Switching to solventless. Need bubble hash help.


Well-Known Member

So I'm getting tired making the bho and the qwiso stuff. I like shatter, and I enjoy the strength because I am a heavy smoker. My problem is I don't have access the best equipment, so I don't know how pure my end product is. I also don't have access to lab testing my product, or obtaining lab tested product. Lately I've been tIred of all of it and I want to go a better route.

I've always liked hash and kief. I love the taste and the high, and I feel much better smoking it.

I've done some research I think I'm interested in the bubble hash. I understand the basics behind it, but not much about the actual process and steps.

I figured a wash machine would be easier then stirring in a bucket. But my end goal is a more pure, quality over quantity product. So if I have to sacrifice ease of use for more work but a better product, I'm willing to do so.

Here is the machine I was looking at though.

So if anyone can help me out, point me in the right direction, or whatever. Any help I will take!


That's probably what I'll do. Or get an eight bag set for median inexpensive on Amazon and do it by hand. I know with using the ice water in the material you have to either cook it which decarbs it (I think) or let it cure and dry for months. I really enjoy making pressed rosin. I know it's not the most efficient method but it lets me have dabs whenever I want and I know it's solventless
The title of that link is not what is described in the first few posts in that thread. I'll sum it up for you:

It's a 1 gallon paint bucket with a 160 micron mesh screen stretched over it. Inside is dry ice and your material. He then mounted the paint can using just like a 90° angle brace so he could put it in a Sawzall and it shakes the shit of the nug with the dry ice and your heads fall out. You could the same thing with finer screens and bubble is the same principle if I'm not mistaken you just use ice water mixed with the material and sift through multiple bags and then have to press and dry that material. That's it. That's all there is to it. The detailed how-to's are on the web lots of them and you tube I've heard HashChurch is a really good channel. Check out the method used in that link. It's nice looking kief headies and he uses it for everything from smoke to press and also tinctures and capsules
What is the question ? I've heard great things about those little machines, they will will work but I was told before the difference in that and something name brand or three times as much is overall quality of the bags themselves. As long as it's a reputable enough company (I read the shit out of Amazon reviews and ask questions on there too if you have them) the micron sizes are correct you'll get fine product. The machine does all the work for you. Are you looking for a step by step guide?


Well-Known Member
Maybe some sort of guide would help. I plan on purchasing the machine and bags. I've watched videos so the process seems easy.

But I don't know about drying, curing, storage, handling.

I've seen the dry ice process and I like the bubble process better.


Well-Known Member
For personal or production?

If just personal I highly recommend buying a 2-4 screen set of dry sifting screens for full melt dry sift and call it a day. The end product is a good step above the best bubble hash and is not only considerably cheaper to make, requiring less tools, but is also less labor intensive. Not to mention no room for error in drying and separation like we commonly see with bubble hash. No brainer if you ask me or have ever dabbed fmds.

If it's for production then bubble bags/machine all the way. Drying is the hardest part.
So I'm looking at a dry sift screen that comes with a ... 150u screen for trimming and just use it for daily grinding or can you actually take large amounts of material (sugar leaves, trim, some nugs) and make full melt that will dab. Any suggestions for where to get a good screen? I saw one made one for trimming but I'm thinking you need something much larger to "bounce" the nugs on
Or are you saying to use a dry sift screen if you're just using personal stash nugs to make hash and if you're using trim and plant material then use bags?


Well-Known Member
For personal or production?

If just personal I highly recommend buying a 2-4 screen set of dry sifting screens for full melt dry sift and call it a day. The end product is a good step above the best bubble hash and is not only considerably cheaper to make, requiring less tools, but is also less labor intensive. Not to mention no room for error in drying and separation like we commonly see with bubble hash. No brainer if you ask me or have ever dabbed fmds.

If it's for production then bubble bags/machine all the way. Drying is the hardest part.

It is for personal, and yes I was planning on attempting full melt eventually after I got the basics down. Like I said I'm looking for quality over quantity.

I was considering dry sift but I read on a few places that the product gets more plant matter in it. Is that a true or false statement?

