Synthetic vs Organic ..Why do ppl go the synthetic route?

Thats interesting i know they say having more sulfur in your soil in an available form is meant to increase thiol production too but i aint experimented with that all that much yet
I dont know everything on the subject but the plant has a different response to different stressors. When bugs are chomping on it, pathogens and fungi etc.. I know sulfur is also an important nutrient in thiol production and overall plant health in general. Some say sulfur is the 4th most important nutrient after NPK. Genetics are also a very important factor and how high the concentrations of thiols are when released hence why many super potent smelling strains have a higher resistance to pests and diseases. Im still learning and actually trying to mimic some natural stressors in my indoor environment to see if thiols are increased. This might sound crazy but for instance bugs eating the plants, how do i mimic that? So I took a paper hole punch and punched holes in a bunch of the leaves over the course of a couple days on one plant that is about a week from chop. Today is the first day of healing so we'll see how this experiment goes. Im doing it to a plant that doesnt smell very strong, its very light and fruity so I will notice right away if theres a difference.

I was reading an older thread somewhere and they were saying that a stressed cannabis plant will stink and happy cannabis plants smell fruity and light (see my signature).