switching nutes from organic to synthetic in SOIL?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

SO my organic nuts are soon all gone and i still have my old synthetic wich i acctualy liked better anyways... Is it possible to do this without shocking the plants ? is there something i should think about?

Some plants are Veg some are flowering between 2-6 weeks into flower.

any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Plants can use synthetic nutes really easily so it's easy to overfeed, start out with low doses, see how it reacts. And of course, use different nutes for those who are in veg and those in flower. And yes, start low and you won't shock the plants.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are in containers your fine. If they are in the ground you risk damaging the soil and microorganisms that live in it. Synthetics meant for hydroponics also leach very badly when you use it outside. A few applications with bloom or flower phase won't be a problem. It's heavy use of veg nutes (the nitrates actually) that do the damage.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
plants are not affected buzz words. organic shits gets broken down to the same forms as synthetic nutes (ex urea broken down to no3) before the plants can use them, anyways.

youll be fine. just dont burn em!

Got i hate hearing people babble about organics with no understanding of it, and thinking it's just a synonym for "good." <--this is not directed at anyone on this thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

SO my organic nuts are soon all gone and i still have my old synthetic wich i acctualy liked better anyways... Is it possible to do this without shocking the plants ? is there something i should think about?

Some plants are Veg some are flowering between 2-6 weeks into flower.

any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Think about what might happen if you did nothing but eat fruits and vegetables for a while and then suddenly all you could eat was meat. That would be a pretty big switch, even if you like meat.

I think you might want to ease the plants into using synthetics, realizing these are much harsher. I personally think it would be easier to go from synthetic to organic than the other way around.

good luck!

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
How do vegetables/meat compare to synthetics/organics? Nitrates are nitrates. The only difference is that synthetic nutrients don't rely on microbes to make anything plant-available.

One isn't harsher than the other. A hot organic soil mix can burn a plant just the same as adding too much fertilizer. Moderation is the key.

To the OP: Please decipher the difference between facts and rhetoric when making decisions.


Active Member
How do vegetables/meat compare to synthetics/organics? Nitrates are nitrates. The only difference is that synthetic nutrients don't rely on microbes to make anything plant-available.

One isn't harsher than the other. A hot organic soil mix can burn a plant just the same as adding too much fertilizer. Moderation is the key.

To the OP: Please decipher the difference between facts and rhetoric when making decisions.
I think he was just referring to what may be an adverse reaction with the switch of feeds similar to how a vegitarian may feel queezy and start to vomit or something of that nature when switching back to meat cold turkey. The same way the plant may have a reaction when switching from organics to synthetics (meat).


Well-Known Member
As long as you are providing your plants all the essential nutrients they will be healthy regardless if they are organic or synthetic. If you have something like a 3-1-1, 1-1-1, 3-1-2 for veg you will be providing sufficient amounts of macro nutrients. I am a firm believer in UB's theory of a 1-3-2 NPK for flowering. Something like Jacks Bloom Booster 10-30-20 or Dyna Gro 3-12-6 would be great for flower and cost you just $10.00-$20.00 and they'll last you for years. Jacks has 10 nutrients in it and Dyna Gro has a whopping 16 nutrients, which is just freakin awesome. These are two of the most proven nutrients you can buy.

Just my 2 cents,


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your good advice. its been five days now since i started the switch and im having no issues.

Happy growing people :)


Active Member
I personally use organics in veg to build a nice root system (soiless) and switch over to synthetic to hit it hard during bloom, i wouldn't see why it wouldn't work in organics.. make sure you hit your plants up with some molasses once a week to keep those beanies alive and thriving. But then again the salts will pretty much kill off most of them to begin with.. i dunno ive never tried it tell me how it works out for you in the end.