If I can go dry sift and get a more pure and better product over bubble, I would defiantly go dry sift. Like you said it's easier, less equipment.


Well-Known Member
It is for personal, and yes I was planning on attempting full melt eventually after I got the basics down. Like I said I'm looking for quality over quantity.

I was considering dry sift but I read on a few places that the product gets more plant matter in it. Is that a true or false statement?

If I can go dry sift and get a more pure and better product over bubble, I would defiantly go dry sift. Like you said it's easier, less equipment.
The bold statement holds some truth but it's only telling half the story. A raw sift might have some more contaminant matter (micro plant bits and capitate stalks<<- the trichome stalk) but once given a single pass with the static parchment tech it's pretty damn close to full melt bubble.

If you grow yourself achieving full melt shouldn't be a problem. IDK if I just have a green thumb or what but I've been lucky in that I achieved full melt on my first attempt with bubblehash. I think working with good genetics has a part to do with it as well.


Well-Known Member
So I'm looking at a dry sift screen that comes with a ... 150u screen for trimming and just use it for daily grinding or can you actually take large amounts of material (sugar leaves, trim, some nugs) and make full melt that will dab. Any suggestions for where to get a good screen? I saw one made one for trimming but I'm thinking you need something much larger to "bounce" the nugs on
Or are you saying to use a dry sift screen if you're just using personal stash nugs to make hash and if you're using trim and plant material then use bags?
Hey qwatch I think I told you basically the same thing on another forum :)

You sure can take a large amount of herb and run them over the screens and make some nice full melt dry sift. Poconoscreen.com has great prices for USA, not sure about elsewhere. Bubbleman sells some at a ridiculous markup which I would never recommend paying. All you need is 2 screens to start. 110 lpi on the top to separate plant matter from the trichomes, and 195/200 lpi screen on the bottom to separate the heads from the contaminant. *note LPI/mesh count is not to be confused with micron.

Mm that's good lookin stuff. Yeah you probably did. I'm not buying anymore toys until I have all my garden equipment. Then I'll have so much hash I won't even know what to do it. Thanks again. The dry ice method almost seems just like dry sift / ice water hash combined. Kind of best of both worlds. I don't think I could get could enough material here to do anything near that decent until I grow it myself.


Well-Known Member
just for the fun of it, heres an excellent breakdown from Nikka T. I just seen this video a week or two ago for the first time. I never met him but I see exactly eye to eye with almost everything he said in this video. Of course there are also other correct and different opinions and methods out there. More than one way to skin a cat.



Well-Known Member
The bold statement holds some truth but it's only telling half the story. A raw sift might have some more contaminant matter (micro plant bits and capitate stalks<<- the trichome stalk) but once given a single pass with the static parchment tech it's pretty damn close to full melt bubble.

If you grow yourself achieving full melt shouldn't be a problem. IDK if I just have a green thumb or what but I've been lucky in that I achieved full melt on my first attempt with bubblehash. I think working with good genetics has a part to do with it as well.
Yeah that dry sift of yours looks great. And I do grow my own, and the genetics are very good. I don't know if you've heard of Breeders Boutique but I just got with my second run of some of their gear. Very good stuff.

You metioned static parchment tech, could you explain what this is? Also you said you could get it close to full melt bubble, so does that mean full melt bubble is a superior product?

LIke I've said I am looking for quality or quantity, and I am looking for the method that will give me a cleaner, more pure, product. If that means extra steps and labor with the wash machine, bags, and drying/curing, that doesn't bother me.


Well-Known Member
Great tutorial!! Really helps.

Was leaning towards bubble, then dry sift, but think I'm going back to wanting my original choice.

The thing with dry sift is you need to slow dry your material at cold temps and low RH for a few weeks. Then cure at cold temps for a few months. So the waxy membranes dry up completely and do not oxidize. Other wise you will be lucky to get half melt.

When you make bubble. Imo fresh frozen material is better. You don't lose those mono terps. But you want your environment while making bubble to be cold as well. You don't need to dry your material in the same manner as you would for dry sift.