to a breeder I've done business with for 12 years and it never got there. It's a crap shoot, you roll the dice wrong you lose, I lost and didn't come crying on a forum, I took a chance and lost. It's different over here, rarely a problem anymore unless you deal with a scammer and Swami Organic Seed is not one. You live in a country that still considers Cannabis bad and will persecute you for it, which means hawking the mail, you need to grow up and swallow your bitter pill and hope that your country will soon make it legal. You all would still have good seeds over there (from American genetics) if the Dutch and Spain hadn't fucked everything up!

I won't buy seeds from Canada either, same deal!
Awesome, you're back gocha, I knew you would be.

Hey,what's up..the BBQ is smoking brah...better get over here and crack a brewski.

I like the pinocha,maybe we you can tell me about all the dank pussy you get.

Weather is good today,60 and snow is melting,maybe I'll get get and do some plowing in the fields today to plant my potatoes.

I get tired of playing hot wheels alone..I sure wish you would quit being a dick and come over to my house again....
@gocha1900 Whoa here, so your overseas which means your fucked, your seeds were probably confiscated by the postal service or ripped off by the mailman. It's common, I won't do business overseas anymore, been ripped off to many times, once for $450 and just this year I sent money to a breeder I've done business with for 12 years and it never got there. It's a crap shoot, you roll the dice wrong you lose, I lost and didn't come crying on a forum, I took a chance and lost. It's different over here, rarely a problem anymore unless you deal with a scammer and Swami Organic Seed is not one. You live in a country that still considers Cannabis bad and will persecute you for it, which means hawking the mail, you need to grow up and swallow your bitter pill and hope that your country will soon make it legal. You all would still have good seeds over there (from American genetics) if the Dutch and Spain hadn't fucked everything up!

I won't buy seeds from Canada either, same deal!
Thanks man,been going at it alone for 24 hours now...appreciate the support brotherman.
Oh dear lol, gas you’re about to get cut off from the internets by wifey, we have to stop making ourselves so accessible to these trolls... Instagram is plenty to deal with!! That Russian guy again!?!? Hahaha!! And that dank frank character - hah It wasn’t meth it was some kind of crack behavior lol! Funny not funny if he’s behaving badly I could only imagine what he would be up to years later. Besides honing his trolling/scamming tactics. def not reading thru all this drama static. Those two are like old dirty pennies rolling around in a car cup holder that won’t go away, same old strategy..won’t stop pecking the keyboard for troll fodder. Are you coming here for lunch or what. Put the troll bait down and back away slowly
@gocha1900 another thing, once a package leaves the American border tracking goes out the window there's no way to know if it was received or delivered and on return or coming in from overseas you will not have any tracking until it hits the American border. Overseas mail service sucks!! We don't have those problems here, so your looking in the wrong place.