Swami Seeds

Something about you and wanting to wish those were naked photos...jeesh... get your mind out of the gutter buddy. That's a sinful way to think.,..you will go to hell.

Dude,its okay. You can come out of the closet now. I'm not prejudice, I have all kinds of friends from all walks of life. It's okay you are gay bro.

I support gotcha coming out of the closet. He's evolving, support his new sexual orientation people.
Yes,tell me more about your need to see me naked. Maybe you'll convert me to being a full blown gay potatoe head Russian troll.
I wonder what that's like,being a Russian troll..do they eat?, Or do they drink home made vodka all day?
What kind of computers do they have?

Are they home built hack jobs made to scam mericans?

I've had a lot of attempted scams from the region over the years. That and south Africa specifically.

Like they trained these guys to scam and troll Americans.

Probably had classrooms full of training trolls with trump dollars.

This place is pretty fucked up,but we know it's worse there. Sad man. Sorry,talk to trump he likes Russian trolls. Maybe he can get you on a plane to my house and we can be friends.
@gocha1900 Your not understanding overseas deals regarding seeds, you take a chance you can lose and lately more often than not. There’s no way to get info that’s not available, the mail system is the one who got your seeds, I did business over there for years before America wised up, I know that if you take a chance eventually you will lose. Crying about it is a waste of time, suck it up and move on, nobody nobody will have information once it’s in the mail period and nothing can change that. Once it leaves the vendor or breeders hands to ship overseas it’s out of anybody’s control, no info. I don’t understand why you can’t see that unless you are a troll, it’s COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Maybe the translator your using is not helping you understand, because your not making any sense. Rocket scientist not needed to figure this out.
..not to mention the packing and shipping cost to fucking stupidville twice. ..and the security risk for my family using a forwarding service without telling us...the standing in front of camera filling out customs forms.... gee thanks ..Stupid fucker.

They tear that shit apart and turn it into customs...is it your company and family your're putting at risk? Fuck no,just another selfish arrogant asshole with entitlement issues that didn't care about anyone but himself.

There is a policy by forwarding services that prevents cannabis seed from being mailed over seas..dumbass. When we send to USA addresses the seeds are not hidden or masked.....because they're not going over seas....duh.

When they find the seeds that we didnt pack for international mailing,they turn it into customs. Dumb fuck.

No tracking number on confiscated shit ...hello mcfly..????.duh...just fucking duh. No sense of reality..cant help my best friend. He's retarded.
Dude...for 100th time. That was not me.

That was the vendor...the guy who you did the deal with.

I only sent seed to the vendor.

When we get your first round of compliants,I personally packed the second package and sent it out myself. Unbeknown to me at the time it was a mail forwarding service...which is a no no.


Seriously..shut the fuck up now. Your points have been mooted. Its an invalid argument.

First time I saw ANYTHING about a tshirt as well...

Two fucking years worth of you being seriously confused.

I am not that guy.

I thought you were coming over for the potato steak BBQ bud?...you flaked again brah.
I do have some stinking words to those who do deserve them. Should have been president.

By the time you started talking to me it was a problem for you...you approached me all wack G.
You big old mobster you...

Sorry five years in prison means I have a problem with the way people act sometimes. If I think you are acting fucked,you probably are.

Kind of a 'thing 'in there ya know.

Again,I did not sell you the seed. Your communication was with Sam...not Gas.

Gas tried to fix the problem...as usual...yet you somehow think I'm responsible for your lost seed due to your ignorance to the forwarding service.

Again,I sent package to provided address...which come to find out AGAIN was a mail forwarding service which is a no no.
I'm not sure if you would call a seed vender an employee...:shock:
He was both...yet shady and not telling us a lot of stuff yo.

He got told on by the people he fucked over...like this guy.

Look man,this guy may be right,he might not have got his seeds at all. How do I know that? How do I know he didnt gets pack of seed and try to get another?
People gotta understand ,we've seen every scam imaginable in this gig. Especially the 'I didnt get the seeds' scam.

We have a policy that states,I will only replace a lost order once. That's that. If this guy had come at me a different way we wouldn't be here doing this right now.

All the guys saying they didn't get their seed...why do you think we get tracking. Every breeder gets hit by the same guys..they use the same tactics to get free beans. Trust me,we 'breeder's talk about it amongst each other behind the scenes.
This year we decided to crack down on trolls and scammers. Why the troll thing?...is beside me....seems you know your at the top when you have troll army so they say.
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Can’t speak for anyone else but first exp with Swami is buy while u can lol.. not sure if he will hook it up the same he did for me I’m honestly not gonna say how much but I can tell u now he went above and beyond what I expected.... side note I understand some people’s grief not every gets the same results but I’m definitely 100% positive that gas is easy to work with and easy to speak to. If u find yourself going back and fourth with him chances are ur coming off like a jack ass or ur story is unbelievable. This is my opinion from the first meeting....


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Can’t speak for anyone else but first exp with Swami is buy while u can lol.. not sure if he will hook it up the same he did for me I’m honestly not gonna say how much but I can tell u now he went above and beyond what I expected.... side note I understand some people’s grief not every gets the same results but I’m definitely 100% positive that gas is easy to work with and easy to speak to. If u find yourself going back and fourth with him chances are ur coming off like a jack ass or ur story is unbelievable. This is my opinion from the first meeting....
...after telling me how long you been looking for that church pheno, I had to make sure you find it brotherman.

Get er done!
I'm getting ready to start some 76 Guerrero inside in coco. Any advice on how to feed her would be appreciated. I've never grown any landrace sativas, but have read they can be light feeders.